What would you do? what would you do?



My wife & I have been down here in southern Alabama for a couple of months now & atleast 6 times, YES 6 TIMES on the news there has been a report of guys impersonating police officers with the last lady assaulted >:(

I asked the wife what would you do if you were going down the road at night & you saw lights behind you flashing? would you pull over? would you go to a town & pull into a spot like a gas station? I remember not too long ago a story where a nurse decided to go home so her husband could be there to help her & the cop darn near pulled the gun & shot the husband.... She ended up going to court & the judge sided with the cop :icon_scratch:

So what would you do? Mind you this is at night & you don't believe you have done anything wrong.

I'd start by going to the local police department and voicing your concerns. Perhaps they could offer an idea. Other than that if I found myself in that situation I would put on my hazard lights in an attempt to acknowledge them but continue to drive and dial 911, let them figure out if the cop is legit or not. This is a tough one to be in on either side.

DigginThePast said:
I'd start by going to the local police department and voicing your concerns. Perhaps they could offer an idea. Other than that if I found myself in that situation I would put on my hazard lights in an attempt to acknowledge them but continue to drive and dial 911, let them figure out if the cop is legit or not. This is a tough one to be in on either side.
dial 911

DigginThePast said:
I'd start by going to the local police department and voicing your concerns. Perhaps they could offer an idea. Other than that if I found myself in that situation I would put on my hazard lights in an attempt to acknowledge them but continue to drive and dial 911, let them figure out if the cop is legit or not. This is a tough one to be in on either side.

Calling 911 makes alot of sense..

Here's what I tell my wife:
Marked car & uniformed officer - no problem (usually)

Unmarked car at night and/or in the middle of nowhere? Keep driving to a populated area while dialing 911 and let them know what's going on. If it's a real squad, they should be able to verify it on the phone or transfer you to an agency that can, so you'll know it's OK to stop.

Check your state motor vehicle codes to see exactly what you're required to do for what type of vehicle. EVERY state is different! Don't speed to get away or try to elude if it is a legit officer or you will face serious charges.

Keep in mind that you might get a lecture about yielding or stopping from the officer if you don't stop right away, or you might even get a ticket. Most officers would be reasonable about it if your actions were reasonable. Like I tell her, I'd rather she take her chances in front of a judge with a ticket than in front of an imposter out in the middle of nowhere by herself.

I'm sure that someone out there might have different ideas, and that's OK. I'm just answering the question "What would you do?"

Very good advice kimsdad! Very good! I hope everyone that reads this post will talk it over with everyone in their family.

lock your doors and crack the window about 2 inches until your sure its an officer. I did that, one night i was coming home from taking my daughter to the emergency room, mind you, im 15 miles out of town, and out of no where this car runs up behind me and then he hits his over heads, have no idea where he came from, i locked the doors and rolled the window down about 2 inches until i knew for sure it was an officer.

Like I tell her, I'd rather she take her chances in front of a judge with a ticket than in front of an imposter out in the middle of nowhere by herself.

thats a good point kimsdad.

Call 911 or have the PDs non emergency number programmed in your cell .Communications should be able to advise you if it is a legit officer. The officer should be letting the dispatcher know he's making a car stop. They can advise him you're concerned for YOUR safety. The other thing is it gets on tape why you didn't yield.

Kims Dad is pretty spot on with this.

I am a retired Deputy 25 years. I have also investigated this exact type of offense, and have made arrests for impersonation.

Several points...

In Florida it is a Felony to flee or elude a MARKED police car. Lots of flashing lights, overheads, wig-wag headlights... basically it looks like a space invasion in your rear view mirror. You should stop for this. I've never known of an impostor using this major of a set up.

One single rotating dashboard mounted light... at night...

I'm curious about the case you cited with the nurse... which type of a police car was it? The space invasion or one light? And by the way... most people think they didn't do anything wrong. What was she originally pulled for?

I'm not stopping until it's in a location I'm comfortable with. Failing a reasonable place to stop, I'm calling 911 while still moving at a legal speed, following the traffic laws, while heading to a well lit congested area. Failing to stop for this kind of a police car (if legit) is a traffic ticket.

Assuming I have stopped... and it is a well lit area... my car stays in gear with my foot on the brake. I'm not getting out and walking back. If I'm unhappy with the situation, I can simply drive on...

None of our officers ever use a single dash light to effect a traffic stop. The only people who utilize this are detectives or undercover folks clearing through traffic to get someplace quick.

Common sense, and what would a reasonable and prudent person do rules apply... Spending a few bucks on a good lawyer is cheaper than getting jacked up by an impostor.

It was a couple years back, I've been trying to find a story online about it, but haven't been able to locate it. To the best of my memory, it was a state trooper late at night that was trying to pull her over, (said she was serving about) ::) been there, heard that ::) anyway, she was affraid for her life cuz she hadn't believed she did anything wrong for a legitimate cop to be pulling her over. So she turned on her flashers and drove home to her husband, when I saw the tape from the cop car on the news I thought that the state trooper was way out of line. But that's another thread.

Pretty sure it happened in Arizona.

Jones said that is his fear, and it's based on a case from early in his career. In 1971, a Port Orchard man, Donald Stephenson, roamed state Route 16 on the peninsula, flashing the lights of his car to simulate a police vehicle, pulling over single women, then stealing their purses.

One evening, the person he pulled over was nursing student Karen Brown, a former high school classmate of his. She recognized him, so Stephenson killed her.

"I've never forgotten about Karen Brown," Jones said.


texastee2007 said:
911.....try and obey the law to the letter....if something seems out of line it just might be.  What about the occasional rouge officer...I was brought up to totally respect our police but I have heard of one or two that abuse their power.

Yep... and the nurse who killed patients, and the psycho who comes into the workplace and shoots everyone, and the armed robber who jacks you at the traffic light, and the doctor who mis-diagnoses you and kills you instead... and the restaurant cook you never see that has hepatitis...

boogeyman said:
Call 911 or have the PDs non emergency number programmed in your cell .Communications should be able to advise you if it is a legit officer. The officer should be letting the dispatcher know he's making a car stop. They can advise him you're concerned for YOUR safety. The other thing is it gets on tape why you didn't yield.

This is the Best Advice.

Best Wishes,


serger we have a rash of that here every 5 or so years ALL the law inforcement tell people to turn on flashers move over toward the side of the road or just dont crowd the center line slow down 5mph or so dont pull over till you find a well lit place with people there and if you have a cell phone call 911

kimsdad said:
Here's what I tell my wife:
Marked car & uniformed officer - no problem (usually)

Unmarked car at night and/or in the middle of nowhere? Keep driving to a populated area while dialing 911 and let them know what's going on. If it's a real squad, they should be able to verify it on the phone or transfer you to an agency that can, so you'll know it's OK to stop.

Check your state motor vehicle codes to see exactly what you're required to do for what type of vehicle. EVERY state is different! Don't speed to get away or try to elude if it is a legit officer or you will face serious charges.

Keep in mind that you might get a lecture about yielding or stopping from the officer if you don't stop right away, or you might even get a ticket. Most officers would be reasonable about it if your actions were reasonable. Like I tell her, I'd rather she take her chances in front of a judge with a ticket than in front of an imposter out in the middle of nowhere by herself.

I'm sure that someone out there might have different ideas, and that's OK. I'm just answering the question "What would you do?"
Exactly the same advice my son-in-law , a police detective , and I give my daughters and granddaughters . As a last option all my girls have CCW permits and the training and dedication to protect themselves and their children if that is the final option .

Guy In Back said:
texastee2007 said:
911.....try and obey the law to the letter....if something seems out of line it just might be. What about the occasional rouge officer...I was brought up to totally respect our police but I have heard of one or two that abuse their power.

Yep... and the nurse who killed patients, and the psycho who comes into the workplace and shoots everyone, and the armed robber who jacks you at the traffic light, and the doctor who mis-diagnoses you and kills you instead... and the restaurant cook you never see that has hepatitis...
you forgot the Muslim that eats bacon

[/quote]you forgot the Muslim that eats bacon

Spam eating crusader.jpg

A friend of mine, who is a police officer (he's retired now)....always gave me advice on how to handle situations. He told me that if I have flashing lights behind me....to put on my flashers, that the police officer will know you acknowledge his presence, maintain the posted speed and drive to a very well lit area and one that may have lots of folks around, if you can. He said that being a woman, the police officer, if a good officer, will understand your concern for your safety. He also said, if the car is unmarked....and you know the location of the police station, to drive into that location or to a very well lit area....mind you, this was ALL BEFORE CELL PHONES!

He also told me that if I am driving and get tired and pull over, always pull over under a street light or in a public place with lots of lights. I did that once while driving to Elmira, NY from VB....I was getting sleepy, so I pulled over under a street light on the side of the road....I put blankets up on my windows....next thing I know...I hear a tapping on my window....I roll the window a couple of inches (doors are always locked!)....the man put his flashlight to his badge and then his face and asked if I was ok...explained that I was tired and did not want to get into an accident by falling asleep at the wheel. He said that is was not safe for me to be here on the side of the road (it was a country sort of road)...he recommended that I drive to a store up the road and park there....he followed me and once I was settled, he left. He also told the store clerk I was parked there. That is great customer service and looking out for the public!

Had another incident, here locally some years back, I was coming home from the store and I noticed this car behind me....I started paying atten to the car and noticed that EVERY TURN I took, it took....I was always told that if you feel you are being followed, NEVER GO HOME....so I was driving around, and this car just would not go away....I thought this person would turn down some street in my neighborhood...so I decided to drive to another neighborhood and this car was still following me.....so I decided to drive down to my local police station and as I turned into the station, the car continued on! I have to say this car was following me....if you knew the routes I took....there is NO WAY this car was not following.....thank goodness I did not go home.....!

I have the utmost respect for Police Officers....however, as in any line of work, you will have those that will abuse their power or feel they are above the law...

Now, I keep my cell phone with me all the time....and within reach!

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