Where is the scariest place you have coin roll hunted?


Sr. Member
Feb 11, 2012
Primary Interest:
How much does that piece of silver mean to you? List the scariest places you've hunted (you don't have to specify a city or town) or share a story of something that happened to you.

I haven't really been to any scary places but some of the places around DC I have been to have a police officer sitting at a desk in the lobby, not a security guard but an actual cop.

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A bank I frequent was robbed today. Do I bring anything next time?? No one was hurt physically. I want to bring cupcakes.

CoinFetcher said:
A bank I frequent was robbed today. Do I bring anything next time?? No one was hurt physically. I want to bring cupcakes.

Yes, you should bring them in a duffle bag.

virtually every bank here has the thick lexan or whatever type of plexiglass that is thats about 1 inch thick, doesn't matter if you are in the best burb or the ghetto. Many of the banks are also going to the double security door where the outer one has to close before the inner one opens. As well as armed guard(s) at the door. But if I had to say, it would be the 3 boxes I got from a WF in Compton.

It is unfortunate that that is the way that banks have to operate now, its more like the 1800's than the 21st century!

I went in a bank today where they had the double doors that wouldn't open until the other was closed AND the door to the inside of the bank wouldn't open until you walked through the metal detectors & it cleared you. Not really a scary neighboorhood at all & it's the only bank in the area I know of that has this. Most of the other banks I frequent have the glass but there is one I go to that has no glass or protection what-so-ever. You can reach right over the counter & touch them lol

all of the banks in my area have friendly face to face teller spaces, no bulletproof plexiglass crap, one of the banks i deal with have tables you can sit with the tellers too... i've never seen a bank with plexiglass, then again, i don't go into the lower income "ghetto" areas.

Years ago I used to pick up coins from a branch once per month in a very bad hood. The security guard would watch me loading all my boxes into my car and starting
my car then go back in the lobby. Boy those boxes always loaded with silver. The experience was exciting because I knew the security guard was watching my back.

The scary experience was a few weeks ago when I used the coin counter. A teller was helping me and he opened up the counter so we could dump halves faster. A guy sit next to the machine waiting for a banker started complaining "too loud, too much noise", "Why don't you move the machine away from me?" "This machine is not for business." The teller kept apologizing "Sir sorry for the noise" "The machine was bolted on the floor so we really can't move". I avoided any eye contact or verbal response. Because I didn't know what this guy smoked the night before or just forgot his meds and he was obviously freaked out and became very agitated by the noise of the coin machine. While all the drama went on, there was an officer standing in the lobby watching him. I was really afraid that this psyco lost his marble right there and charged the teller or me then the cop pulled out his gun and started shooting. Remember the face-eating psyco in Florida??

You can predict gangster's behavior but you can't predict a psyco's behavior.

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Most of the banks I go to around here are very open and friendly... No glass, metal detectors... no guards. Except at ONE branch I go to. They ALWAYS have a guard standing outside and one inside too. It's in a shady area of town, but not scary scary. I still feel relatively safe there. :)


I take that back. One day a couple of months ago...

I was sitting at this bank (the one with the guards) in my car (2 door Monte Carlo) looking through a few rolls of halves and this van drives up with two guys in it. The guy that's driving looks at me and asks if I wanna buy an 80" inch TV and I said, "No, but thanks."

I sit there and think to myself, "Where in the hell does this guy think I would put an 80" inch TV in my little 2 door car!?"

He said it was in the back of his (windowless) van if I wanted to see it. I said I was okay but thanks anyways. He was like, "Are you sure man? I got this big ol' TV and I need to get rid of it, plus I'll throw in the entertainment center with it!" I looked at him again, and said, "No thanks, I'm really NOT interested." He then just says, "Oh, okay," and drives off. He had a North Carolina (I live in Alabama) tag so it was super fishy.

I probably saved myself from being kidnapped or worse...

(insert creepy rendition of "Dueling Banjos" from Deliverance here.)

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