Trump to Declare National Emergency Today

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The constant parroting of the most extreme news headlines does very little to do anything but fan the flames and add anxiety to people already stressed out.
Most of us had VERY little faith in the truth and level of professional journalism put into these stories. Let's not start giving every headline credit it may not deserve.

I not saying we shouldn't share information, but we shouldn't let the media begin to affect our behavior so quickly.
Rumors and speculation are doing huge damage at this point in time. Even social media locally..people are spreading the rumor that the banks are failing and stores are not taking cash..completely false at this point in time. It will however perhaps become self fulfilling the more it is spread.

We should be planning on how we will be able to help each other and get through whatever hits us.

do you remember hurricane parties ?

Hey Bill, what they gonna do, kill us ?

Mom is 94, Me - i'm only 70 In my world the "others " can just go FO.....

DADS - what "they" do, or not, should be of little concern
for each of us will do what we are able

I know a few who care for their parents, still the norm here, and can only hope they can achieve some measure of isolation

Thread clean, please keep political comments out of thread, if anyone wants to make political statements join as Charter Member and go to our political forum, all other forums are off limits for political comments.

Here's a thought. When the Ebola virus broke out in Africa, authorities closed the schools. One result of this was 14000 pregnancies in a report this morning's paper. Little buggers had little else to do.
Being social animals, we have built a system where, unless your of the mind set of the Uni-bomber, we live together and survival outside of the system is almost impossible and not understanding this fact is fooling yourself.
But here's a ??? Who is better suited to survive, the toilet paper hoarders or those with no toilet paper. Obviously I'm using toilet paper as a metaphor. Our ethics, where ever they are birthed, tell us not to hoard. To be nice and share.
Hoarders might say forget ethics, I want to survive.
So gun and ammo sales are way up. My only conclusion is the hoarders locked and loaded and either believe they might be attacked expect or they might think they will be better prepared to raid the neighbors. If there are any of this mind set on this forum, tell me what your plans are.
Who believes civil unrest is possible? What's the stress test for unraveling?
Or are just going to have another Y2K. A fart in a windstorm?

I'm just rolling this over. I will probably run out of TP. So don't anyone raid my house as it will probably be empty.

Hey Marty, I'm still walking this Earth. I pray you will walk this earth for a very long time my friend, We are who we are my friend.....

I corrected typo, and I feel somewhat stupid, it may be a hoax guys, we're not sure yet.
Neighbor going to call her niece later. She could have got pranked....

Broward cases yesterday 80
todays cases 96

Dade cases yesterday 76
cases today 86

Total Fl cases yesterday 314
cases today 390

so even though Broward/Dade #'s didn't go up like yesterdays #'s,
statewide, were still up there and climbing...

Fl counter map link, takes a few seconds to load....

eta: when I went for bird food, I saw more LEO, than I think I
ever have, all around here, everywhere.
All different cities, on the move.
Not sure if it was just shift change, but we got cops all over the place down here, atm.
The fbi also arrested a Margate Fl cop yesterday, day before, for
something to do with kiddie porn.
Yep, I was a little shocked.

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Remember as more tests are given there will be increases in totals, it is only normal as many were there all along just not counted. It is like influenza, the total cases repirted by government are based on doctors, hospitals and health clinics numbers reported thousands upon thousands are never reported. The numbers that are important are the cases requiring hospitalization and the deaths. Many had it and sought no medical assistance thinking it was influenza.

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People try to blame the preppers for the shortages but the preppers already had their supplies long ago.
The people who are NOT prepared are the problem.
Now they race against each other and blame the preppers haha.

Hey Marty, I'm still walking this Earth. I pray you will walk this earth for a very long time my friend, We are who we are my friend.....

And Pat, what they gong to do? Kill me?

What ever.......

pat-tekker-cat, i remember that from back in 2017/18
aims of the Coronaviruses Group was ....
the invention was a method to Development of rationally
attenuated live vaccines for effective control of infectious
bronchitis for vaccine in fowl

found their patent
attenuated coronavirus for use as finding a vaccine

on a good note, i got my seeds today, the butcher says,can get
my meat next wed., havent figured out the outhouse, prob still
have time for that.
bad note cant get my hair cut,those are shut down,tat shops,banks
BMV, courts, and dewine is trying to keep our #s low, last count was
121, about half in hospital, death 1 or 2

Just watched a video on the Wuhan meat market, if you have a weak stomach Do Not watch it

i watched 1 or 2 back in jan. nasty stuff those wet markets

Remember as more tests are given there will be increases in totals, it is only normal as many were there all along just not counted. It is like influenza, the total cases reported by government are based on doctors, hospitals and health clinics numbers reported thousands upon thousands are never reported. The numbers that are important are the cases requiring hospitalization and the deaths. Many had it and sought no medical assistance thinking it was influenza.

The mortality rate keeps dropping as more people are testing positive.

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