Treasure Clue, can you help?



I noticed sum intresting stuff today b4 i fell asleep in phsycs class, there seems to be writing on the tree stumps of the insdie front cover and back cover. Also just to point out this is 1 big image, just hold the pages up of the book and look at the picture.

1 more thing about the dragonfly with glasses, the glasses are clearly reflecting sumthing thats not in the picture.... any ideas???? Get back to me. for treasure trove discussion


Feb 26, 2005
Milkkanz - re: the dragonfly. On the inside cover he is wearing aviator rose-colored glasses. What you see in the lenses is simply a reflection of the what's actually in the picture. In the lens on your left you can see the bee's face and his eyes which look orange - red (lenses)+yellow(eyes) = orange eyes (reflection). You can also see his legs in reverse. The lens to your right shows part of the tree limb and the last three segments of the firefly's body. Again, red (lenses) + yellow (segments) = orange segments (reflection).? Remember the lenses are also slightly curved. I think MS has done a pretty good job showing this reflection.

The dragonfly doesn't have these aviator glasses on in the picture of the Linden stump, page 33, or in the picture with Yorah on page 101. Instead he has on green aviator goggles ? in both pictures. Perhaps this is to signify his going on and returning from a mission.

Hey Pancho - not only is Spider missing on the cover, so are Caterpillar, Firefly and Bee...what do you make of that? Personally, I don't think it is significant - I think the design on the cover is simply that. Rather than adding everything and making it appear crowded and cluttered, he just added some of the creatures to create interest and maintain the balance of the cover picture. However, if you see some significance I just wanted to point out the additional critters that are AWOL.

Even if you have really good eyes, which I don't, I believe anyone could benefit from using a magnifying glass in examining these pictures. There are some very subtle things that can be easily overlooked. I'm not suggesting every ink line is a clue, even though some are beginning to believe this - but there are some things that are small.

Personally I feel it's time to begin dissecting the text in as much detail as has been done to the illustrations.
"Anyone who can read can discover the exact location of each treasure - just the way one of the characters does in the story." It's not going to be easy and it's not all in the pictures either.



hey good job with the sunglasses man, i never even thought of that, and now that you say that, i can see it very easily, thanks for all the help, and i think the front cover is just an illustration also, i dont think it has much to do with the entire "treasure hunt", but hey, i could be wrong ;)



Regarding the ON (E) piece issue - I was positive it was one when I first looked at it although I always had a hard time really seeing the "E".? ?I settled that it was an "E" because that made the most sense.? Then everyone started questioning it and looking back - it really is VERY difficult to see a full "E" .
However - it is SOMETHING.? It does not just go to "with on piece".
It is either WITHON "A" PIECE or WITHON (some number?) PIECE .

I also think it is not part of ON - because it is on the other side of the vine from the other letters of WITH

Also regarding the FIVE TO A SIDE clue.? This can really go anywhere -? FIVE to HOW many SIDES?

2 sides = 10
3 sides = 15
4 sides = 20
and 5 sides = 25

AND remember we see this in TWO place -? In the puzzle put together on p59 AND when Zac has awoken from his dream and finds the square box - with other boxes in rows inside - five to a side (p87)

That has got to be key - and of course - the song the trees are singing.

Remember you can look for every little minuscule letter or picture but someplace it has to come down to a VERY specific location in a VERY specific place

I think it is almost 100% clear that "THE JEWELS ARE HIDDEN IN THE FOREST"? MS Tells you us so a number of times OVER and OVER -- DON"T MISS THE? OBVIOUS

What forest and where is specified in the text someplace.

I think the 5 to a side clue is the key and that there is a different, though similar solution on each of the pages with Fairies in letter boxes.



hi, i heard about this book today and im all excited about this because i think this is a great idea. now the problem: i live in germany, no way to get the bok, except for ebay. and i was wondering if anyone knows, where to get it as an ebook, for free, so to speak, since im not participating in the hunt anyways. i just have a lot of fun with the clues. so if you know anything, please let me know, thank you. later



i love this site and i am having soo much fun deciphering all the clues. when i first got the book i spent all night deciphering the poem on the borders only to find out that i was waaaaaaay behind. i am stilll wondering if that 5 to a side thing makes any sence.

My mother and i also believe there is one in the northern central us and we are both compelled to hear where you think there might be one. We live in missoula MT and if there is any token in MT or ID then my mother and I will be able to find them because she is hardware rep. and travels all time and knows these two states like the back of her hand. THanks Alot!!!!!! ;D



I am new to the site but I do have my kit. Does anyone hve the Pook toy? This may have been already discussed but here goes. The tag on the toy has the letters MYMRLYVR.

Just geeting your thoughts




I forget who it was, because the post in on a previous page, but someone claims to have found 4 more lines to the poem in the Nomenclature Book cover. I find that to be a dubious discovery only for the fact that the word system seems like an odd choice to use, and there are no other lines (unless they were also discovered), not mention a word in the English language, that rhymes with Stadther.

There is also the point to be made that it clearly states in the book that you do not need any special tools to decipher the clues in the book. Therefore, blowing up the page, and coloring it to bring out the words in not necessary to see whatever it has been claimed in that book cover.

This isn't a ploy to get you to reveal your findings, because if you have indeed found something, I'd keep it to myself as well. However, it doesn't sound like a legitimate discovery, again it's TOTALLY out of pattern. Why would MS put 4 lines on one page where he has only felt compelled to place single lines in more obvious, and artistic ways.

Speaking of questioning the information we already have, here are some lines that I find may be inaccurately reported. Please note that I am not saying they are wrong, I'm just saying I think they are inaccurate. Read into that however you will . . .

Treasures tweleve for you to keep.
An even code with one piece nary.
With name in hand the fairies know.
Seize your token and reach your goal.
The secret is not half but it is not whole.

I will also go on record as saying that there are probably more lines that are, as I say, inaccurate. I have little doubt this is what these lines say, I'm just saying that they are not accurately revealed. Sorry for being cryptic, but I'm almost certain (will hopefully be 100% later this evening) that there has been a misdirection, very likely unintentional, surrounding these poetic lines.

Finally, can someone please tell me where the line on page 66 begins? I have been crossing my eyes turning it around, looking in the mirror and every other which way, and cannot see this wording, even when I know what I am looking for!!!! ???



There is 1 thing about page 66- (the pink page).. THe words are there very easy to see once u get it down pat, but there not in order?????? IF the solution "With Names in hands the fareires know" is correct you would have to jump all around the page to make that sentence.... and unlike the other clues where you follow a simple trail, this one seems to jump all over the page:( I think there is sumthing were missing on this page, im going to start looking at it alot more carefully.




I would recommend going back to EVERY single line of the poem. I am planning on doing that tonight to get these things right, the poem is probably the single most important piece of this puzzle. I will post what I can when I find it, but there is a rabbit I am chasing at the moment that I want to catch before I reveal my thoughts on the matter.



I think the order and the words are correct on page 66. They are ordered in a way that they "grow" up two stalks of the plant with each part starting near the base or "root".




If thats so... then why is know in the bottom left??? If it would grow up the two stalks, know would be in the upper right of the page, and pancho i too am going to re evaluate all of the lines of this poem, i aslo believe there very important to solving the puzzle.

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I think it's good that you are skeptical. However, the entire page cover is covered with writing. The words rhyme with the same rhyme scheme as the rest of the poem. There is another word on the page that does rhyme with the next line. I did not include Stather's signature in the rhyme, just like we did not include it in any of the other poem lines on the pages with his signature. I am not trying to deceive anyone, just give some pointers. That's what we all are supposed to be doing, I thought. That the lines ARE important is, of course, my opinion, but he went to a lot of trouble to obscure them. Try doing what I said and see what you can uncover. Then you'll know for sure.



The four extra lines of poetry is what is throwing me off. You're looking at 30+ lines of poetry where only an apparent 27 are apparent. 28 if you include the nomenclature cover of course. Still, after that post, and a little though, I have no doubt you found something in that book cover.

Why the change of heart? Well, look at the first page of the chapter titled, The Dream, and I'd wager you're going to find more lines in much the same manner you discovered the text on the front cover.

I'll admittedly say that I see the SY of system, however, I am not sure if I am seeing that or an optical illusion created from you saying it, much like that Hill in NH tale we've been hearing about.

Happy hunting, and good work!



I am in Dallas, Texas. If anyone finds that a treasure is hidden around here and you are too far away to get it. I will sign a contract stating that it is your treasure and I will pick it up for you for $500. ::)



Cal- I've despeckled and improved the contrast of the Ye Nomenclature cover, but I haven't yet colored it in. The cover is now in 3 colors: red, white, and black/dark red. Which color(s) did you color in? Also, What color is the text in?



I still say the answer to this nomenclature cover does not require all this fanfare, although I am sure it does help! ;D

I'll be tackling the problem with a lupe. Those who are familiar with the print world will know what that is. It's basically a very high powered magnifying glass used to look at the orientation of dots on a printed page. Gives you an up close look at the page. Still, that should not be required either. It should only take the right amount of observation to find this hidden clue.



agreed, i dont think MS would expect everyone to have photoshop and know how to change RGB Colors and despeckle images ;) for treasure trove discussion

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