Trump to Declare National Emergency Today

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Waiting for this 1

Just a note here: word is that there are phone and online scams going around where someone pretends to work for the government and tells you that you have been exposed. They then start mining for personal information.
I could see how this might be very effective considering the anxiety people are dealing with.

Don't fall for these scams. Hang up and call the health department directly if your concerned the call may have been legit,

Hoarding infers that you have more than you need and will not be sharing.
I suspect people will be helping each other out.

Was at the store yesterday and got a real good wiff of something bad. Turns out I was following someone that smelled like they stopped wiping. I just thought "what the heck is this world coming to?" Then snickered to myself about it.

Then today I got the same wiff in the god should I be asking if co workers have enough TP?

Hoarding infers that you have more than you need and will not be sharing.
I suspect people will be helping each other out.

Was at the store yesterday and got a real good wiff of something bad. Turns out I was following someone that smelled like they stopped wiping. I just thought "what the heck is this world coming to?" Then snickered to myself about it.

Then today I got the same wiff in the god should I be asking if co workers have enough TP?

Did you check the bottom of your shoe(s)?

Who needs toilet paper when you have a back yard and a hose.

Who needs toilet paper when you have a back yard and a hose.
As long as we are on a roll...(ya a pun)..when I was in the middle of trying to figure out some septic tank/leach field issues...I bought a 5 gallon bucket...a toilet lid...then secured a trash bag inside the bucket. Placed it along side my house and enjoyed my morning ritual while the freeway traffic zoomed by 3/4 mile away.
Very enjoyable till the weather warmed up (ya took me awhile to figure it out and replace the leach field).

Ok gotta go look at a clean clean up that is. Perfect timing.

Just watched a video on the Wuhan meat market, if you have a weak stomach Do Not watch it

Don't knock it. A nice filet of bat with a cherry glaze pared with a bottle of Chateau Lafitte.
But really we have the best food available in the world for most people here. I have also seen people in Africa and the bush meat markets because that's what's available. The First Nation's people in the 19th century often suffered from protein starvation. Following herds.Ya just can't live on roots.
In the book Kablona, about the Inawat )sp) people, a reindeer was shot. In the hide, flies will lay eggs. The hunter happily plucked out larvae and chucked it down. Probably like a grub worm, pure protein. Protein's protein I guess. Food prejudices are a curious thing because your body doesn't care.

I'll still pass on the bats.

Yeah I did that exact same thing...

When I lived in a van... Down by the river.


Such is living in rural areas with low population densities...your responsible for your water and waste. When one stops working...time to fix things. I’m pretty good with water. Waste is something somewhat more complex and expensive. When it stops working that’s it. Pony up $10k or do it your self. Then 10k becomes 1k

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Yeah I did that exact same thing...

When I lived in a van... Down by the river.


My 75 year old mother lives with me. If one of us gets sick, one of us, as in me, will have to live in the garage for a couple weeks or more,with no plumbing and only a single 120v outlet. It's a #%+€ state of things to be in and if you got a cabin or a van to hide out in, or to hide your sick in, more power to you IMO.

I had made a suggestion to someone...
There's going to be ppl that don't have a safe place to quarantine.
Such as your case, and I'm sure many others.

Why couldn't these empty hotels be used as quarantine facilities.
They're ALL empty ALL over the country!
No need to weigh our hospital resources down with sick ppl,
that just need somewhere to ride out 2 or 3 weeks?

The lobby/offices could be set-up for the medical personnel/supplies/equipment
The hotels should be clean, I see ppl cleaning like I've never seen b4 in my life!
Then those who just need quarantine vs. hospital care, can be cared for there.
Send the bill to china....
Wouldn't that be better than hauling fema trailers to national parks?

Oh, and here...
national-guard-chief-sees-tens-of-thousands-deployed-for-virus 3/19/20

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MANCHESTER, N.H. — Gov. Chris Sununu announced Tuesday new emergency orders intended to help people who are struggling financially during work slowdowns.

Effective immediately, utilities in the state are prohibited from disconnecting any homes or businesses throughout the duration of the emergency. The order applies to electricity, gas, any other fuels, phones, Internet, cable and water.

IMO... This should immediately be replicated nationwide.

San Francisco residents ordered to stay home "indefinitely".

Under threat of misdemeanor.

One family gathering leads to 7 infections... 4 of which have passed ...2 of which in their 50's.

or a feel-good red herring for the US news market ?
- being the Devil's Advocate here
lots of testing being done

re billing China; did the US ever pay for H1N1 ?

Peeps... take head on your pets as well... initially they said it might not effect them... but 2 pets have tested positive for low levels in Hong Kong... One of which has died.

The one that has passed was older... 17 yo Pomeranian.

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