Yama#@!$%#@!a treasure in mindanao, philippines


Jr. Member
Jul 21, 2006
Mindanao, Philippines
Actually I am guest member in these treasure net forum dated 7/21/06 but I cannot inter to login for how many times and decided to quit. Once again I tried to be a guest member today
and I was accepted. I had already posted my topic dated 7/22/06 but nobody was interested to answer regarding to what I had found about the" YAMA#@!$%#@!A'S TREASURE" located in just at the back of my fathers house while we were building a chicken poultry. These started while we were digging a post. It so happened that the first marker was hit bullseye right at the center while I was digging. There was a wire protruding 1" above the ground. The wire was attached to the cemented block down at 18" below the ground the exact deep to install the post. The dimension of the cement block was 18"x 14"x 2" thick. There was a mark on it like a chinese character- meaning millions buried treasure deposit and an asterisk mark (*)- meaning big amount treasure deposits.
I had maps and treasure sign/code markers guide that coincides the actual stone markers that we found. These maps/guides were own by Ex. Pres. Marcos who were exploring on the other 2 treasure site just 700m away from our site. Please visit my blog for more info and pictures http://garyvbautista.blogspot.com/


interesting post. i wish you luck in finding the treasure. :)

Welcome ;

It's good to see you Figured out how to post.

That is a Very cool Find


How deep do you think the treasure is buried at your site? Is it directly under the marker or is it to the side? Keep at it slowly if money is a problem...some of the markers you found is art and is worth something...maybe enough to keep going....you do not need any luck. you need strength to keep going down..do not lose heart....
regards gt

Re: Yama#@!$%#@!a treasure in Mindanao, Philippines

:D To GT, If we follow the guidelines of Robert Cordova about the WW2 treasure seal, hope and maybe the deep will be 75 ft. based on the 50F engraved on the stone markers ( fish and frog), The 50F is a 50 ft. I can proved that the 50ft. started at the water level to the cement and the cement guide was .5 to 5 meters (15 ft.). Maybe, the total to reach the treasure cache will be 75 ft. from the ground level to the cement is 60 ft. And maybe the treasure is directly to the point of the arrow not on the side. Our treasure site is a triple deposits based on the 3 holes on the surface stone marker found.. maybe the second deposit site buried is a Buddha.( as per treasure locator who was trained by Japanese treasure hunter).

All the very best of luck at finding the treasure. For your sake I hope that it works out for you and you do find a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. It is unfortunate that many of the treasure hunts in the Phillipines have turned up with nothing to show for the efforts after a lot of hard earnt money has been spent.

To Hollowpointred,: Thanks for your post, maybe and hoping this year or next year, My ambition to discover this treasure will be true.

To Harry_Morant; Thanks for your comments, Some of my Filipino treasure hunters friends
out here in Treasure Net Forum advice me for what I had done. I am risking my life to opened my real Identity and my treasure site. If I will also hide, I know I will not be seen and no one will not be interested. But I really Admired them and I know they are good guys, once again, I thanks them. But I just want to let all know, That I had observed my co-Filipino treasure hunter was always been maybe insulted to some members and That they don't believe to Gboy's claimed about the WW2 Yamashita's treasure hidden in the Philippines. This is the time that I also want to let some members know, that really, Yamashita's treasure really exist and by proving this , is by showing the actual excavation site and the well engraved stone markers that we actually discovered.

Hi Gary,

I am sure some members of this forum have been cheated more than once and they assume by associations that all are bad. I only believe that the ones that are the worst in their claims of fraud in the Philippines are ones that likely were already scammed. This scam could of been by way of marriage and then discovering the secret lives of some of them after marrying. Everyone in North America are subjected to someone or some business trying to get into their pockets for some great deal or investment and then discovering they have been had. This is even when they see the deal first hand and not having to decide if the investment is half way across the world. I believe you, however, you must dig as you can on what little budget you can afford. Offers of cash will come with big demands, most of them will cost you more than you are willing to pay.
If you can dig without any hassle from your neighbors then you are already 90 percent to your goal. Go with your heart as what is in there is where for you to start. This is from personal experience. Regards, GT

Hello, swr

Have a look at what these folks have dug up and some of these would qualify as an art piece. Have a look at what sells on the Antique Roadshow as folk art and you might agree, however, art is in the opinion and the eye of the beholder. I for one would appreciate a few of the items that Gary has dug up.


To Jametaylor,
Thanks for your comments, I will accept to what is in your heart opinion, It's your own
observation and decision. May I add to what you really meant to us Filipinos? Truly, I had already been insulted by, an investor,a Yamashita's Gold explorer, 30 years of expertized and experience, the leading authority and historians of the Yamashita's Gold, That what I had presented were not true. that I am the one who made this drawings of "Japanese Signs" and well engrave archaeological artifacts purportedly found on the treasure site includes craft works, and Buddha's. For 6 long months of communications, he backed out because he don't believe on my documents. This what He says: That 99% of Filipino Treasure hunters of today continue the myth of treasure hunting sites, hidden secret deposits, and great wealth to be had because They can legitimize there canvassing for funding. this funding is used simply to support comfortable lifestyles in the Philippines, Had by treasure hunters who pretend to hunt but in reality, divert the investors funds to other business. Is it advisable for you T-N-members That I will reveal this person? He modified dated 12/13/06 his story
and add/posted it in the " Yamashita's Gold" Website but he deleted it when I reacted on his allegations. How can he write those allegations even he did not see the actual site and especially the stone markers that we actually found?
Hope Jametaylor, you are not like this great historian. Honestly, I am not scammer and forgerer as what some out here allegedly accused us Filipinos. Maybe some but not me.The better way to prove is to check actual, not by just seeing a pictures and sketches, and finally concluded that it is scam and forgers.
About your advice on spending my little own money until I will discover my goal without the help of our neighbor? As For my own opinion, I just cant do that, It needs a well to do investor and have a complete equipment to finish our project. This is a big and volume project.I had already spend for 8,000 dollars for this project and I will never retreat or surrender as long as I am alive and breathing. My neighbors were just an average level families like me. Hope your satisfied to my response. Its reality not fiction! GARY

i guess that's not a straight hole treasure.
look at the sides.
follow the soft/disturbed soil.

joe said:
kaloy said:
i guess that's not a straight hole treasure.
look at the sides.
follow the soft/disturbed soil.


yes that's true but since it has been more than 10 feet now, the giveaway is not in the hole. just my opinion.

To Kaloy,
We know that there is a decoy in our treasure site as per well trained Filipino treasure locator. As what I know by him that He was trained by an old Japanese official who was one
assigned in hiding the treasures here in Mindanao, Davao and southern Philippines. He was even the one with his men who tried to dug the decoy site but what he said, He missed the target guide but I was amazed because as what you see in my blogspot in accessories photos, thats were had found in the decoy area excluding the flat stone.
Maybe, this treasure site of mine was very will planned because of the well engrave stone markers that we had actually found. If you see the 3 holes in the surface stone markers, its meaning is that, it is a triple deposit. And I had also in my sign and codes guides authored by Gen. Tunjo dated 1942.

Re: Yama#@!$%#@!a Treasure in Mindanao, Philippines

I honestly accept that, what we had done during our excavation is very risky. No reinforcement in every side walls. We already reached to 65 ft. with 5 ft. very hard cement, that was why we had stop our excavation due to no well equipment to finished our project.
We can't do it by just a hardened chisel and mallet alone. I am just a neophyte on treasure
hunting and I never expected that the cement that the Japanese used was comparable to iron steel that anyone can ever imagine. but maybe, there is treasure in our dig basing to the stone markers that we had actually found.
About I honestly think on how much time that Japanese digging to hide the treasures?
My response to that, Is I don't no, I don't want to guess, But one expert well trained Japanese locator told me that, our site is a volume deposits and maybe one site is the Buddha.


Mr. Macarthur was no where near the Philipinnes for many years after he left for Australia. The Japanese had total control until the allied forces came back. The Japanese had plenty of time to do what they wanted when they wanted. WHATCHA THINK..? Gary

You are puzzle on how the Japanese buried their treasures during WW2 here in the Philippines, And I know that the Japanese had lots of time in digging holes and tunnels for their covers and especially on hiding and burying their treasures. but based on my research,
that I had found in the internet, I will show you one site that were discovered located in Southern Philippines. this website "www.yamashita-gold.com/ourstory.html" This was Plesk default page. But I had copied all the documents posted including their photo gallery. Their guide was an Ex. Japanese General and who knows how to read sign markers, that was why
for 3 long years of difficult digging, they had discovered the treasures. They had started their
excavation last i993 to 1996.( just look at my blogspot, you will see that our excavation, that our stone markers were actually found at every 4 ft. interval, and their last sign marker was almost the same as our find.) Our site was not so deep as theirs because our water level was starting at 10 ft. not like in there excavation, see and comments on their
excavation and exploration.


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The Japanese were already here in the Philippines before the war broke out.

They have already built extensive tunnels. Some were also made during the war itself using POW's. I remember the Japanese were good at tunneling.

For instance the Furokawa abaca plantation owned by a certain Furokawa who was in the Philippines before the war. When the war broke out only then people knew that the owner is a General. He's Genaral Furokawa.

To Goldlilly,
Thanks for your comments, I just want to clarify and answer your questions;
1) About the fake Gold bar that you had seen in my blogspot. I don't know if that picture of the gold bar which was handed by a man is fake. and also the picture of the digging attached on it. Actually I had just copied/printed it the website authored by Mr. Robert Cordova @ 2001-2006 on the " Japanese Treasure Seal", My reason is that, I had to compare it ( my sketched drawing of our actual digging ) to our actual digging on how thick the cement built and how deep is the treasure buried. I knew that what you had seen in Robert Cordova website is just a guide lines on how the WW2 Japanese treasure buried. But what I had observed, It is similar or it coincides our dig. And also the WW2 treasure hazard traps build by Japanese from Figure8 website to compare to what we had encountered in our actual excavation and exploration.
2) About the unrelated picture digging you mention. That digging you had seen in the picture, was the third treasure site or decoy. It was dug buy other group which was the trained Locator as what he estimated to 10 ft. deep. He was trained by a Japanese treasure guide and hunter by just using compass and angles. But as what he said, he missed to find the arrow.What we saw in that site were triangle, frog without mark, stone form into boat, stone form to shell and stone with one is sharp end.
The main treasure site was in the picture that was cover by plates, This is were my sketches/drawing located. In that picture, you will see the big stone form into a head of the snake. and in the side of the hole, you will see a surface stone with 3 holes on it meaning- 3 holes engrave in stone is a triple deposits.
The second deposit, as per trained locator, By showing the picture of the back of the Buddha arrow went to horizontal position an it goes to second deposit. As what he told me, If I had seen a big surface stone that were lots of holes and cut/divided into two. Note: in my picture, you will see a picture of the big surface stone, this is were maybe the Buddha
buried, Note; We had actually discussed my treasure claim 7 kms. away before going to our
actual site. I was puzzle, how did he knew, if he was not trained? Hope you are satisfied on my answer.

SWR said:
ssrjunkie said:

The Japanese were already here in the Philippines before the war broke out.

They have already built extensive tunnels. Some were also made during the war itself using POW's. I remember the Japanese were good at tunneling.

For instance the Furokawa abaca plantation owned by a certain Furokawa who was in the Philippines before the war. When the war broke out only then people knew that the owner is a General. He's Genaral Furokawa.

Americans were in the Phillippines before, during and after the war. I guess you forgot about General Douglas MacArthur, eh?

UGH ??? I guess you never went to school. The Philippine Islands were PART of the USA at that time.

MacArthur was responsible for LOOSING the Japanese invasion in 1941.


A great deal of the working land in Mindanao was owned by Japanese Nationals prior to WW2, that was legal at the time.

This has all been covered in this forum in the past 12 months. Those who fail to learn history are doomed to repeat (learning) it.


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