Who Are the Women of Metal Detection/Treasure Hunting?

I hunt alone. AN sometimes I get unerved. BUT Anxiety get me more than fear as when there are strangers around I an concerned about their judgements. But then I get to into worry about anything other than trying retrieve targets.

Other people on here have commented about being nervous around people watching, but have said the more you do it the more that feeling goes away. I'm not as avid about it as I like to be and am usually off the beaten path when I detect, so I'm not allowed to comment for myself : ) Hang in there and if you can, get some pepper spray (thanks again, CWnut!)

Note to pepper spray users. Not easy when excited but keep the wind in your favor. If my locale did not allow it and i needed a spray,there are products that have long range spray, not that a threat to your well being deserves it but care full of toxic or permanent blindness type products. (For your safety as well.)

Note to pepper spray users. Not easy when excited but keep the wind in your favor. If my locale did not allow it and i needed a spray,there are products that have long range spray, not that a threat to your well being deserves it but care full of toxic or permanent blindness type products. (For your safety as well.)

Very good tip, I was reading about foam-type stuff that would not be affected by wind-covers the attackers face in foam, not a good image-I almost felt sorry for the attacker when I thought of it.....

If you don't know anything about it, best to study up well before you need to use it!

Catobra said:
For anyone who is interested, link to pepper spray laws in all 50 states as well as internet seller:

Pepper Spray Warnings and Laws & Stun Gun Laws

Thanks for that link. Helpful info there. Noted that the states and cities with high crime seem to be the most restrictive on self-defense.

Just a thought here ... How does a can of wasp spray sound? Make a nice belt holder and feel more comfortable in wasp infested areas. I always have a can or two in the garden room, and can attest to the effectiveness against wasps (yellow jackets too) at 10' or more. Would not a dose of wasp spray in the eyes of a two-legged attacker be a deterrent?

I won't suggest anyone carry a lighter to ignite the wasp spray to make a super flame thrower. Nope, I won't even mention that. It sure can scorch the side of a house though. <lol>

Sent from my iPad using TreasureNet app

I hunt the beaches alone and rarely feel scared. But you wouldn't catch me alone in the woods...I've been spooked a few times alone in parks but always hunt in wide open areas.

Been through that, Bev-well, not in the metal detecting sense, but I think I understand......it sure takes awhile to get over, but it also makes you a lot stronger. Good for you to be out and about again, "Finally Fearless"!

It was bad for a while but I was luckier than most that he moved out of state. Some women are stalked for years and some end badly.

I have pepper spray hanging outside of the "fanny pack" I use for digging and my digging tool is a last resort- seeing that you can be easily overpowered and have it actually used against you. I dont have a gun because I personally know I'd hesitate to take anyone's life and that hesitation could cost me my own. I do hunt with veterans and retired officers that carry for me!

I think any hobby or profession has an element of danger. I showed a house to someone once who didnt seem interested in it. When I finished he actually said to me, "You know I'm not here to see the house, right?" I almost died. He'd chosen his words unwisely because he actually wanted to see how I showed a client a house because he wanted to sell his. Needless to say I did NOT take the listing!

I take my 6'5" husband with me always (or should I say he takes me?) when out hunting. Here in NH we are a concealed carry state (Live Free or Die) with a permit...won't say anymore. My first husband was abusive (reason I am with #2) and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with him, let alone outdoors. LOL

Ladies, I think we need to ask TNet to set up our own forum...what do you think?


AC1955 said:
I take my 6'5" husband with me always (or should I say he takes me?) when out hunting. Here in NH we are a concealed carry state (Live Free or Die) with a permit...won't say anymore. My first husband was abusive (reason I am with #2) and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with him, let alone outdoors. LOL

Ladies, I think we need to ask TNet to set up our own forum...what do you think?


Usually the lesche digger is s scary nough ;)
And I second the forum idea...

Thanks for that link. Helpful info there. Noted that the states and cities with high crime seem to be the most restrictive on self-defense.

Just a thought here ... How does a can of wasp spray sound? Make a nice belt holder and feel more comfortable in wasp infested areas. I always have a can or two in the garden room, and can attest to the effectiveness against wasps (yellow jackets too) at 10' or more. Would not a dose of wasp spray in the eyes of a two-legged attacker be a deterrent?

I won't suggest anyone carry a lighter to ignite the wasp spray to make a super flame thrower. Nope, I won't even mention that. It sure can scorch the side of a house though. <lol>

Sent from my iPad using TreasureNet app

Sounds like a plan to me-I'm sure it would do something to fed someone off. And, nope, we won't mention the flame thrower approach : )

my digging tool is a last resort- seeing that you can be easily overpowered and have it actually used against you. I dont have a gun because I personally know I'd hesitate to take anyone's life and that hesitation could cost me my own.

When I finished he actually said to me, "You know I'm not here to see the house, right?"

So true, something that I don't think many women think about, but once its happened to you, you think about it......

What an idiot! That must gave been a scary moment for you. Then again, I am no stranger to foot-in-mouth disease : )

My first husband was abusive (reason I am with #2) and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with him, let alone outdoors. LOL

Ladies, I think we need to ask TNet to set up our own forum...what do you think?

Yup, I hear ya......

I was thinking the same-the "Women of Metal Detecting" Forum. Except I think most of the hits we'd get would be for a completely different reason and the guys would sure be disappointed once they got there! : )

Hey, we could always go with the calendar idea and make the guys go blind! LOL


I've been detecting for 4 years now. Although I often hunt alone, I also have a few guys that I hunt with. It does make me feel more secure in some situations! I started with an ACE 250 and now have an AT Pro. Best find....a flying eagle penny and gold wedding band. I like relic and lake hunting the most. HH

Got my very own detector...a White's Coinmaster. Came with both an 8" coil and a DD Shooter coil. Machine only weighs 2.5 lbs, so I am not having too much trouble swinging it. Unfortunately, husband lost his "digger and goodie holder"...LOL. Now I am an OFFICIAL MDer! :metaldetector:


Way to go, Anita! Unfortunately when you guys talk the technical talk, my eyes glaze over : ) but way to go! Twice the detectors, twice the goodies!

Cat - I know exactly what you mean. My husband is an electrical engineer and he has to see specs and talk tech before he'll buy a detector (or anything with electronics in it). Needs to know what the actual frequencies are (kHz) not just that a machine has 17 of them...LOL. All I care about is can I handle it and will it find the goodies.

Check out the new group...Women of TresureNet!


Cat - I know exactly what you mean. My husband is an electrical engineer and he has to see specs and talk tech before he'll buy a detector (or anything with electronics in it). Needs to know what the actual frequencies are (kHz) not just that a machine has 17 of them...LOL. All I care about is can I handle it and will it find the goodies.

Check out the new group...Women of TresureNet!


That's me-does it beep when I get near metal? Yes, ok-that's good enough for me : )

Hi Anita,
I joined yesterday and just found this new "womens" thread. I've had a Tesoro Compadre for about a year and have always hunted alone. I live about 40 miles northwest of Albany NY and in a great area for hunting (Civil War, French and Indian War, Erie Canal, etc.). My house is surrounded by about 1000 acres of woods (not mine) so I do a lot of wandering there too and have found old barns and cellars. Unfortunately, I haven't found anything of great interest - just old nails and junk metal. Not one of my three grown daughters has the slightest interest in MDing, so I'm hoping to find a buddy to hunt with sometime. I've never thought about being scared while out there by myself except for the time I met up with 3 coyotes. Now I've decided it might be a good idea to get a pistol permit since I'm 58 and live by myself in the woods. I do have a dog, but she is too friendly for protection and doesn't even bark when strangers show up at my door. Anyway, I hope to learn a lot from this forum...talk to you all soon.

I take my 6'5" husband with me always (or should I say he takes me?) when out hunting. Here in NH we are a concealed carry state (Live Free or Die) with a permit...won't say anymore. My first husband was abusive (reason I am with #2) and I wouldn't want to be in the same room with him, let alone outdoors. LOL

Ladies, I think we need to ask TNet to set up our own forum...what do you think?


Hello Anita,
I understand taking your hubby with you. I'm 6"4", 240lbs. If I go somewhere a little iffy, I take my wife with me. She's 5'1", 95 lbs, but let me tell ya, when she starts whining, even the dogs look for shelter. She's my secret weapon. lol.

best of luck to all the ladies out there,
No matter where you go, please stay safe.

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