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North America has not had an extremely cold winter in over 60 years. Only old people remember how cold the USA, for example, used to get. The new normal is warmer than the norm decades ago: most people living now have no memory of what the previous normal cold was, since they never experienced it.

Well, lets see. Being 77, I remember 4' of snow, I think it was on a Palm Sunday, but I also remember the dog days of August with 100+ degrees for a week. Now this was back in the 40's in Baltimore MD. This leads me to believe that man has little if anything to do with season changes. Frank five star.png
111-2 de Vinci.jpg

Apr 17, 2014
Tartarus Dorsa mountains
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We’re so self-important. Everybody’s going to save something now. “Save the trees, save the bees, save the whales, save those snails.” And the greatest arrogance of all: save the planet. Save the planet, we don’t even know how to take care of ourselves yet. I’m tired of this ****. I’m tired of f-ing Earth Day. I’m tired of these self-righteous environmentalists, these white, bourgeois liberals who think the only thing wrong with this country is that there aren’t enough bicycle paths. People trying to make the world safe for Volvos. Besides,environmentalists don’t give a **** about the planet. Not in the abstract they don’t. You know what they’re interested in? A clean place to live. Their own habitat. They’re worried that some day in the future they might be personally inconvenienced. Narrow, unenlightened self-interest doesn’t impress me.

The planet has been through a lot worse than us. Been through earthquakes, volcanoes, plate tectonics, continental drift, solar flares, sun spots, magnetic storms, the magnetic reversal of the poles … hundreds of thousands of years of bombardment by comets and asteroids and meteors, worldwide floods, tidal waves, worldwide fires, erosion, cosmic rays, recurring ice ages … And we think some plastic bags and some aluminum cans are going to make a difference? The planet isn’t going anywhere. WE are!

We’re going away. Pack your ****, folks. We’re going away. And we won’t leave much of a trace, either. Maybe a little Styrofoam … The planet’ll be here and we’ll be long gone. Just another failed mutation. Just another closed-end biological mistake. An evolutionary cul-de-sac. The planet’ll shake us off like a bad case of fleas.

The planet will be here for a long, long, LONG time after we’re gone, and it will heal itself, it will cleanse itself, ’cause that’s what it does. It’s a self-correcting system. The air and the water will recover, the earth will be renewed. And if it’s true that plastic is not degradable, well, the planet will simply incorporate plastic into a new paradigm: the earth plus plastic. The earth doesn’t share our prejudice toward plastic. Plastic came out of the earth. The earth probably sees plastic as just another one of its children. Could be the only reason the earth allowed us to be spawned from it in the first place. It wanted plastic for itself. Didn’t know how to make it. Needed us. Could be the answer to our age-old egocentric philosophical question, “Why are we here?”

That sums it up perfectly ..

Who is trying to save the planet, and from what? For me, it seems a good idea to not cause the environment to go out of the sweet spot for our healthy and comfortable existence, from whatever cause.


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Jul 27, 2006
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No politics please...

Posted From My $50 Tablet....


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Jul 27, 2006
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Well, lets see. Being 77, I remember 4' of snow, I think it was on a Palm Sunday, but I also remember the dog days of August with 100+ degrees for a week. Now this was back in the 40's in Baltimore MD. This leads me to believe that man has little if anything to do with season changes. Frank View attachment 1104468
View attachment 1104469

I remember Tampa being in the teens in early 60s, saw about .5-1" inch of snow in Tampa some places had more.

In 1899 there was a ocean front blizzard just north of Tampa caused by the bay......Orlando had 19 degrees in 1985....

Posted From My $50 Tablet....

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Gold Member
Sep 10, 2010
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Not sure I understand that post. What Desertphile said and was quoted seems to be making a science based point, if some one wants to challenge it why not do so based in science, rather than a fallacious approach like attempting to discredit by claiming it is political? Perhaps some find climate a matter of politics rather than science, but that does not make it so.

What am I missing here?

I answered you, and a mod took it down for being political, which it is. Pseudo science proven to be fake and phoney figures, and I'll have to stop there, because whether you think so or not, it's political and should be in the political forum. As far as science, here is a scientist with a different "scientific take on the subject that is taken from a "NewsMax" article.

Climatologist: 30-Year Cold Spell Strikes Earth
Sunday, November 16, 2014 07:46 PM
By: Clayton B. Reid
With nasty cold fronts thrusting an icy and early winter across the continental U.S. — along with last winter described by USA Today as "one of the snowiest, coldest, most miserable on record" — climatologist John L. Casey thinks the weather pattern is here to stay for decades to come.
In fact, Casey, a former space shuttle engineer and NASA consultant, is out with the provocative book "Dark Winter: How the Sun Is Causing a 30-Year Cold Spell," which warns that a radical shift in global climate is underway, and that Al Gore and other environmentalists have it completely wrong.
The earth, he says, is cooling, and cooling fast.
And unless the scientific community and political leaders act soon, cold, dark days are ahead.
Casey says the evidence is clear that the earth is rapidly growing colder because of diminished solar activity.
He says trends indicate we could be headed for colder temperatures similar to those seen in the late 1700s and early 1800s when the sun went into a "solar minimum" — a phenomenon with significantly reduced solar activity, including solar flares and sunspots.
If he's right, that would be very bad news.
"Dark Winter" posits that a 30-year period of cold has already begun. Frigid temperatures and the food shortages that inevitably result could lead to riots and chaos.
Casey tells Newsmax, "All you have to do is trust natural cycles and follow the facts, and that leads you to the inevitable conclusion that the sun controls the climate, and that a new cold era has begun."
Casey is president of the Space and Science Research Corp., an Orlando, Fla., climate research firm.
His new book debunks global warming orthodoxy. For more than a decade, he reports, the planet's oceans have been cooling. And since 2007, the atmospheric temperature has been cooling as well.
"The data is pretty solid," Casey says. "If you look at the 100-year global temperature chart, you look at the steep drop-off we've had since 2007. It's the steepest drop in global temperatures in the last hundred years."
So how can the media and scientific elites make a case for global warming when it's actually cooling?
Casey suggests climate-change theorists have simply wedded themselves to the wrong theory — namely, that global temperatures respond to the level of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere.

Any scientist suggesting otherwise is castigated as a heretic, though there are other prominent scientists who support Casey.
Noted Russian astrophysicist Habibullo I. Abdussamatov has argued that a new mini-ice age has begun, though Casey doesn't go that far.
He does agree with Abdussamatov that the real driver of global climate is solar activity, namely sunspots. These correspond to shifts in global temperature with a greater than 90 percent accuracy, he says.
The environmental left focuses instead on ever-rising greenhouse emissions, suggesting nature is just taking a bit of a breather before the upward march in temperatures ineluctably resumes.
"There are two fundamental flaws with that," Casey says. "No. 1, the greenhouse-gas theory, and the global climate models that they produced, never permitted a pause. As long as CO2 levels were going up, the only thing that could happen was global temperatures could go up. That has not happened.
"No. 2, there could absolutely be no cooling, much less a pause. And yet we've been cooling for 11 years now."
The recent polar vortex that sent temperatures across the Midwest plunging to sub-zero records is not an aberration, Casey says.
If "Dark Winter" is right, that means the nation is busily preparing for the wrong calamity.
"We don't have 10 years," Casey warns. "We've squandered during President Obama's administration eight years ... and we didn't have eight years to squander."
The worst of the cooling cycle, Casey predicts, will hit in the late 2020s and the early 2030s.
Food riots will break out, demand for heating oil will spike, and the failure of the corn crop will put the squeeze on ethanol.
He even predicts the United States will ban agricultural exports to feed its own citizens.
When Casey developed his theories in 2007, he emerged with several predictions.
Rising temperatures would begin to reverse themselves within three years. The sun would enter a phase of reduced activity he called "solar hibernation." And oceanic and atmospheric temperatures would enter a long decline.
So far, all of Casey's predictions have come true. He says, "My theory tells you when it will be cold ... and it is the cold that kills."
Casey also suggests that a long-term cold spell will have dire effects on the earth's geology.
As air and ocean temperatures cool, the earth's crust begins changing, leading to more volcanic activity and earthquakes. Casey notes that the worst earthquake to strike the continental U.S. in modern times was in 1812 in New Madrid, Missouri — during the last great solar minimum.
The climate changes also will affect human activity and may be a prelude to revolutionary politics. He says the French Revolution took place at the beginning of the last solar minimum in 1789.
"It could be one of the reasons Putin is so eager to get Ukraine," Casey says. "For many decades before Ukraine became independent, it was the primary source of wheat for the Soviet Union during cold weather times. Putin must have the wheat of Ukraine for the new cold era."
Casey has a worried look as he talks about the revelations in "Dark Winter."
"There is no human on earth, much less here in the U.S., who has experienced the depth and duration of cold we're about to experience — it's that serious," he says.

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Feb 23, 2011
S. Fl.
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Aawwww man,

I'm going to have to get a thicker wet suit. :laughing7:



Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
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it amazes me how quickly we forget the past in so many ways, even down here in Arkansas, people have forgotten that the Arkansas river has frozen over years ago. the terrible bitter winters were extremely hard times and it all seems to go in cycles with various natural occurrences (such as volcanic eruptions) altering the weather for even a few years or so.

Most Americans no longer know what a normal winter is like: people over the age of 30 have never experienced an average winter--- the new normal has been in place for longer than 30 years. When Americans complain about how cold it is, they don't realize it's warmer than it used to be.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
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Not sure I understand that post. What Desertphile said and was quoted seems to be making a science based point, if some one wants to challenge it why not do so based in science, rather than a fallacious approach like attempting to discredit by claiming it is political? Perhaps some find climate a matter of politics rather than science, but that does not make it so.

What am I missing here?

What I quoted is what the observed facts are, and what all of the world's scientists who work in the related venues agree upon. The jet stream has slowed down and elongated because of loss of Arctic sea ice, and humans are the cause. This is not a "political opinion:" it is the peer reviewed evidence-based conclusion of tens of thousands of scientists working in over 130 countries for over 50 years.

Meanwhile, Earth has not seen a record low temperature set since year 1907. Record high temperatures were set 17 times in the past 20 years, and every scientist in the world working in the related science venues agrees on why.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
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I don't buy the "Global Warming "..garbage. .George Carlin had an interesting quote on it..

Nobody cares if you "buy" reality and observed facts or not. Your acceptance of the truth is optional--- your participation in human-caused climate change is mandatory: you have no choice in the matter.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
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That's patent BS, it's not science, it's politics, and shouldn't be in this thread, try putting that crap in the political thread.

It's called "science." You don't have to like it or not: nobody cares if you do or not.


Full Member
Feb 17, 2013
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That's patent BS, it's not science, it's politics, and shouldn't be in this thread, try putting that crap in the political thread.

Huh? Someone stated he was cold; other people stated they were cold; one person stated, an observed fact, that parts of North America are colder than the long-term average; I explained why parts of North America are colder than the long-term average---- and you believe my stating the observed facts is "political?" Okay, I give up: in what was is my explaining what tens of thousands of scientists have observed and are observing "political?" Who got elected by my stating the observed facts?


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Sep 10, 2010
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Huh? Someone stated he was cold; other people stated they were cold; one person stated, an observed fact, that parts of North America are colder than the long-term average; I explained why parts of North America are colder than the long-term average---- and you believe my stating the observed facts is "political?" Okay, I give up: in what was is my explaining what tens of thousands of scientists have observed and are observing "political?" Who got elected by my stating the observed facts?
What about the tens of thousands of scientists that disagree with the ones that have used cooked figures and phoney computer models, (that's been proven) so they can collect their millions in grants. Big Al said there would be no Arctic ice by this year, and the ice has been expanding for several years. Earth climate goes through cycles, there has been cooling and heating from the beginning, including a mini ice age a couple of hundred years ago, and humans have had no affect on it, and they have no effect on it now. I posted a scientist that figures the earth is cooling, why do you discount that?


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Aug 27, 2012
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Don't worry about it, Dphile he is a troll and got banned for being passive aggressive and saying he wants people to die in said passive aggressive cry fest.


Bronze Member
Nov 15, 2012
Back to the guy with a furnace issue. Man that sucks how cold it is in your home. I live in Florida, I can say are summers may be blazing but the winters are just right. Maybe a little to warm this year.

sent from a sending device.


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Apr 30, 2012
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Yes it is cold down here ???

Some parts of the country reached Zero degrees :censored: :dontknow: Which are rare conditions , but this year , things are different .

I hope the summer for this year and the following years becoming more moderate , at least to metal detect for a 14 days ! :laughing7:


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Nov 21, 2013
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I've always wondered how some people can believe that we/humans can affect the weather patterns. HARP? I'm not that familiar with those folks, but if anyone has been affecting the weather, it's them. And I really wonder if they can actually affect it. Some people are just not smart enough to see through the crap that is being fed us by the idiots. Just my opinion, and I think I'm right.


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May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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I've always wondered how some people can believe that we/humans can affect the weather patterns. HARP? I'm not that familiar with those folks, but if anyone has been affecting the weather, it's them. And I really wonder if they can actually affect it. Some people are just not smart enough to see through the crap that is being fed us by the idiots. Just my opinion, and I think I'm right. may like this.

Owning the Weather in 2025: Still think they can?t alter the weather? | The PPJ Gazette


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Nov 21, 2013
Mountain Home, Idaho
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Yeah, Worldtalker, I've read a few other little blurbs about this. I hope they don't completely ruin our weather. But, I'm not talking about these people when I say 'we' aren't capable of changing the weather with our life styles. Our normal lives, everyday living habits, etc., I don't think are responsible for the weather changes. The nearest possibility of weather or atmospheric changes in my opinion, would be the automobile. There are so many of them, I might be made to believe the exhaust could cause some changes. It would, though, take a lot of evidence to make me believe that.
What Raytheon, the military, etc. is doing to try to cause weather changes is beyond my realm of knowledge. I've read some of the things they are trying to do. I can only hope they aren't capable of causing too much change. To me, it's quite scary! I would hope they were trying to make the weather better for us, but I'm almost certain they are doing it for military purposes. That's all we need now! Another weapon capable of causing weather disasters!!


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May 11, 2011
Western Mass.
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Yeah, Worldtalker, I've read a few other little blurbs about this. I hope they don't completely ruin our weather. But, I'm not talking about these people when I say 'we' aren't capable of changing the weather with our life styles. Our normal lives, everyday living habits, etc., I don't think are responsible for the weather changes. The nearest possibility of weather or atmospheric changes in my opinion, would be the automobile. There are so many of them, I might be made to believe the exhaust could cause some changes. It would, though, take a lot of evidence to make me believe that.
What Raytheon, the military, etc. is doing to try to cause weather changes is beyond my realm of knowledge. I've read some of the things they are trying to do. I can only hope they aren't capable of causing too much change. To me, it's quite scary! I would hope they were trying to make the weather better for us, but I'm almost certain they are doing it for military purposes. That's all we need now! Another weapon capable of causing weather disasters!!

They surely aren't doing it for 'our good'!

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