We should not go down like this...


Bronze Member
Jan 24, 2008
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A recent post by a long time poster, can't remember his name right now, said, "Things have taken a different flavor, and therefore, I will be resigning my post at treasure net"... or something along those lines. I read his post, and the heartfelt responses to his post... as everyone did. I didn't' respond, but I not only read it, but i felt it. I went over and over in my head, he spoke the truth about his feelings, and the responses were quickly to the point; "A lot of changes has happened in the last few months. People are now unemployed. We have a new president, etc, etc, etc...;. "
I have always been the 'aside'... hiding in the corner, reading these forums. But yet, his post struck directly to my heart. It was, not the forum, which we, and I love, but the current events of our nation. We all know someone that has been hit by the current economy. The economy will rip through anyone's family and leave only hardship. Myself included. Not only does this economy give no jobs, but it yeilds bad feelings. We don't mean to be stagnant, but it's simply a casualty of this war. People are very sad. Families are sad. I, too am sad. I was laid off, and keep reading about people and their hardships. I have hardships, but for some twisted sense, it makes my feel good to read that I'm not alone. I'm not alone, knowing, that others are there that feel, and have been there just like me.\

I find myself, from day to day, seeking thoughts from others online. I have my usual forums that I frequent, and no matter where I go, it's all the same. There are people that are affected.

But, my post is really not about the original poster. Recently, in the last few months, I've had 3 people kill themselves because of; the economy, cancer, and finally, love. The first person programmed in java. He couldn't find a job. Killed himself leaving 2 teen-agers without a dad. The second, my dad, realized, his NHL was coming back again, and couldn't battle the beast anymore. And lastly, a person that loved a women that didn't love him back. O.D.'ed on coke. And every time, I thought to myself, 'Geez, is it really that bad'? Despite being a man, I cried each time for my dear friends that I loved.

The answer is no, it's not that bad. There is always your family. There is always your friends. Anyone, for that matter, will take you in and help you along the way. Despite what you 'think', there are always people who care. We all have to deal with this tight economy together, and I, for one, will never turn anyone away that needs help.
So, I will remain here. Struggling with this economy, with arms opened wide. I have not yet given in to failure, and if someone looks to me for help, I will give that person refuge in my domicile for as long as I have it my own self. Because, you have to always... always remember... there is someone, just like you, that has been there before. Either in love, or sickness, or feeling the pinch. And believe it or not, there are many people that understand the hardship that burdens you. It burdens you. It burdens me. It burdens everyone. WE are not alone.... And there are people that realize that.

Hold on. Because we'll drink a beer together one day and say, "Wow, that was a tough one".

May God bless us all during these troubled times.

Well said, my friend. We must all stick together and be there for each other, not only when times are bad, but when times are good also. Friends can make bad times bearable, and friends can make good times even better.

Well said! In tough times we pull together and support each other and share what we have and help where we can. If nothing else, it helps to know you are not alone.

Mike of Austin,

Ok I'll be over tomorrow, but there are 10 of us. ;D
Just kidding.

I love ya man. That's what it's all about. If everyone would feel that way this world would be a much better place.

Keep the faith,

mikeofaustin has hit it right on the head we read in the pappers everyday about people losing their houses and jobs and other hidious things so when things get bad for us is all we have to do is take a look around us and sure enough their is someone in worse shape and the best thing is to hold together and help each other out and hopefully in the near future things will get better and my prayers goes out to all. Lee

Ernest You have learned one of the great things about the US that many of it's own ciitzens don't understand. they don't realize just what they are blithely throwng away.

I salute you Ernerst. Te saludo mi amigo. People like you are just what we need here in the US.

Don Jose de La Mancha

p.s. I definitely congratulate You upon your command of English, Many in here could take lessons from you.

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