user manual pdf-1000


Sep 29, 2011
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
user manual pdf-1000

Hi friends
I need manual of pdf-1000 ( or Millennium-2000
vector trek company don't send these manual for me befor buying them, but I need to know how thay are working befor i pay my mony.
anyone who have Each of them, please send to : [email protected]

Re: user manual pdf-1000

SWR said:
gabriel2011 said:
but I need to know how thay are working befor i pay my mony.

"They" don't work. It's dowsing.

which lrl is good? do you propose?
However anyone send manual of pdf-1000 to me, i pray him.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Gabriel, you don't need the manual. All you need to know is what LRL's are-- dowsing rods (good ones commercial available for well under $100, or make your own) with fraudulent electronic stuff added to jack up the price usually into the several thousand dollar range.

I'm not saying that you should get into dowsing. Most people shouldn't.


Re: user manual pdf-1000

then how can i explore and find gold and silver targets FROM AWAY? is there device that it does this work?
also i must say that my friend found ancient gold objects several times with by her lrl(her lrl was tiger made of usa). her success was chancy?

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Gab, were are you from. Your english is very broken. It shows USA, however your wording sounds like English is your second language or use of a translator. OR does tnet translate between languages?

Re: user manual pdf-1000

werleibr said:
Gab, were are you from. Your english is very broken. It shows USA, however your wording sounds like English is your second language or use of a translator. OR does tnet translate between languages?

excuse me, yes my english is bad so i use translator. i am from middle east.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

gabriel2011 said:
werleibr said:
Gab, were are you from. Your english is very broken. It shows USA, however your wording sounds like English is your second language or use of a translator. OR does tnet translate between languages?

excuse me, yes my english is bad so i use translator. i am from middle east.
Very nice.. Enjoy T-net.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Hey gabriel2011..The Millennium-2000 Uses rods to locate the signal and follow it...The rods will work for most people...Here is the way you can see if the rods will work..

I never thought much about how I hold my Rods. This is how I hold them. I place the top part of the handle in the crease of the big knuckle of my index finger about a 1/2 inch from the bend of the rod. I place the lower part of the rod in the crease that goes all the way thought my hand. I close my hand lightly with my thumb touching the nail of my index finger. Now move your arm back and forth. The rod should move freely....I thought everyone had wire coat hangers until someone e-mailed me and ask where they could buy them. Just go to an auto shop or about anywhere they wear uniforms.

To make the L rods cut two hangers at the neck and straighten them. Make the handles 5" long and the long side 17"making sure that the handles are free of the old bends. Remember that these L Rods are not very sensitive but will react to a lot of different objects.

The first step is to simply take the receiving rods in your hands. Feel them: look at them: and get used to them. Outside is best for practice but inside will work. Hold the receiving rods in front of you-chest high-about 18" apart at the same height, parallel to each other and to the ground. It is best if one of the rods is one inch above the other so they won't touch each other when they cross.
The most important thing for you to do is practice a lot. Expect the rods to feel clumsy at first; awkward. The wind may blow them around somewhat. Sometimes they will swing outward too far, but don't get discouraged because we all have gone through this experience. If the rods aren't level at all times or they move a bit, don't worry. It is not that critical. After you have some practice and start working with the system, you will be able to take a set of rods in your hands and make them work properly for you in the wind, dodging trees, rocks, or any obstacles you may encounter.

Locate your power line to your house either overhead or under ground. Slowly walk toward the lines with the rods open. Before you get to them the rods should close. Start walking again and the rods will open and close again after you go passed the lines.

Now stretch your garden hose out and turn the water on. Your rods should close when your heel is on the hose. Now get a good size piece of steel.( I use an old lawn mower blade ) Walk slowly toward the steel and again the rods should close when your heels are on the steel.

The power lines put out an oval signal where the hose and the steel put out straight lines. Some thing to remember is that there is random signal lines so if your rods should close when they should not just ignore them for now.
Now collect a large nut or bolt, a penny, nickel, quarter and a piece of gold. Find a place that is at least 15 feet square. Walk slowly around this area and see if the rods close. I use my driveway and I have a gold signal that crosses it.
Now put the nut or bolt in the center and walk slowly toward it. As you approach the target slide your feet an inch at a time. When the rods close completely your heels will be on or beside the target. Repeat with the other objects. The rods should close on all these objects.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Hey gabriel2011...I own a Si-Go..I had a treasure in a location that I needed the Si-Go to get to it. I traveled to Bob’s shop to make sure that it would do what I wanted it to...I had no problems recovering the treasure with 4 inch rods and the unit in a back pack.
The Rayfinder and Spectra look good in the video and on paper but you have to be careful and be a good consumer...Their shop is a lot closer than Treasurenows... Arrange to go there if possible and get a hands on test..Art

Re: user manual pdf-1000

They (aarthrj3811) are not confirming Millennium-200, as they have never used one. They (aarthrj3811) are simply trying to interject their philosophy about dowsing.

You Are correct about me not using a Millennium 200 but I have use another of their products that worked great..And yes I have no problem with dowsing. Some LRL’s will give more information..

They (aarthj3811) have not used a "rayfinder" either. They are simply posting an opinion about something they have never used before.

Gee SWR...I told him to be careful and how to become an informed consumer...You have not added anything to this thread as usual...Art

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Hey friends, i know that metal detectors (For example, puls induection lorenz deepmax X series) are good and exact units.and lrls have fals signals a lot of. percent of hop lrls is very low ( perhaps 5% = from 100 times detection, 5 times is right). also MDs are slow for searching of wide field. if we use both together, we can search wide field with good lrl very fast. after it detect something we go on this point and use MD for determine and distinguish claim of lrl.if claim of lrl is right then md detect target too. else md reject this claim and we leave this point. i think this method is beter than we search 300m*300m field with a MD because is very time-consuming.
anybody is that he know a good and exact lrl and Propose it?

Re: user manual pdf-1000

Hey friends, i know that metal detectors (For example, puls induection lorenz deepmax X series) are good and exact units.and lrls have fals signals a lot of. percent of hop lrls is very low ( perhaps 5% = from 100 times detection, 5 times is right). also MDs are slow for searching of wide field. if we use both together, we can search wide field with good lrl very fast. after it detect something we go on this point and use MD for determine and distinguish claim of lrl.if claim of lrl is right then md detect target too. else md reject this claim and we leave this point. i think this method is beter than we search 300m*300m field with a MD because is very time-consuming.
anybody is that he know a good and exact lrl and Propose it?

Yes you are correct...You may even want to check the signal line produced by the LRL with the metal dectector as I know people who follow the signal that way...Art

Re: user manual pdf-1000

SWR said:
gabriel2011 said:
thanks aarthrj3811. so you confirm Millennium-200 by fitzgeralds. were you successful with fitzgeralds equipments?
what is your opinion for rayfinder ( or spectra ( lrls?

They (aarthrj3811) are not confirming Millennium-200, as they have never used one. They (aarthrj3811) are simply trying to interject their philosophy about dowsing.

They (aarthj3811) have not used a "rayfinder" either. They are simply posting an opinion about something they have never used before.

Now why is it that no one should believe Art because he hasn't used one...but you admit to never using LRL's and still say they are fake?

Re: user manual pdf-1000

SWR said:
EddieR said:
SWR said:
gabriel2011 said:
thanks aarthrj3811. so you confirm Millennium-200 by fitzgeralds. were you successful with fitzgeralds equipments?
what is your opinion for rayfinder ( or spectra ( lrls?

They (aarthrj3811) are not confirming Millennium-200, as they have never used one. They (aarthrj3811) are simply trying to interject their philosophy about dowsing.

They (aarthj3811) have not used a "rayfinder" either. They are simply posting an opinion about something they have never used before.

Now why is it that no one should believe Art because he hasn't used one...but you admit to never using LRL's and still say they are fake?

Where did SWR type "no one should believe Art"?

Not only are you a hypocrite... but, fabricate (lie) about things people post.

Oh yeah... I've never shot heroin into my arm, or snorted cocaine... but, I can still say drugs are bad. Why is that :tard:

Have you not inferred over and over that Art was not to be trusted? Yes or No? Simple answer, just a yes or no. Should we trust Art? Yes or no? Should we take Art at his word? Yes or No?

Now we will see who lies.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

EddieR said:
Have you not inferred over and over that Art was not to be trusted? Yes or No? Simple answer, just a yes or no. Should we trust Art? Yes or no? Should we take Art at his word? Yes or No?

I don't recall every post that SWR has made, but as for myself, I can tell you outright whether Art should be trusted or not.

1. He makes totally unsubstantiated claims.
2. He continually repeats the same claims, after they have solidly been proven false.
3. He has been caught posting faked photos and videos.
4. He makes up nonsensical excuses for his absolute refusal to prove any of his claims.
5. He continually resorts to insulting anyone who doesn't "believe" in his claims.
6. He fits the common pattern of all con artists, in any field, to a "T."

My answer is "no, he should not be trusted."

Can you give even one reason why he should be trusted?


Re: user manual pdf-1000

Do I trust Art? Do I take Art as his word? No, I do not trust Art, or take their word for anything after the photoshopped picture of the gold pan and the video of them "finding" a shiny silver dollar hidden under a rock.
Thank you SWR.. It is not our fault that your eyes a so easily deceived..Could you please tell us what this has to do with the subject user manual pdf-1000

Re: user manual pdf-1000

aarthrj3811 said:
Do I trust Art? Do I take Art as his word? No, I do not trust Art, or take their word for anything after the photoshopped picture of the gold pan and the video of them "finding" a shiny silver dollar hidden under a rock.
Thank you SWR.. It is not our fault that your eyes a so easily deceived..Could you please tell us what this has to do with the subject user manual pdf-1000

You should be asking EddieR, because he's the one who asked the question.

Re: user manual pdf-1000

EE THr said:
aarthrj3811 said:
Do I trust Art? Do I take Art as his word? No, I do not trust Art, or take their word for anything after the photoshopped picture of the gold pan and the video of them "finding" a shiny silver dollar hidden under a rock.
Thank you SWR.. It is not our fault that your eyes a so easily deceived..Could you please tell us what this has to do with the subject user manual pdf-1000

You should be asking EddieR, because he's the one who asked the question.

In response to SWR's post about Art.

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