WATCH: American Dependency: “Give Me My Food Stamps” -

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happen to go to the SS office today for a letter either everyone found the fountain of youth or you can be in your 40's or younger to collect and you don't even have to speak English.

What do you call it when someone proclaims that people should be "forced" to do something? For someone who stands for freedom (TH), this isnt a very free thing to say now is it?

Again JB, sorry if my feeling people should have to earn the money they are given offends you, can you imagine the concept, people actually having to earn what they are given.....

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Look at it this way.....they have the freedom not to work, and not be forced to.....yet I am forced to pay taxes to pay their entitlements....Now ben, I suppose you think that is fair? I was brought up to be self-sufficient, and that charity begins at home....By the way, we are also entitled to fail, Henry Ford once said that ," Failure is just a reason to do it over with intelligence" But now we just turn to the all powerful Govt. and hold our hands out, and cry foul.....where is the pride and honor in that. Must be you have a different upbringing, one that I'm glad was not in my family's nature.....Gary

Look at it this way.....they have the freedom not to work, and not be forced to.....yet I am forced to pay taxes to pay their entitlements....Now ben, I suppose you think that is fair? I was brought up to be self-sufficient, and that charity begins at home....By the way, we are also entitled to fail, Henry Ford once said that ," Failure is just a reason to do it over with intelligence" But now we just turn to the all powerful Govt. and hold our hands out, and cry foul.....where is the pride and honor in that. Must be you have a different upbringing, one that I'm glad was not in my family's nature.....Gary

Not sure why you bring my "upbringing" into question. I consider that a personal attack against my family's character and I do not appreciate it.

My political views/statements should not be used to judge my character. Keep in mind that you do not know anything about my life. No one in my family has ever once asked for a handout of any kind, thank you very much.

You know what's gonna hurt a lot of you guys in the end is when things go way south on you, when you fall prey to a bad health issue, or you have your pension stripped from you like happens a lot nowadays, or you lose everything, then end up like me and my wife did, we had a great financially secure middle class life, nice home nice cars, now after MS crippled my wife, My mind is gone, yeah now we live in a trailer park, on food stamps and social security, which ain't worth a sh!t, I don't have a pot to piss in.
For the Obama haters, I tell you the Obama care is the only hope my wife has left, insurance companies want us to pay 700 bucks a month for their discount card, its not really health insurance anymore, but where in the hell will we get 700 a month ? It don't grow on trees, but thanks to obamacare, my wife will get the care she deserves, and we both paid in tons of taxes before the illness.
So my point is, y'all had better be thank full for what you have now, for tomorrow you may have nothing, and at that point you will either starve to death or say where are my food stamps, because even with social security, meds are crazy expensive, without the stamps you WILL have to choose between food or meds that month..better think about what I just typed long and hard.



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Mike, thank you for saying that.

I'm sorry to hear about your wife.

It is a shame that in the "best country in the world" that this still happens to people. People can live the American Dream one day and end up broke and broken the next - through no fault of their own.

You know what's gonna hurt a lot of you guys in the end is when things go way south on you, when you fall prey to a bad health issue, or you have your pension stripped from you like happens a lot nowadays, or you lose everything, then end up like me and my wife did, we had a great financially secure middle class life, nice home nice cars, now after MS crippled my wife, My mind is gone, yeah now we live in a trailer park, on food stamps and social security, which ain't worth a sh!t, I don't have a pot to piss in.
For the Obama haters, I tell you the Obama care is the only hope my wife has left, insurance companies want us to pay 700 bucks a month for their discount card, its not really health insurance anymore, but where in the hell will we get 700 a month ? It don't grow on trees, but thanks to obamacare, my wife will get the care she deserves, and we both paid in tons of taxes before the illness.
So my point is, y'all had better be thank full for what you have now, for tomorrow you may have nothing, and at that point you will either starve to death or say where are my food stamps, because even with social security, meds are crazy expensive, without the stamps you WILL have to choose between food or meds that month..better think about what I just typed long and hard.



Mike I have already been there. I lost about 300k in retirement when worldcom went bankrupt along with my job.

I was basically unemployed working odd jobs for over 2 years paying medical out of my pocket. I did not apply for welfare or food stamps.

As far as this thread and 2nd amendment goes, the purpose of 2nd amendment is to defend ourselves from government tyranny and any thing that fits in that category fits here.

If members have issue with threads and rules handle it through pm and mod, not on forums.

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BC1969, you are right, that life can suddenly throw some bad juju ones' way, and then, how ya gonna act about it(?). If one has never been truly homeless, hungry, with only the shirt on his/her back, its pretty hard to imagine, how society and ppl will and do, turn their backs so callously. I too, know these things from firsthand experience, been there, and was very grateful to pull myself out of it! You have no idea, how thankful I am for good health, and I am sorry your household has tremendous hurdles, at this time. I am a firm believer in overcoming adversities...... as I have had to do all my life........ as I am sure you and your will be able to also. Bless you both.

There is a fellow member, whose signature I try to never forget. The good ppl of this nation do and are attempting to do the right thing by those in need in our country. Sad to say, those that know how to abuse the system and are not hindered in some way, seem to be able to rush to the forward of the line, get away with fraud, and take from the hands and mouths of those, that may not be as quick or educated, in how the system works. I may not have a perfect answer, but I do know there are those in the system, that do care and reach out to go above and beyond, to try and make a difference for the better. Even they, get emotionally fatigued and overcome, by the sheer number of our sick, elderly, and truly needy, that just keep flooding in.
Some take their health welfare jobs and roles to heart and very seriously! There is also those, that are just there to do as little as possible and get a paycheck.
We need a better "check and balance" system in our welfare systems, but I don't know who, is truly caring in heart, to make that difference or make it matter. We need to pay our social workers, teachers, police, and firemen, they salaries that pro sports players, big business ceo's, and bankers make, maybe THEN, we could buy someone who would care! Thank you for your words bc1969.

The Essence of Compassion

"Resolve to be tender with the young, Compassionate with the aged,
Sympathetic with the striving and tolerant of the weak and wrong......
...... because sometime in your life you have been guilty of all of these."

I do not have any issue with the thread, was just stating that obamacare and food stamps, have nothing to do with the second amendment.
Hey its not me, it says it right on the forum header.

Please keep all discussions specifically related to the 2nd Amendment. We do not want other political discussions in here.

That was my point, guess I could have pointed that out.
I'm sorry you lost all that money TreasureHunter, but what if you could not work anymore ?

I do not have any issue with the thread, was just stating that obamacare and food stamps, have nothing to do with the second amendment.
Hey its not me, it says it right on the forum header.

Please keep all discussions specifically related to the 2nd Amendment. We do not want other political discussions in here.

That was my point, guess I could have pointed that out.
I'm sorry you lost all that money TreasureHunter, but what if you could not work anymore ?

I disagree since the government has no business being in the insurance business, obcare is being crammed down our throats. I see it and the welfare system as gov corruption, there is no checks and balances on it is strictly hand it out.....

ob has not turned in a single budget since taking office, we are at 17 trillion in debt and climbing, gov can't balance a budget and people want to put them in charge of our healthcare.......:banghead:

It is like going to a crooked CPA and saying please do my bypass heart surgery.... Makes no sense...

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17 billion deficit ehh well thank the presidents that came before him for that, weapons of mass deficit that Saddam had..bleh where are they I never seen any, and bin laden ? Buried at sea ? Yeah right, they never found him and never will, a man on the run with no means will be caught sooner or later, a billionaire on the run,..he is probably living in Cali somewhere, I have the video of them hanging Saddam, for what ? He only killed his own people, now a guy brings down buildings on our soil, kills 3 thousand Americans..and they bury at sea ?? Hope anybody with a brain does not believe that hogwash.

And I am willing to bet my left arm had Obama been a lighter shade than what he is, 99% of the people that hate him, would love him.
Things are the way they are with the gov, nothing will ever change, it comes down to love it or leave it...I love my country and would do anything asked to defend it, I just don't like the people that run it, but until the day comes that I am a billionaire and can pad pockets, then my opinion or my liberties matter not.
That's all I have to say about that.

17 billion deficit ehh well thank the presidents that came before him for that, weapons of mass deficit that Saddam had..bleh where are they I never seen any, and bin laden ? Buried at sea ? Yeah right, they never found him and never will, a man on the run with no means will be caught sooner or later, a billionaire on the run,..he is probably living in Cali somewhere, I have the video of them hanging Saddam, for what ? He only killed his own people, now a guy brings down buildings on our soil, kills 3 thousand Americans..and they bury at sea ?? Hope anybody with a brain does not believe that hogwash.

And I am willing to bet my left arm had Obama been a lighter shade than what he is, 99% of the people that hate him, would love him.
Things are the way they are with the gov, nothing will ever change, it comes down to love it or leave it...I love my country and would do anything asked to defend it, I just don't like the people that run it, but until the day comes that I am a billionaire and can pad pockets, then my opinion or my liberties matter not.
That's all I have to say about that.

Keep race out of it...... How many times have we said it has nothing to do with race.... I bet 99% of conservatives here would have voted for Herman Cain if he ran against ob....

National debt was 10 trillion when ob took office so it has risen 60% just under his leadership and still rising..

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17 billion deficit ehh well thank the presidents that came before him for that, weapons of mass deficit that Saddam had..bleh where are they I never seen any, and bin laden ? Buried at sea ? Yeah right, they never found him and never will, a man on the run with no means will be caught sooner or later, a billionaire on the run,..he is probably living in Cali somewhere, I have the video of them hanging Saddam, for what ? He only killed his own people, now a guy brings down buildings on our soil, kills 3 thousand Americans..and they bury at sea ?? Hope anybody with a brain does not believe that hogwash.

And I am willing to bet my left arm had Obama been a lighter shade than what he is, 99% of the people that hate him, would love him.
Things are the way they are with the gov, nothing will ever change, it comes down to love it or leave it...I love my country and would do anything asked to defend it, I just don't like the people that run it, but until the day comes that I am a billionaire and can pad pockets, then my opinion or my liberties matter not.
That's all I have to say about that.

Wrong, wrong,"would Love him if he were lighter"?.. what a hateful statement, can't go further than that here.

I guess you did not see any other posts because you just joined. But I have a nice video of the BO saying" here we are again, voting to raise the debt limit again, we are at 8 trillion,, not billion, trillion. We are paying for it by robbing our children and borrowing from other countries. It shows a failure of leadership"! Here is another one for you,, because I do not want you to believe it from me. And notice the amount? are you saying the extra 10 trillion happened right before the BO was immaculated?
FLASHBACK 2006: Obama Calls Debt Ceiling Increase a ?Sad State of Affairs? | Washington Free Beacon

Why has the debt clock stopped? Why haven't the Dems in charge tried to make a budget for the last 5 years?

Keep race out of it...... How many times have we said it has nothing to do with race.... I bet 99% of conservatives here would have voted for Herman Cain if he ran against ob....

National debt was 10 trillion when ob took office so it has risen 60% just under his leadership and still rising..

Sent from my Galaxy Nexus using Tapatalk 2

Why are you so sure?

There has been a witch hunt against him ever since he took office. Many have branded him a muslim (and thus implied to be terrorist) despite irrefutable evidence contrary to the fact.

I have personally encountered MANY people over the last 5 years who have claimed to hate the man but when pressed for a reason, they have nothing to say.

Just something to chew on...

Why are you so sure?

There has been a witch hunt against him ever since he took office. Many have branded him a muslim (and thus implied to be terrorist) despite irrefutable evidence contrary to the fact.

I have personally encountered MANY people over the last 5 years who have claimed to hate the man but when pressed for a reason, they have nothing to say.

Just something to chew on...

I like it when the people using the term monkey...say it is not about race...

it is so confusing to keep things straight in here...

Again, you 2 have found a way to distort the truth and make weird leaps in logic to further your goal. Neither post carries any validity.

Why are you so sure?

There has been a witch hunt against him ever since he took office. Many have branded him a muslim (and thus implied to be terrorist) despite irrefutable evidence contrary to the fact.

I have personally encountered MANY people over the last 5 years who have claimed to hate the man but when pressed for a reason, they have nothing to say.

Just something to chew on...

He is Muslim.

I can't speak for people you ran into only for myself and people I ran into.

The people I know dislike him for same reason I do, we are against his socialist agenda, he has no respect for our Constitution, our laws or our freedoms..

I have disliked him since the day he said he will "fundamentally change America....."

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