
This morning was our 6th day on vacation and when I got up at 6am it was raining like crazy! I almost rolled over and went back to sleep but decided the beach was where I needed to be. I figured since I had my new Excaliber II it was waterproof so what the heck. I hunted for about 2 hours and came up with lots of change, 2 earrings, and my first engraved 14K gold wedding band, My sixth ring this week. I noticed it was engraved with their names and the date of their wedding, plus "I love you". Pretty cool. I decided to try and locate the owners as I found it in a resort area, close to a hotel. My son and I went to the closest houses, then the hotel. Spent about an hour doing this... The lady at the hotel desk thought I was going to just leave it with her as they had a supposed report of a missing ring. After checking with housekeeping, and no one really willing to talk to me, I decided to leave my name and phone number with instructions to have the people missing a ring contact me. If they ever contact me, I'm sure they will be able to describe certain identifying marks on it. I am hoping to return it to its rightful owner.
Went out this evening for an hour and took my nine year old son. We hunted behind two hotels on the beach and were there a short time when I saw a lady approach my son and was talking to him. I figured she was asking him what we usually find but soon I saw him follow her to an area and he started looking with my DFX. I started working that way but within minutes she started screaming at the top of her lungs and jumping up and down, Everyone started looking trying to figure out what in the world was wrong with her. :icon_scratch: The next thing I knew she was hugging my son like their was no tomorrow. By this time I had gotten there and after watching her cry and hug my son a dozen more times she finally was able to explain she had lost her keys the day before and was suppose to leave headed back to Pennsylvania but was forced to stay another night. She had us go with her to show her husband we had found them and after a few more hugs I decided to take her picture with my son so that he could look back later in life and remember how it helped someone out. All evening he has mentioned over and over that he was happy he found them for the lady and now he's talking about getting up early with me to hit the beach again. I can tell now that he is hooked just like his daddy... ;D ;D ;D


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Man, his karma level just shot through the roof! Way to go!

Wow, sounds like you had an awesome day! much more than i can report. the ring looks awesome! theyve been married about 7 months less than ive been around, im sure that ring means a lot to them, and I hope you are able to find the rightful owners

Awseome job!!! Glad he was able to find her keys!!! :thumbsup:
Oh yea, he is hooked for life!!!! :icon_pirat:

the stories and people on this site are amazing! i'm glad to hear there are still good people out there doing the right things. man, i'm glad to be part of this site! :thumbsup:

Congrat's on the ring T and to your Son for a job well done......Great story guy's!!! :thumbsup:

Awesome job! An experience like that should ensure that he's going to be doing this for many, many more years to come! What a great story! :thumbsup:

Little buddy, your a hero to many now! :thumbsup: The look on that womans face says it all, you saved the day!

Good luck on findiing the owner of the wedding band.

Cool beans, any time you can help others with this hobby is a great feeling and makes everything else worthwhile. Way to go dude! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: :thumbsup:

That's a great story.

I bet he never forgets how happy he made someone by doing something nice.
Give him a high five from me.

with you giving up the wedding band back to its owners and the son finding the keys --its metal detecting super heros to the rescue --- look its SUPER BEEP and BEEP boy --- action figures to come out soon --- LOL --gotta love those "thank god" moments --- to rekey her car to drive home would be both time and big bucks -- and a 14 k wedding band is not cheap either plus the "original"one is "special"--- good deeds all around.---tales of your kindess will be told for years to come

yeh jr is "hooked" --- he's got the "oh ya I'm da man" hero gleam in his eye--- with the keys "dangling" off his finger tip so "joe cool" style --her eyes look puffy from crying too -- you need a 8 x 10 made of that and put in your sons room --it will remind him of how it feels to do good things rather than bad -- important as they grow up to reinforce good things like that.

A Priceless Moment. I agree get the picture blown up and framed. Whenever he feels down all he has to do is look at that picture and it will flood him with good memories. Good Luck on finding the owner of the ring. If you can get a picture of that also and post. You both make us proud.

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