What highschool pranks do you know about or took part in ?

Saran Wrap stretched tight over the toilet...then put the seat down... :laughing7:

Then ask the Physics teacher how to determine the splash factor :thumbsup:

walter e stebbins high school -- kids mad due to principal grabbing the funds they raised for their "senior gift" to the school -- it was to be a set of cement tables with benches in the "offical" student smoking area far out by the football feild -- back then if you were 18 you could legally smoke on school grounds --some seniors were of legal age -- but the principal made "the offical student smoking area" far away by the football feild and there no where to sit a except on the ground , we the class of 79 were going to fix that with our senior "gift" via money raised by selling fruit .

however the principal wanted a set of wrought iron gates as the "class gift" to shut off accesss to the schools parking lot --(kids were cutting "donuts" in it during the weekend ) since our "money" was in a school "account" he simply took it and got what he wanted.

in a strike back --someome -- name unknown to this very day -- smoke bombed the class of 1979 walter e stebbins graduation day held at the university of dayton basketball court --they used orange and purple military surplus smoke flares --the item was taped under the stage and was triggered at the end after everyone had their dipplomas --it burnt thru the tape that held it in place --the damage to the basketball court flooring covering which the high school had to pay for out of its funds == was roughly about that of the funds that the principal stole from the class of 1979 -- the principal of course was disgraced by this --the college barred them from future use of their faculties as well -- and the schooll board took to issusing "blank" diplomas at the graduations --with real ones to be picked up or mailed 2 weeks later. (so they can punish anyone who acted up during graduation)

the person or persons behind this act have never been found out.

Last day of eighth grade (last day at Washington middle school bldg.) fireworks started going off in the halls last period in several different locations, it was pretty well timed. This happened in 1983 but if that were to happen today there would be much harsher consequences I'm thinkin'.

And as Ivan pointed out the perpetrator(s) are still at large to this day...as far as I know anyway :dontknow:

I know this isn't highschool but when i was in middle school, we had this math teacher who had to go at least 250 lbs who drove this tiny sports car. He probably needed a canopener to get into the thing. 3 or 4 of the bigger kids in school literally lifted his car out of the parking lot and put it into the woods. I can only imagine the look on his face when he saw his new parking spot. I don't think they were ever caught. This was around 1975.

Senior year, 1979. I had an english teacher that always had a pillow in his chair. I put a whoopy cushion under it. He was a rather plump fellow and no one bought the excuse.

truckinbutch said:
The regular folks know I was/am ornery so I'll just open the ball with the question . Rest of you 'splain your finest moments and then I'll add a few if you miss any .

Put up or shut up :laughing7:

I have one that I definitely got credit for...I took autobody class at the vo-tech my junior year of high school. The restroom was located right outside the classroom in the the body shop. It was a fairly small, one seat restroom and when the door was shut there was about a 1 inch gap at the bottom of the door. I saw the instructor go in for his daily visit and waited about a minute, used the broom to sweep a pile of body putty dust in front of the gap under the door and then proceeded to use the blower attachment on the air hose to blow the dust into the restroom. For those of you that don't know the dust comes from sanding the putty after it is applied to the sheetmetal on the vehicle and it is a very fine dust. You have to add a catalyst to the putty so it will harden and it just so happened that the catalyst we used was red and the putty was white so when mixed it was a lovely shade of pink.

When the door opened a few minutes later the instructor came out completely covered except for where his pants were wrinkled up at his feet while he was sitting in there. He was pink from head to toe and not very happy to say the least. I ended up confessing because I didn't want the wrath of the entire class after hearing that everyone was going to to be punished for my actions but it was the funniest thing to see him all pink and swearing like a sailor for a good 15 minutes straight.

In the end I didn't get suspended but that bathroom was the cleanest bathroom in the state until the end of the school year thanks to me. I still run into the instructor from time to time and we have had more then a few good laughs about it since then.

1958 During basketball games and school programs, the high school building was left open so parents could tour the classes and use the restrooms before the game.
A friend had a Nash "Metropolitan", so one Friday night, six of use carried it down the hall and up stairs to the typing room at the other end of the building. The owner reported it stolen to the police but it wasn't found until Monday morning. He was ticked off pretty bad and DROVE the thing back out of the school through the gym.


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In my day,fountain pens were still being used by everyone.Thanks for what we learned in chemistry class,we would slip a chunk of chaulk into the instructor's ink bottle which turned it to acid and within a week their pen would disintegrate in their hand.Not a big deal but I still can't confess and tell what else went on.

Let's see.... 1979 as I recall:
1. Seniors picked up an MG midget convertible, turned it sideways to get inside the door to the main hallway and "parked" it in front of the principal's office.
2. Hallway bell seemed to be way too loud... Somehow ended up in the Senior's time capsule which was opened in 1989... Wonder how that happened...
3. An extra diploma for a non-existent student was added in the stack of diplomas... The Dean almost read it aloud... Can't remember the name off-hand, but was quite a riot...
4. One of our buildings had exposed ceiling supports in the classrooms... Took about 10 minutes before our French teacher noticed two of us sitting up there like monkeys...
5. Watered down one of the walkways during winter, had about an inch of ice for over a week...
6. Staged a sit-in to be allowed to wear blue jeans... and succeeded...
7. Several Anarchist handbook experiments were performed in and out of the chemistry lab which I probably shouldn't advertise... :)
8. Not really a practical joke, but remember one overnight basketball trip where some of us "borrowed" the coaches keys, bought a case of beer, got pulled over, surrendered the beer and had to explain to the coach why we were innocent.... LOL

Now that I think about it, wish I could go back and revisit high school... I really enjoyed our "higher" learning!!!!

whynot said:
Let's see.... 1979 as I recall:

Now that I think about it, wish I could go back and revisit high school... I really enjoyed our "higher" learning!!!!
Same here, growing up sucks. ;D

'67 : we had a big ole boy in Vo-Ag shop that had semi-big hair and coveralls 3 sizes too big
for him .
He was on his back one day on the shop floor with his head under a farm trailer he was welding on when I sneaked up with an unlit acetylene torch . I bent down and gave him about
a 3 count of raw acetylene gas up each coverall leg while everyone else watched in anticipation.
I stepped back a safe distance , lit my Zippo , and slid it across the floor between his heels .
The coveralls puffed like the Goodyear blimp and fire shot out every opening with a 'WHOOMP'!
We rushed in ,got him on his feet and stripped the coveralls . He had no hair on his arms or legs and a Bart Simpson hairdoo ; but was otherwise unscathed .
We convinced him he had farted his coveralls full and set it off when he struck a welding arc .

:laughing7: n :laughing7:w that is funny!

truckinbutch said:
'67 : we had a big ole boy in Vo-Ag shop that had semi-big hair and coveralls 3 sizes too big
for him .
He was on his back one day on the shop floor with his head under a farm trailer he was welding on when I sneaked up with an unlit acetylene torch . I bent down and gave him about
a 3 count of raw acetylene gas up each coverall leg while everyone else watched in anticipation.
I stepped back a safe distance , lit my Zippo , and slid it across the floor between his heels .
The coveralls puffed like the Goodyear blimp and fire shot out every opening with a 'WHOOMP'!
We rushed in ,got him on his feet and stripped the coveralls . He had no hair on his arms or legs and a Bart Simpson hairdoo ; but was otherwise unscathed .
We convinced him he had farted his coveralls full and set it off when he struck a welding arc .

I'm actually speechless ::)

He musta been dumber than a rock...

For that matter...so were you guys...

Cherry bombs , which will burn and explode under water , were easy for us to come by in the '60s .
A favorite use for them was to light one in the third floor highschool bathroom and quickly flush it down a commode . If you were quick enough it would drop below 1st floor level before
exploding . The result made it easy to recognize every person who had been sitting on a toilet
on all 3 floors .
You would probably go to prison for that prank today . ;D

truckinbutch said:
Cherry bombs , which will burn and explode under water , were easy for us to come by in the '60s .
A favorite use for them was to light one in the third floor highschool bathroom and quickly flush it down a commode . If you were quick enough it would drop below 1st floor level before
exploding . The result made it easy to recognize every person who had been sitting on a toilet
on all 3 floors .
You would probably go to prison for that prank today . ;D
That's hilarious, and no time to flush.

There use to be a product called skunk screen it was two chemicals that when added together smelled like a skunk
well if you took the bottles and froze them you could break off pieces and drop melted wax on them forming a bead place one each together using a little wax as glue i dropped these every time i walked past the principals office
did this for a week (when someone stepped on them the chemicals would mix)
the following week they took down the ceiling tiles in the main hall way

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