Why even ask permission ???????????????????

I see alot of property I'd love to go on and hunt, but I won't. Its never OK to trespass and risk jail or being shot or losing my truck over. Our hobby has a black eye because people trespass and we are all usually classed as that because of one jerk. Respect the rights of others and ask if you don't own the property!! I have found that in this hobby the word "no" isn't a bad thing, it just lets me know where not to hunt(at that time, I can always go back and ask at a later date)!!


Interesting thread.

I quoted Teverly only because his statement sums up the consensus of the thread ā€“ not picking on his post.


I live in the country and have a good sized ā€˜Must Huntā€™ list.
Iā€™d say that about 2/3 of the list will require an obvious knock on the door because Iā€™ve IDā€™d the homestead as being veeeeery old and it is CLEAR who the owner is. Fine. I understand and have no issues/hangups with strollingā€™ up and asking.

But regarding remaining 1/3 of my sitesā€¦..ownership isnā€™t obvious. Hereā€™s where I live http://maps.google.com/maps?f=q&sou...434&spn=0.057997,0.109863&t=h&z=13&iwloc=addr TONS of 1800ā€™s buildings/farms/churches/former business. Many abandoned with no clear landowner and no close-by neighbors. Many spots are in wooded areas, not posted, and all thatā€™s left are stone foundation remnants. Some sites are quad access only.
For thoseā€¦.Iā€™m not gonna break my neck researching old documents at the courthouse or whatever trying to track down the soul who I need to ask. Iā€™ll hunt respectfully ā€“ Do my best to make it like I was never there.

Does that make me a bad MDā€™er?
At what point do you just ā€˜hunt itā€™?


well you risk arrest and giving the hobby at large a "black eye" as well , anytime you go on land that is not open to the public land , without land owner ok its wrong --- if your not sure if its public or private , think of it as private until you are sure -- if its private get the "legal" ok or stay off it --its called "tresspassing" and looting -- no matter how nicely or quietly you do it or how remote the area is --if its private land --its private land (plain and simple)-- and if your too lazy or not willing to invest the time and effort to look up the records / find the owner / get the ok to do it right --simple don't do it at all. --

the MDers code of ethics covers matter this very well.--not any "grey area" here

ivan salis said:
well you risk arrest and giving the hobby at large a "black eye" as well , anytime you go on land that is not open to the public land , without land owner ok its wrong --- if your not sure if its public or private , think of it as private until you are sure -- if its private get the "legal" ok or stay off it --its called "tresspassing" and looting -- no matter how nicely or quietly you do it or how remote the area is --if its private land --its private land (plain and simple)-- and if your too lazy or not willing to invest the time and effort to look up the records / find the owner / get the ok to do it right --simple don't do it at all. --

the MDers code of ethics covers matter this very well.--not any "grey area" here

Well said my friend.

always ask permission after all the property belongs to someone else and it's a lot better feeling having their blessing to be there.

using the its ok / legal till some one tells you its not ideal -- try going into a bank with a gun ( since no one told you "not " to I guess thats ok too --right? but common sense lets you know that its not a "good ideal") and see what happens bet the judge will not buy the --"gee no one told me it was illegal" defense any more than he will for tresspassing on other folks land .-- stupidity or ignorance of the law is not a "valid" excuse or everyone would use it to get off.

Police are allowed to take your metal detector away from you. Also issue you a $500 fine and take your finds, or put you in jail. They don't joke around.

Tom_in_CA said:
old-dog, I hunt oldtown sidewalk demolitions anytime I run across one. I never ask permission. I can only imagine the head-ache it would cause to try to "ask". The contractor would probably say no, d/t he doesn't want to be responsible for you, and the city would probably have to run it by their legal department, and bring it up at their next council meeting for a vote. In the meantime, the project would be cemented over. Instead I just go past the "sidewalk closed" sign, lift up the yellow tape and go to it! Yup, in full view of heavy street traffic, people going in and out of stores, etc.... After 5pm when the workers cut out is a magical time ;D

I agree with Tom, Unless the forman is there then I have always gotten permission as long as I tell him that I will wear my hard hat and keep away from where they are working. It helps to dress the part.

After quitting time same thing. I wear my hard hat and no one gives me a second look because I just go about my business and look as if I belong there.

I found some great relics along the Ohio River across from Louisville Kentucky in New Albany In. while they were tearing up the old river road. Lots of great stuff under the road bed from over 150 years ago. I had my hard hat on and was detecting after the crew left. And when the cops would patrol by they never even gave me a second look.

I had the formans name that gave me permission just in case. But I was never once asked.

Now they are replacing side walks. Same deal.

I did get turned down to detect the Culbertson Mansion (Built 1867) though, while they were installing new water lines and new side walks. Man that would have been sweet!
Built in 1867 for William Culbertson The Richest man in Indiana!


Sidewalks & streets.

I was just thinking about this the other day.

I can't IMAGINE the the amount of old coin locked away FOREVER under the concrete and pavement of New York or Philly!

Even my local city of Scranton....It dates to the mid to late 1700's. Whatever is there is gone forever (you'd think)

Now I'll have to look out for road/sidewalk demolition.....I hadn't thought of that!



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