why are there so few answers about older tecs a sign of snobbery???

It's not snobbery. It's lack of knowledge. I mean think of it metal mania: How many people are out there now, swinging f75's? Lots, right? Simply because it's a currently marketed machine. Now ask yourself how many are swinging the 1260, which is a 25-ish year old machine? VERY FEW.

So OF COURSE you're going to get more chit-chat when talking about something in a multitude of people's hands, verses something they haven't swung in 20+ yrs., or ...... in the case of persons entering this hobby in the last 20 yrs, never swung (or heard of) at all.

It just makes sense, and I don't know why you'd think that was "snobbery"

Tom_in_CA said:
It's not snobbery. It's lack of knowledge. I mean think of it metal mania: How many people are out there now, swinging f75's? Lots, right? Simply because it's a currently marketed machine. Now ask yourself how many are swinging the 1260, which is a 25-ish year old machine? VERY FEW.

So OF COURSE you're going to get more chit-chat when talking about something in a multitude of people's hands, verses something they haven't swung in 20+ yrs., or ...... in the case of persons entering this hobby in the last 20 yrs, never swung (or heard of) at all.

It just makes sense, and I don't know why you'd think that was "snobbery"
considering some members have been swinging detectors 25 years plus some of em must have used older models

They say there are thousands of members on tnet,but when I post a question,I don't get one response!I understood when I joined that this forum was to help each other.I have been proven wrong!

fortune hunter, I don't know which post you are referring to, where no one answered you. But just as in the case of metal-mania's example of a 1260 question, again: It will all just depend on which issues, machines, topics, etc... that pique people's interests. If you asked a question that wasn't a hot-button topic, or that multiple people weren't currently excited about, well then go figure, you won't get as many replies.

But if you had made the following post: "500 gold coins just found in a school yard" or "New machine can tell alumimum apart from gold", etc.... you'd get tons of replies! ;D If you ask a question that is more niche (or perhaps just weren't clear on what you were asking, etc...) then you won't get as many replies.

metal mania: sure there are folks who have swung 1260's. And sure there's guys who've detected for over 25 yrs. here. But not NEARLY as many as are swinging current machines, and not nearly as many who've only been in the hobby for a lesser amount of time. And some of us who swung a particular machine a long time ago, simply haven't touched them for 20 or 30+ yrs. We've long since moved on to newer machines. Yet we're more likely to click on a post if it's a machine we currently use, which is fresh in our minds and current-agenda of Q&A. But you used the example of a f75 as if that was analogous to your having asked about a 1260. As if there was a personal snub to you, or a snub to 1260s, etc...) And I'm just pointing out that there is no snub, or snobbery. It's merely the demographics of who's swinging or swung what, as being a simple reflection of what type answers/posts you will get. There's simply much more f75 persons on a board like this, as opposed to us 50+ yr. old geezers who have used or remember the 1260.

Tom_in_CA said:
There's simply much more f75 persons on a board like this, as opposed to us 50+ yr. old geezers who have used or remember the 1260.

"Geezer!" You calling me an, "old geezer!"............Oh,...wait a minute,....I am one. Never mind. :laughing7:

Isn't the 1260 a hand held, rubber tipped, solitary titanium diving rod with earphones :icon_scratch:

bigscoop said:
Tom_in_CA said:
There's simply much more f75 persons on a board like this, as opposed to us 50+ yr. old geezers who have used or remember the 1260.

"Geezer!" You calling me an, "old geezer!"............Oh,...wait a minute,....I am one. Never mind. :laughing7:
never mind the old geezer bit ru saying uve used the 1260x if so tell all u know u will b a god

stefen said:
Isn't the 1260 a hand held, rubber tipped, solitary titanium diving rod with earphones :icon_scratch:
??? ??? ???that's so snobbish besides that was the x1677

I am not guilty of snobbery but I did swing a Fisher 1260X back when they were new. Since its over 20 years since I used or saw the machine I really no longer feel qualified to offer up information. I just plain old fashioned don't remember.

fortunehunter said:
They say there are thousands of members on tnet,but when I post a question,I don't get one response!I understood when I joined that this forum was to help each other.I have been proven wrong!


After reading your reply I took the time to look at all your posts since you joined in late August of 2011

I went through ever one of your posts, I only found one where you did not get a reply to a direct question, that was a question you asked about Whites DFX in the tech talk section, it will be very slow on any replies there unless someone happens in that knows DFX, where if you had asked it in the Whites DFX section you would have got multiple replies.

Your question on dousing for treasure had 9 replies, your question on using a camera for treasure hunting had 10 replies, your question for setting up your DFX for manual ground balance had 6 replies, detecting an old fresh water springs had 5 replies…..

Now you say you post and don't get any replies, do you still stand by that statement?.....It is an insult to the people who took the time to answer your questions...

Now I will use your own quote "I have been proven wrong"........

Treasure_Hunter said:
fortunehunter said:
They say there are thousands of members on tnet,but when I post a question,I don't get one response!I understood when I joined that this forum was to help each other.I have been proven wrong!


After reading your reply I took the time to look at all your posts since you joined in late August of 2011

I went through ever one of your posts, I only found one where you did not get a reply to a direct question, that was a question you asked about Whites DFX in the tech talk section, it will be very slow on any replies there unless someone happens in that knows DFX, where if you had asked it in the Whites DFX section you would have got multiple answers.

Your question on dousing for treasure had 9 replies, your question on using a camera for treasure hunting had 10 replies, your question for setting up your DFX for manual ground balance had 6 replies, detecting an old fresh water springs had 5 replies…..

Now you say you post and don't get any replies, do you still stand by that statement.....It is an insult to the people who took the time to answer your questions...

Now I will use your own quote "I have been proven wrong"........

There's nothing like the facts to set it straight ! Frank

Seems over the years many questions get re posted. Sometimes a simple serch can have you in your chair for hours finding out about what you want to know. :read2:

Metal Mania if you want the truth its just not that good. It was a breathrough at the time for two reasons. The first was it was light weight and a departure from the standard detector designs of the day. Second, motion detectors had started to make detecting easier by cutting down or out tuning and ground balance and allowing a slower sweep speed to be used.

Other machines could detect deeper or discriminate slightly better but the Fisher was a light easy to use package that meant a beginner could go out and make good finds. Looked nice to !

Up to two years ago I kept a good range of older detectors (the so called classics) as well as the new top of line machines. The main reason was to illustrate to the "new technology is best crowd" that that's not always true. Often older machines especially pre motion still have a place its just that its become a specialised niche. Crown caps rejection, true iron see through etc were possible then but its not really in the interests of a manufacturer or dealer to say old technology did some things better.

Someone on this forum said about me that they didn't need a lot of detectors to find things. Quite true. You do need a fair few to be able to illustrate demonstrate facts from forum fantasy. This also relates to new detectors. Its often been posted that the Whites Dual Field is the deepest P.I. Total load of rubbish. There's lots far deeper. Those who want to argue can bring their own or use my D.F. and I pick out one of the many pulse machines that are deeper by inches. Not all posts are lies but most try few detectors or fail to say what they really mean ie that the D.F. is perhaps the deepest waterproof P.I. at its price point.

As I intend to move to a warmer climate I've gradually sold on some older machines because 22+ with in some cases two or three coils each take up a lot of room and repairs/spares becomes more and more difficult. Others I can't bear to be parted from.

Now having said its not THAT good I have to add that it might be depending upon what you have paid and its working condition. If you had limited money you could buy a far better older detector that might have been top of the tree in its day rather than going for a brand new shiny modern one at the same price that's a low performance one under today's standards. I could buy for example a Garrett Ace for £200 or an old XLT in good condition for the same money. In this case I would go for the XLT everytime. I don't know what you spent but it could be a good buy for the money....its just a pity it wasn't the deeper and slightly newer 1266.

.....Well the topic that you choose is kinda Specific and this particular forum is just for General Discussion........you would be better off to go to a Search Engine and type in Vintage Detector and see what pops up....those forums attract people who specialize in older detectors....and many still use them....not having to recall some detector that has been sitting in the closet for 20 plus years......LOL........

would a Post saying "I Don't know :dontknow: "
in every thread where I Have no Constructive response
say I'm not a snob ? :tongue3:

I Never Swung a Fisher.

Not that I Have anything against them But Why would
I Make up an answer just so you don't think I'm a snob ?

I swung a Whites 6000-D Coinmaster, in the 70's / 80's / 90's

If you asked me that, I'd be able to say at the time
it was great.

If you asked me how it goes up against a
Minelab sovereign, I'd say it's a toy compaired to the sovereign.

Would you like that answer right after you
bought a 6000-D ?

If you asked how the 6000-D
compares to a new Coinmaster,
You'd get no answer from me,
as I Don't know.

Either way, Just means I Have nothing Constructive to add
& don't feel it's necessary to Improve my Post count,
to be seen in the thread.

Not Snobbery :coffee2:

and for the record Every working detector
is what you Make of it.

learn it, and add some Luck,
You could Become rich :thumbsup:
Or not :D

a 1970's $10.00 Radio shack Detector
can find a Million dollar Horde,
a Person
with a Minelab Etrac could
walk right over, If the Person
with the Radio Shack detector
knows is better then the Etrac user knows his

amyone old enought to remember how to use a 1260 is most likely too old and senile to to be able to get online * ---seriously older tech is often forgetten or pushed aside in todays --gotta have the latest and greatest tech world
* so many folks simply "forget" the old tech -- how many folks know about and use outdated old fashioned ribbon type writers now that there are keyboards & printers ?

I'm just replying to the topic so you don't think I'm a snob. Or it could be the beer making me post... :icon_cyclops_ani:

Actually, I'm a snob...just adding to my post count... :tongue1:


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