Trump to Declare National Emergency Today

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Whats really funny about the whole mask thing is...

You go to store to buy a protective mask for whatever reason ... to protect you FROM INHALATION.

Yet... they claim that they actually work in reverse ? ? ? :/

So smoke is getting blown up some you know whats.

They are "particulate filters DESIGNED to keep things from entering... correct ? ? ?

Otherwise why buy or wear one ?

MAkes zero sense that they do protect.

Well they work both ways...primarily they trap water droplets contaminated with virus from becoming suspended in the air when an infected person talks, laughs, coughs, sneezes...then landing in someone’s face, landing on surfaces....if everyone wears them, it simply works.

I’m coming to the belief that the individual particle size of the virus has little to do with the effectiveness of any’s the size of the suspended droplet.

Sure a dried up droplet will shed the virus (be careful with reusing masks), but the big risk is breathing someone else’s air or getting sprayed.

Something to also understand...the N95 masks are only as effective like that because they are statically charged at the factory. Wash or wet them and they lose the charge.

Nobody has talked about how to charge home made masks yet...or how to recharge used N95 masks..

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I understand your frustration. We all have these built up expectations of what our government will do in an extreme situation. Remember these plans, guidelines, templates of how to react have been in development and relied upon for numerous decades.

If you have been to FEMA first responder training, you would know it is an extremely regimented protocol.

I’m not so sure a blanket stay at home order is the best tactic to use here considering it’s effectiveness so far and the fact that our country is so diverse.
I think increased testing, mandatory use of masks when not in your home, and continuation of elimination of group events is the best course. Closure of schools and daycare is likely essential. I also think our elderly and compromised should stay at home. I don’t support blanket government payments..we should be tactical about this.

I’m actually in favor of specific areas in the country returning to work IF those actions mentioned are taken.

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Like I mentioned before... I am just REALLY glad this is not something worse... like Ebola.

Imagine that hitting the States... and it almost did... Obama stopped it in it tracks from what I understand.

Anyone ever read up on Ebola ? ? ?

If that was this... we would be screwed... as the English say... "proper screwed".

Personally I think that every State should have strategically placed warehouses setup for this type of situation... or any other frigging disaster.

Which is what this basically has quickly become.

The voices in the Sams Club line rang so true... everyone agreed... WTF is up with being out or short of anything... let alone simple sanitary or medical items.

When this is said and done... we might even call this the "toilet paper virus" instead. heh

When this is said and done... we might even call this the "toilet paper virus" instead. heh

We have been walking a tightrope with our supply chain for some time. I remember watching a 60 minutes show years ago about what would happen if our supply chain was interrupted on a national scale. Millions would die..riots, etc. Most large box stores have a single days worth of essential goods in stock. If everyone decides to buy those items at the same time...instant shortages.
If people get sick on a widespread basis, we will have the same thing.

I gave some TP to a coworker yesterday because they were down to 4 rolls and had a family. Only gave them 4 rolls..but it bought them some time to find a place to buy some.

When this is said and done... we might even call this the "toilet paper virus" instead. heh

Still with the TP heh? Fortunately we haven't had any long-term shortages in my neck of the woods. Our friends a county over found some lavender-scented stuff.

For Breaking Bad fans:

Kindest regards,

We have figured out an essential good...toilet paper. Put that in your bug out bag!

We have figured out an essential good...toilet paper. Put that in your bug out bag!

Along with my five gallon bucket with medical chair toilet seat... great fror camping... great anytime.

Hang the TP roll off the wire handle.

Screw investing in stock... screw investing metals... screw investing in anything other than TP and wipes. :)

With all due respect IMAUDIGGER, my prepping was largely conducted leveraging the dollars of scarce items I sold to late-birds to fill out my own stockpile. If ya don't like it go vote Bernie lol.

I'm a dumb 33 year old (today's my birthday lol woohoo) with nothing beyond a high school diploma to support my endeavors. If it was 2nd nature to a saltblock like me then many others too should have sensed what was coming and liquidated/leveraged themselves into a secure position regardless of their humble position. I've been warning everyone I know since January and certainly don't expect anyone here to believe me, but I'm all in with silver and gold and there isn't much time left to get in before the next abysmal jobs numbers and trillions of stimulus roll out.

Sadly most people even now have scarcely a clue so it'll be a fun ride regardless, take care of yourselves please.

I have been a "semi" prepper for about 15+ years now... I hate being out of anything as it is.

I think it all started when I went to make coffee on a morning I REALLY needed it... and wahlah there was none...

Went to store... there were out of my brand... after finding it after some effot... I bought a solid months worth... and keep it rotated just like all the other items I use on the regular.

When I need something... its because I have taken it from my backup... NOT because I am almost out.

This also applies to TP... I buy it 24 - 4 packs... RV is also stash of TP an PT.

Who wants to go around with dingle-berries in a pinch ? heh

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With all due respect IMAUDIGGER, my prepping was largely conducted leveraging the dollars of scarce items I sold to late-birds to fill out my own stockpile. If ya don't like it go vote Bernie lol.

I'm a dumb 33 year old (today's my birthday lol woohoo) with nothing beyond a high school diploma to support my endeavors. If it was 2nd nature to a saltblock like me then many others too should have sensed what was coming and liquidated/leveraged themselves into a secure position regardless of their humble position. I've been warning everyone I know since January and certainly don't expect anyone here to believe me, but I'm all in with silver and gold and there isn't much time left to get in before the next abysmal jobs numbers and trillions of stimulus roll out.

Sadly most people even now have scarcely a clue so it'll be a fun ride regardless, take care of yourselves please.

OK read a little bit more into what I didn't say.

I'm not disparaging your preparedness. If what I said offended you, go figure.

At least your into Silver and gold at a time like this. Speaks volumes about your insight. Not everyone is prepared like that ; )

What Bernie has to do with it?? Got me.

No aggression on my part other than I was offended by your Bernie comment.

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Well they work both ways...primarily they trap water droplets contaminated with virus from becoming suspended in the air when an infected person talks, laughs, coughs, sneezes...then landing in someone’s face, landing on surfaces....if everyone wears them, it simply works.

I’m coming to the belief that the individual particle size of the virus has little to do with the effectiveness of any’s the size of the suspended droplet.

Sure a dried up droplet will shed the virus (be careful with reusing masks), but the big risk is breathing someone else’s air or getting sprayed.

Something to also understand...the N95 masks are only as effective like that because they are statically charged at the factory. Wash or wet them and they lose the charge.

Nobody has talked about how to charge home made masks yet...or how to recharge used N95 masks..
home made masks,boil them for 5 minutes in boiling water,dry repeat...I cant find any Masks were I live....<:((())>:clock:

home made masks,boil them for 5 minutes in boiling water,dry repeat...I cant find any Masks were I live....<:((())>:clock:

At this point, unless the gov, is distributing or very scarce supply of N95 masks for the next 1-1/2 to 2 years I predict. Government will be tying up contracts to refill their supplies.

There are some good scientific studies on how washing affects masks of all sorts. Generally it significantly reduces the effectiveness of all of them to trap the smallest of particles.

Spit flying outta your buddy’s mouth ( or yours). Probably work fine and definitely multitudes better than nothing.

I’d say hold some cloth or material up to a bright light to see how effective they will be. A coffee filter has a very even pattern of fairly large holes punched in it. I’m thinking some sort of cloth would be better.

I bet dollars to doughnuts...charging the filter would be significant.

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I saw where they said homemade masks were more effective the longer they were used.
You just had to use special protocol in putting them on your face each time (because they could be contaminated).

Where is our government (state and federal) in providing guidance (based on tax dollar studies)?.
I think we need to hold them a little more accountable as to what we expect as a society for our labor.

PS thanks for the liberty of being able to discuss this in this thread.

Apologies for my poor behavior, honestly I'm more terrified and alert than ever before and in retrospect have been being cruel and mean when objectively unwarranted and unfair. I'm sorry, but still on red alert.

Apologies for my poor behavior, honestly I'm more terrified and alert than ever before and in retrospect have been being cruel and mean when objectively unwarranted and unfair. I'm sorry, but still on red alert.

If there was no element of sarcasm in that...I view it as adding to your character as far as I’m concerned here. Hard telling on the internet what everyone really means.

Giving always feels good. Having a upper hand in this situation means you can help out family and elderly people.
That’s the only way we are going to get out of the worst case scenario. Granted you gotta be prepared for the lazy culls.

“Culls” look that one up...not many people get it.

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