whats the oldest coin you have dug

1871 seated dime, when they said go west they forgot to tell them to take some coins with them.

1616 Sommers Island, Large Porthole, Sixpence. One of only 4 found on the North American Continent. A.K.A-----"Hogge Money" The other 3 were found on a beach in Maine. The Hogge

hogge said:
1616 Sommers Island, Large Porthole, Sixpence. One of only 4 found on the North American Continent. A.K.A-----"Hogge Money" The other 3 were found on a beach in Maine. The Hogge

I didn't know you found one of those. Have any pictures?

The host coin for this French 15 Deniers is a 1500s Douzain. I have found several mid. 1600s coins but this is the only 1500s.


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Iron Patch said:
hogge said:
1616 Sommers Island, Large Porthole, Sixpence. One of only 4 found on the North American Continent. A.K.A-----"Hogge Money" The other 3 were found on a beach in Maine. The Hogge

I didn't know you found one of those. Have any pictures?
That's why I call myself "Hogge". Sent it to PCGS and it came back Environmental Damage.(Of course). It is so worn there are only traces of it left. Sent it to Mark Sportack in Penn. He said he sees what everyone else sees in it, but it doesn't match up with known die varieties. You can only see stuff under magnification, but the PCGS # is 5.97/40059664. Because it had Env. Dam. it came back in a body bag. If it was questionable as to authenticity, it would have said that also. But after many calls to PCGS, they said 2 or more graders looked at it and confirmed it to be authentic. That was good enough for me and for them to put a PCGS label on it. Thought it might have been the restrikes from 1850 but it is TOO old, and too far gone, for that. So I have a piece of HOGGE money!

hogge said:
Iron Patch said:
hogge said:
1616 Sommers Island, Large Porthole, Sixpence. One of only 4 found on the North American Continent. A.K.A-----"Hogge Money" The other 3 were found on a beach in Maine. The Hogge

I didn't know you found one of those. Have any pictures?
That's why I call myself "Hogge". Sent it to PCGS and it came back Environmental Damage.(Of course). It is so worn there are only traces of it left. Sent it to Mark Sportack in Penn. He said he sees what everyone else sees in it, but it doesn't match up with known die varieties. You can only see stuff under magnification, but the PCGS # is 5.97/40059664. Because it had Env. Dam. it came back in a body bag. If it was questionable as to authenticity, it would have said that also. But after many calls to PCGS, they said 2 or more graders looked at it and confirmed it to be authentic. That was good enough for me and for them to put a PCGS label on it. Thought it might have been the restrikes from 1850 but it is TOO old, and too far gone, for that. So I have a piece of HOGGE money!

Still a keeper none the less!

Are y'all ready for mine...
I think I'm gonna beat everyone else...

Mine was a 1944 wheatie. ;D

jlb783 said:
Are y'all ready for mine...
I think I'm gonna beat everyone else...

Mine was a 1944 wheatie. ;D

Hogge says cool, that's some "Jib money" ;D

Back in the mid 70's I found King George coin. The date was completely gone but I finally narrowed it down to the mid 1790's. I found it at an old log school house site that was built in the early 1800's.


Back in the mid 70's I found King George coin. The date was completely gone but I finally narrowed it down to the mid 1790's. I found it at an old log school house site that was built in the early 1800's.


1790s is an unlikely time period for a George III coin. Do you still have the coin?

The picture in my profile is my oldest. It has been dated to 120BC to 80BC in an area known as Parthia, which I understand was in or near present day Iran.

Mine a 1775 Mexican Carolus III 2 Real.

Spooky said:
I found this penny in 30 feet of frozen ground right in the middle of a playground at a school for the mentally ill and gifted.
The site dates back to WELL before the Clinton era and when George Washington prevented the Germans from bombing Pearl Harbor in the battle of Second San Juan Hill Airport and Tire Emporium.
I found it with my bounty hunter and dug it up with a backhoe.
I and my band of Merry Coolies.

Oh it was an epic tale I tell you. We dug for hours, days even.. Well THEY did.
I plied them with promises of roots. Tasty, nutritious roots... Oh the Opulence, the FLAVOR!! "All the roots you can eat my beamish boys!!". The sweat glistened and steamed on their able backs in the chill air, visions of tasty roots dancing in their heads as I sat atop the back hoe, pointing and gesticulating, shouting encouragement, idly sipping my tea in my panama hat and stroking my cat, Herpes.
The work went on into the night, by torchlight..
At last a frenzied shout! Silence as the other coolies stopped flailing their brooms...Hung Kook scrambled out of the hole, holding aloft THIS, the Pennay!!!

It glistened and sparkled in the purple/black light of the midnight sun sparkling through the vegetable trees, chesselike in normal majesty..

And for those "haters" out there,
this was verified by the university's DWP division director Dr. P.L. Ehbah..

;D :laughing7: Dr. P.L. Ehbah --- that's funny. He will be honored. :thumbsup:

1723 woods Hibernia Farthing. found a handful of other coppers that I cant get a date off of but I dont think they are older than that.

mainer said:
1723 woods Hibernia Farthing. found a handful of other coppers that I cant get a date off of but I dont think they are older than that.

It is possible.... Anywhere one of those Hibernia halfpennies turn up there could easily be a William & Mary, William III, or Brit. George I. If you can see any detial at all you should post them because the coppers changed quite a bit so not a lot needs to be seen to ID the period.

1788 Mass. Half Cent back in the 60's in Kansas when I was a kid with a home-made machine. Been hooked ever since... :headbang:


if you enlarge this you may see the date 1750


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