Willie Doughits Bandit Priest Treasure Caballo Mountains

So, i am doing a little reading of "back issues here". I never picked up on this before.
This would indicate that Perrone thought all the Willy, Buster stuff (and then the 2 couples from Missouri) was all over just the "stash cave" that apparently Jack Reynolds loaded up with bars from the real "treasure cave".
This would infer that nobody but Jack Reynolds and Margarette Perrone knew where the real treasure cave was. Very interesting.
So Jack moved a bunch of bars to the "Smoke Hole" which everyone knew/knows where that is/was. And Willie, Buster, The Palmer Bros, Doc Noss, and the Lourious and Herbergers SP? were all involved in that location by the Hackberry Grove.


The map posted with the Egyptian Ankh is supposed to be Willie's Map. I couldn't say for certain.

RIF! Reading Is Fundamental! HAHAHA If you know the story of the Loriuses and Heberers, they drove up very near the cave. That would make the cave they went to the stash cave (smoke hole), and not the treasure cave. You can drive almost up to the stash cave. Kind of hard to drive up Burbank or Dark Canyons.

I believe that Margaret Perrone had no idea what Willie did or did not know. She only knew that Willie and Buster showed up with a map some time after Jack was murdered. I believe all that about them ripping the map in half was all supposition on either Margaret's or Jim's part. Apache Jim said he did extensive research, but could not find out who Bobby Jr or Palmer was. REALLY? The Palmer Brothers were local bad boy celebrities. Bobby Jr was Bobby Holden (I think). I found a Bobby Holden Jr. that was killed in New Guinea in 1943. May or may not be our guy. Bobby Holden Sr was from New Mexico (born in 1898).

You are also stating that Jack "loaded up with gold bars". That is not necessarily the case. Margaret stated that she and Jack only recovered two gold bars from their cave. She said that after she got Jack his new red jacket, she sent him to their cave to take the rest, and move them to the smoke hole. That was when he disappeared. She also said Willie and Buster were known to have sold soto stalk gold bars. For those that aren't familiar with Soto Stalk Bars; Soto is a kind of hollow reed. I read that the Spanish and Indians used them for recovering small gold from sand and dirt. It works like a primitive dry washer. Get a handful of sand from close to bedrock. Use the reed to gently blow the sand out of your hand. The heavy gold stays put, while the sand and dirt get blown away. You then pour the fine gold into the soto stalk and roast it. The gold melts into a small "finger" bar, and the wood burns away. Bars are small and easy to pack or carry. I have heard some people talk about soaking the soto before roasting, but anybody that has worked with molten gold can tell you what happens when you pour molten metal into a water saturated container--------------BOOOOOM or at least POP! Then you turn into El Dorado after the soto explodes and covers you in molten gold.

Unfortunately for that scenario, the bars that Willie and Buster had (at least the ones I know of) were 40 pounds of solid refined gold. IF Willie murdered Jack Reynolds and got his map, he might not have been able to find the Perrone/Reynolds Cave. He may have used the map to find a completely separate cave of bars. Her description of the soto bars don't jibe with what we know about Willie and his bars.


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what do you mean ( dont jibe with what we know about willie and his bars ) you don't look like you are old enough to be in the 1930s to me
you were there with willie ? or he came and told you everything ? what you know ? what do you know ? you know ehere the treasure is and
you are taking a little at a time ? like willie did ? i read these post , you always make you sound like a big man in treasure , my uncle said
that people who talk like that don't know anything and never find nothing. don't jibe with what we know ? you also said you knew my cousin claude suddreth
you ? you KNOW Cluade ? his wife said you are telling lies here about knowing us , are you ? did you know willie too ? I only ask because you used my uncle and copusins name so much like you know them and you do not know them . She would like you to stop using our names because she thinks you are trying to cheat people by saying you know someone and you do nto know them , she know you lie cause she read what you wrote about claude . stop tell people lies about us . my cousins wife thinks you should be sued . for using her husbands name in public . you act like you know him . you do not know him at all , and he just died . are you a cop too , cops make a big deal of them by lies to . leave outr names out of your fantasy . you have a problem and we don't want people to think we like you .

what do you mean ( dont jibe with what we know about willie and his bars ) you don't look like you are old enough to be in the 1930s to me
you were there with willie ? or he came and told you everything ? what you know ? what do you know ? you know ehere the treasure is and
you are taking a little at a time ? like willie did ? i read these post , you always make you sound like a big man in treasure , my uncle said
that people who talk like that don't know anything and never find nothing. don't jibe with what we know ? you also said you knew my cousin claude suddreth
you ? you KNOW Cluade ? his wife said you are telling lies here about knowing us , are you ? did you know willie too ? I only ask because you used my uncle and copusins name so much like you know them and you do not know them . She would like you to stop using our names because she thinks you are trying to cheat people by saying you know someone and you do nto know them , she know you lie cause she read what you wrote about claude . stop tell people lies about us . my cousins wife thinks you should be sued . for using her husbands name in public . you act like you know him . you do not know him at all , and he just died . are you a cop too , cops make a big deal of them by lies to . leave outr names out of your fantasy . you have a problem and we don't want people to think we like you .

I think maybe you should get your facts straight with Shelly (Claude's Widow) before publicly trying to slander my name. I just emailed Shelly to see if you are who you say you are.

If she never heard of me, then how in the hell would I know her email address? *.*.suddreth@*****.com No, you must be right. I don't know anything, and just made up everything about Claude needing a liver transplant and wanting to take care of his family. Would you like me to repost the entire email exchange between Shelly and myself?

Get your facts straight before insulting someone that takes insults VERY PERSONAL!



So Michael C, you are Claude's Nephew, not his cousin. Lie#1

You called Claude's Widow and she is mad at me. Lie# 2

I just had a great email back and forth with Shelly Suddreth. You know her don't you? Claude's Widow. The same Shelly that says you never wanted to have anything to do with her and Claude unless there was something in it for you? The same Shelly that says she only met you once. The same Shelly that said since they were married, you only came around once about two years ago, and when you couldn't get anything out of Claude and her, you disappeared and she never heard from you again? THAT IS "Never heard from you again" as in you didn't even bother to call her after Claude passed away? Should I post screenshots of what she said about you in her emails? OH WHY NOT!?! We're having so much fun, aren't we?

claudesuddreth1.jpeg claudesuddreth2.jpeg

Read Claudesuddreth1 from bottom to top (same with claudesuddreth2)

Are you still wanting me to stop harassing your family? I think I have proved beyond doubt that what I posted was true. I have also shown you to be a huge liar. Good luck with your life.


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2days can not reply, please move on..

HAHAHA Nothing to see here. Move along. Move along.

No worries, thanks TH.


I think his donkey had to be sewed up from that one. Mike

Sent from my SM-G900T using Tapatalk

I know I busted a gut when I got the 411 on him.


strange result of a thread reminds me of the old forum in the early days . bickering back and forth and the 2daystravel person asked to stop
talking about their family , then a argument broke out . why not just stop talking about people when they ask you to ? seems they should have
privacy without to have to ask for it or have people argue about the request . rude people do that . when you ask them to leave you alone they want to fight .
maybe because of drinking sometimes people are not nice to people when asked to stop bothering their peoples . mean people are ugly to people .
nice people are kind and meet the request . and mean people call nice people liars . why can't 2daystravel post a reply when he just asked for people to leave his people alone ? seemed like a reasonable request to me . and why does the guy argue to 2daystravel ? very rude and he gloats about his rude behavior .
I just ask because i don't understand why the rude person can't leave people alone when they ask to be left alone and then calls the person names
like he is a liar and then he gloats about it. there are rules here to be nice and that i think is for everybody is it ?

strange result of a thread reminds me of the old forum in the early days . bickering back and forth and the 2daystravel person asked to stop
talking about their family , then a argument broke out . why not just stop talking about people when they ask you to ? seems they should have
privacy without to have to ask for it or have people argue about the request . rude people do that . when you ask them to leave you alone they want to fight .
maybe because of drinking sometimes people are not nice to people when asked to stop bothering their peoples . mean people are ugly to people .
nice people are kind and meet the request . and mean people call nice people liars . why can't 2daystravel post a reply when he just asked for people to leave his people alone ? seemed like a reasonable request to me . and why does the guy argue to 2daystravel ? very rude and he gloats about his rude behavior .
I just ask because i don't understand why the rude person can't leave people alone when they ask to be left alone and then calls the person names
like he is a liar and then he gloats about it. there are rules here to be nice and that i think is for everybody is it ?

I don't know who you are, but 2daystravel was a liar. I am (and have been) in contact with Claude's Widow, who had nothing good to say about the man. Like I stated previously, he never had anything to do with the Suddreths except to try and get something out of them. Everything he said here was a lie. If you want to start off here as a newbie and call me names, you will find a hard road to hoe here.


your post is very revealing about you and i don't need to argue with people . forum rules are easy to follow here .

I don't know who you are, but 2daystravel was a liar. I am (and have been) in contact with Claude's Widow, who had nothing good to say about the man. Like I stated previously, he never had anything to do with the Suddreths except to try and get something out of them. Everything he said here was a lie. If you want to start off here as a newbie and call me names, you will find a hard road to hoe here.

quoting ' call me names ' sorry i am not calling you names . but please look at your name clalling " > " but 2daystravel was a liar "

no argue with you but this sounds threatening quoting > " If you want to start off here as a newbie and call me names, you will find a hard road to hoe here.

do you have a bad temper ? you are now saying things that i read you say to other new people in the threads . I think the rules of this forum are clear would you please calm down with new people . thank you but i did not want you mad just ask why you were not nice and stop talking about people when asked not to
and i see you call them a liar now and keep talking bad about the person and calling them names and accusing me of calling you names when i did not. ? don't understand you . and will ignore your post from now on because it is uncomfortable to read hostility directed at me for asking just a question . something
is not right with that . good bye people .

Treasure Hunter had you nailed with three names now he has four. Do you still look the same in the mirror?

Bandit Priest is funny title . like saying Bandit Cop or Bandit Judge . how about Bandit Chato is better since he was in caballos in Palomas Gap area .
not bandit priest though because it does not sound real . la rue the renegade priest sounds funny to . maybe La Rue run away priest but not
renegade priest . renegade sound like armed to teeth and raiding people .

Treasure Hunter had you nailed with three names now he has four. Do you still look the same in the mirror?

Michael Canning is his real name. I can tell its him.


Mike I had him pegged within the first couple of post that I read but didn't want to pull the trigger till I knew for sure.


The map posted with the Egyptian Ankh is supposed to be Willie's Map. I couldn't say for certain.

RIF! Reading Is Fundamental! HAHAHA If you know the story of the Loriuses and Heberers, they drove up very near the cave. That would make the cave they went to the stash cave (smoke hole), and not the treasure cave. You can drive almost up to the stash cave. Kind of hard to drive up Burbank or Dark Canyons.

I believe that Margaret Perrone had no idea what Willie did or did not know. She only knew that Willie and Buster showed up with a map some time after Jack was murdered. I believe all that about them ripping the map in half was all supposition on either Margaret's or Jim's part. Apache Jim said he did extensive research, but could not find out who Bobby Jr or Palmer was. REALLY? The Palmer Brothers were local bad boy celebrities. Bobby Jr was Bobby Holden (I think). I found a Bobby Holden Jr. that was killed in New Guinea in 1943. May or may not be our guy. Bobby Holden Sr was from New Mexico (born in 1898).

You are also stating that Jack "loaded up with gold bars". That is not necessarily the case. Margaret stated that she and Jack only recovered two gold bars from their cave. She said that after she got Jack his new red jacket, she sent him to their cave to take the rest, and move them to the smoke hole. That was when he disappeared. She also said Willie and Buster were known to have sold soto stalk gold bars. For those that aren't familiar with Soto Stalk Bars; Soto is a kind of hollow reed. I read that the Spanish and Indians used them for recovering small gold from sand and dirt. It works like a primitive dry washer. Get a handful of sand from close to bedrock. Use the reed to gently blow the sand out of your hand. The heavy gold stays put, while the sand and dirt get blown away. You then pour the fine gold into the soto stalk and roast it. The gold melts into a small "finger" bar, and the wood burns away. Bars are small and easy to pack or carry. I have heard some people talk about soaking the soto before roasting, but anybody that has worked with molten gold can tell you what happens when you pour molten metal into a water saturated container--------------BOOOOOM or at least POP! Then you turn into El Dorado after the soto explodes and covers you in molten gold.

Unfortunately for that scenario, the bars that Willie and Buster had (at least the ones I know of) were 40 pounds of solid refined gold. IF Willie murdered Jack Reynolds and got his map, he might not have been able to find the Perrone/Reynolds Cave. He may have used the map to find a completely separate cave of bars. Her description of the soto bars don't jibe with what we know about Willie and his bars.


a recent document I have been studying, suggests that Jack (after bringing out 2 bars during the first discovery) had been back up at the treasure cave for 5 or 6 days (and he said he could get 2 bars per day moved to safety) when 2 "wranglers" showed up with similar gold bars in town and jack was dead.

So Jack could have moved 10 to 12 bars to the smoke hole (if this was his stash cave), plus the original 2 bars. So there could have been 12 to 14 bars in the smoke hole when he was discovered and killed.
This may be all Willy and Buster ever found???

Maybe they (willy and buster and/or the palmer brothers) lured the Lorius and Herberers into the smoke hole cave to "sell" these gold bars and killed them for the money they brought to buy the bars????

Seems the "evidence" points to an easy to drive to "stash cave" both where Jack was to move the bars (so Mrs. Perone could retrieve them with her car) and also where the "tourists" could drive to.

If Jack did not have the waybill on him when he was discovered and killed, the killers may have never found the true treasure cave only what jack had moved in those 5 or 6 days.

just some thoughts.


Interesting notes , yet , hearsay is about as useful as Fleas to a Dog .
Where I would begin , would be the Cabin that Jack got the Valise from , as I stated before .

What people in that area did during the times of it being the Wild West ( which it was up until the 1990's )
was secrete Items in or very near their Homes and out buildings .

As a Fact , a lot of those Rural people in New Mexico , were and still are , as Squrrlly

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