TV show, Treasure Quest, season three: The Jesuit treasure of Sacambaya

It was intended to be vague, it has encrypted data

Yes it Does.
By Saint Ramon Lull. He wrote all the Treasure documents it seems as his name pops up in a few.
He's uses Castilian Bible Gematria and just like the stone maps it shows Longitude and Latitude of the Treasures Location. They already found it though.

Yes it Does.
By Saint Ramon Lull. He wrote all the Treasure documents it seems as his name pops up in a few.
He's uses Castilian Bible Gematria and just like the stone maps it shows Longitude and Latitude of the Treasures Location. They already found it though.
But...... didn’t he die in the early 1300’s?

But...... didn’t he die in the early 1300’s?

You're right, I got him mixed up with a later Saint Ramon. Saint Ramon Lull of the 1300's wrote the Ars Magna or coding for docs while the Later Saint Ramon probably wrote the Redotero's. The Later Saint Ramon I've only seen docs for from another Treasure Hunter of the Molina Doc which also has a reference to Saint Ramon. Ramon Lull wrote the coding or "Ars Magna" code wheels.

You're right, I got him mixed up with a later Saint Ramon. Saint Ramon Lull of the 1300's wrote the Ars Magna or coding for docs while the Later Saint Ramon probably wrote the Redotero's. The Later Saint Ramon I've only seen docs for from another Treasure Hunter of the Molina Doc which also has a reference to Saint Ramon. Ramon Lull wrote the coding or "Ars Magna" code wheels.
Fascinating, I have some reading to do....:occasion14:

They'll never find it because some Bloody Drunkin Englishman blew up all of the navagation markers back in the 20s or 30s. I read the books quite a while back and they were pretty much rubbish simply because anyone involved with it didn't know a Jesuit mine from their anal orfice. This guy they have now looking for it is a Grade A, Number One, Bonerfide Poser of the first order. Even if the markers were still there, and the trail was lined with ONE WAY signs, he would stay in his tent looking in the mirror. If anyone has found it, it would be the government there. That's why they let them search for it now, or, they are hoping they do find it so they can rush in, gut them and take it. Man, I ain't the smartest cat in the alley but I do know a dog when I see one.

Those markings are commonly found all around. They are part of the process o evaluation and marking by engineers and their teams. Seen in road making, oil industry, etc.

Hi, I have just watched this over the weekend and was amazed how it ended…

There has been no information on this since I looked up Shawn cowled the leader on the expedition and on his twitter it says he was under a NDA so can’t disclosure any information.

I am pretty sure they found the san Roman treasure vault but what happened next is anyone’s guess? What are your thoughts on this I mean they pulled coins from under there and then the video of the gold bar and that was the last we ever heard.

Do you think Shawn and the team made a deal with the govt or did the locals stop it or did they go back the next day and take what they could ? All seems very odd.

What are your thoughts ?

I know this is an old topic but very intriguing

I think it was a Archaeologist/Government Protected Site .
My guess The Production Crew gained Permission for them to dive, and handle the gold but had to return it to its resting place after .

Either that or it was a Legit Find , But still Archaeologist/Government Protected from leaving the Country.

& The Hunt was just a Scavenger Hunt created by the Producers . I Got that feeling when the guy found the clue
on top the rock. Made no sense for a direction Clue to be just laying there that long

I think it was a Archaeologist/Government Protected Site .
My guess The Production Crew gained Permission for them to dive, and handle the gold but had to return it to its resting place after .

Either that or it was a Legit Find , But still Archaeologist/Government Protected from leaving the Country.

& The Hunt was just a Scavenger Hunt created by the Producers . I Got that feeling when the guy found the clue
on top the rock. Made no sense for a direction Clue to be just laying there that long
Possibly it is a protected site, they must have had permission to dig I doubt they would let some americans just come in and dig big holes in the ground with a machine and so on..

Just strange how we have not heard anything since ?

Plus if the gold was really just 4 foot deep in the water it makes no sense for them to not go back and try to pull it out, maybe they went back on there own ? but then surely the would have needed the permission.

Really odd, we have not heard anything on social media from the team since then, seem to have just vanished.

Regarding the hunt, I think the piece they found with the three rivers symbol made them look elsewhere, I thought it looked pretty legit search.

gold bars,i would go back with pumps,helicopter in no roads,no river crossing.i would not sleep till i went back.its only four feet of water where they took the pictures,
anyone in the know have real time updates????
thanks brad
Exactly, I think they went back without the cameras.

It seems from the letter about the location it matches perfectly, I think in that cave there was various rooms they just found the most obvious.

It was described that there where huge high ceiling walls in the main entrance, I think if they drained all that water at the bottom would be where the loot or further rooms would be located.

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I hate to say it amigo. The show was just one big fraudulent BS act. Everything that film crew did in Bolivia was FAKE just pretend treasure hunt for entertainment purposes.

Shawn cowled cannot say anything as it all bull crap. Same as the earlier story of Snake island. Producers wrote everything. The NDA was not to speak out about all the bull crap they did.

2018, Season 1 and 2 expedition leader Cork Graham released the book So You Want to Be a "Reality" TV Star: Everything I Learned About Sex, Drugs, Fraud, Rock and Roll, and Vipers as Team Leader of Discovery Channel's Treasure Quest: Snake Island In it, he alleges that most of the episodes were heavily scripted and total BS.

Then the same producer did Sacambaya story rehiring actors to act out allegedly finding stuff by it was all pretend. For me he engaged in fraud. Because he made money selling a documentary that was all made up base on a treasure legend. but selling it as real search.

I was at the site in 1998. I got contacted by the producers and not time at all I knew they was full if. They was same producers of snake island BS. The bull crap that show came out with.

Anyone who has actually been to the site will laugh their ass off.

The whole treasure story was one lie after another. Looking into San Roman family the source of treasure story. Find the documents they do exist. Then you know everything about the story is total bull crap.

Save ya self the heart ache amigo.


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I hate to say it amigo. The show was just one big BS act. Everything that film crew did in Bolivia was FAKE just pretend treasure hunt for entertainment purposes.

I was at the site in 1998. I got contacted by the producers and not time at all I knew they was full if. They was same producers of snake island BS. The bull crap that show came out with.

Any who has actually been to the site will laugh their ass off.

The whole treasure story was one lie after another.

That's your opinion which is fair enough, I think it was legit until there is proof to prove otherwise.

The lead Shawn Cowles worked with Mel Fischer so he wasn't just some random dude, I agree the first season on snake island was terrible but this seemed believable.

Ah amigo I agree it seems all believable and that is magic spell they weave upon us. Its all too easy to get carried away with these treasure legends. I will put my hand up guilty as charged. I love all treasure tales amigo. I have traveled all over the globe investigating them long before all the you tube heroes came along. Yet I learned a thing or two over the last few decades.

Just because some knew some one means crap. Amigo. Every one claims they knew Mel fisher it means nothing. He is just a another hanger on.

There are a hell of a lot of those in the treasure hunting game. I have no vested interest in this. other than telling you that story was scam. My conscious is clear.

Glitter and Dust

I found documents that confirmed that is claimed in the of article. You can still see the actual documents in village Tarata where the following two people grew up.

The only person to have ever profited from the Sacambaya gold was a wily gentleman named Saavedra, who persuaded Bolivian dictator Mariano Melgarejo that he knew the location of the gold.

Saavedra and Melgarejo went to school together growing up they was both from the same village Tarata . Meljarejo was virtually illiterate thug and Saavedra was smart.

Melgarejo was said to have given an immense amount of land to Brazil in exchange for what he described as a "magnificent white horse"

Translate the name of hill where this alleged treasure was buried you get the joke. 'Horses vagina.' Saavedra The source of the Jesuit treasure story, family had lost thousands of acres from irrational decisions of Melgarejo

Melgarejo, who ruled from 1864 until his overthrow in 1871, was a corrupt tyrant nick named the "scourge of God" by his enemies. He was not a man to be trifled with, let alone cheated.

One historian marveled that Saavedra"must have been a great liar." Stimulated by Saavedra's Jesuit treasure tale, Melgarejo provided him with eight thousand pesos and a squad of soldiers to dig up the gold.

A day after arriving in Sacambaya,near Cochabamba, Saavedra disappeared along with the eight thousand pesos. It was the ultimate F You.

But the treasure scam lingered for a new generation to be broken by it. Corina San Roman who grew up also in Tarata found the parchment and had recently became a widow. She tried to sell it to Prodgers around 1909. either for him to pay for information or go shares in it. Prodgers said he would honor a share.

So thus started the modern line of English and American gringos such as Sanders who promoted it in 1930's connected to it.

There are books with all the names of Jesuits in south America we they came from where was trained and ordained. None of priests names connected to this scam existed. longer even before any such expulsion in 1767.

If there was any real treasure there I would be the first one to encourage and support you in the spirit adventure.

Your are free too believe in what you want to also. Don't even take my word for it. Do your own research, its called Due diligence! Don't come crying when ya get fingers burnt.

I have no doubt you will have great adventure digging in the horses Vagina. But you will have no treasure amigo, only lessons hard learned.

It is your life your delusion.


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Ah amigo I agree it seems all believable and that is magic spell they weave upon us. Its all too easy to get carried away with these treasure legends. I will put my hand up guilty as charged. I love all treasure tales amigo. I have traveled all over the glob invigilating them long before all the you tube heroes came along. Yet I learned a thing or two over the last few decades.

Just because some knew some one means crap. Amigo. Every one claims they knew Mel fisher it means nothing. He is just a another hanger on.

There are a hell of a lot of those in the treasure hunting game. I have no vested interest in this. other than telling you that story was scam. My conscious is clear.

Glitter and Dust

I found documents that confirmed that is claimed in the of article. You can still see the actual documents in village Tarata where the following two people grew up.

The only person to have ever profited from the Sacambaya gold was a wily gentleman named Saavedra, who persuaded Bolivian dictator Mariano Melgarejo that he knew the location of the gold.

Saavedra and Melgarejo went to school together growing up they was both from the same village Tarata . Meljarejo was virtually illiterate thug and Saavedra was smart.

Melgarejo was said to have given an immense amount of land to Brazil in exchange for what he described as a "magnificent white horse"

Translate the name of hill where this alleged treasure was buried you get the joke. 'Horses vagina.' Saavedra The source of the Jesuit treasure story, family had lost thousands of acres from irrational decisions of Melgarejo

Melgarejo, who ruled from 1864 until his overthrow in 1871, was a corrupt tyrant nick named the "scourge of God" by his enemies. He was not a man to be trifled with, let alone cheated.

One historian marveled that Saavedra"must have been a great liar." Stimulated by Saavedra's Jesuit treasure tale, Melgarejo provided him with eight thousand pesos and a squad of soldiers to dig up the gold.

A day after arriving in Sacambaya,near Cochabamba, Saavedra disappeared along with the eight thousand pesos. It was the ultimate F You.

But the treasure scam lingered for a new generation to be broken by it. Corina San Roman who grew up also in Tarata found the parchment and had recently became a widow. She tried to sell it to Prodgers around 1909. either for him to pay for information or go shares in it. Prodgers said he would honor a share.

So thus started the modern line of english and American gringos such as Sanders who promoted it in 1930's connected to it.

There are books will all the names of Jesuits in south America we they came from where was trained and ordained. None of priests names connected to this scam existed. longer even before any such expulsion in 1767.

If there was any real treasure there I would be the first one to encourage and support you in the spirit adventure.

Your are free too believe in what you want to also. Don't even take my word for it. Do your own research, its called Due diligence! Don't come crying when ya get fingers burnt.

I have no doubt you will have great adventure digging in the horses Vagina. But you will no treasure amigo, only lessons hard learned.

It is your life your delusion.

Thanks for your input but you have not provided any proof, so I will go with what I have seen on the show "Amigo".

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