Yesterday and Today... also, Branch Manager wants to talk to me...


Sr. Member
Sep 13, 2010
So yesterday I picked up a box of dimes and a box of nickels... Swear I was going through my rejects, blanked on both in terms of silver. Only half a roll of pre-60 nickels, well under my usual rate of 1 roll per box, too.

Today wasn't much better... $100 in dimes, $50 in quarters, $26 in nickels yielded one lonely and really darkly toned '64 quarter. I can see why it was cashed in, I only checked it because I didn't see brown on the rim, only black. I called the two TD Banks that I asked to order me some halves, and both said they wouldn't be getting them until Thursday... agitating, seeing that I asked for them to arrive both Tuesday and Thursday, and they said ok. However, one branch I talked to told me that the Branch Manager would like to speak to me when I go to pick up my halves on Thursday. I wonder what they want... Any ideas?

Bolded to catch the eye of anybody who just skips through... I'm really curious about that... note it's not a dump bank, it's a pick up bank.

And a pic of the quarter find, as always. Side note, the HTC Evo 4G has an awesome camera. :)


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Nice quarter, looks to be in good shape with some rinsing.
-I hope they don't cut you off, they may just be curious as to what you do with all the coinage. I think someone on here was asked because the manager thought it was suspicious (homeland security wise,) but the mgr. didn't care when he heard that the individual was just a collector.

MauserMan said:
Nice quarter, looks to be in good shape with some rinsing.
-I hope they don't cut you off, they may just be curious as to what you do with all the coinage. I think someone on here was asked because the manager thought it was suspicious (homeland security wise,) but the mgr. didn't care when he heard that the individual was just a collector.

I hope that's all they want... And that's toning on the quarter, not dirt. It's probably the only darkly toned quarter I've found in circulation.

Keep it friendly and honest. Don't crack any jokes.

I've always kept the Branch Mgr aware of my actions ahea of time to avoid any surprises later.

This allows me to do some pretty unusual things

Piercesdad said:
Keep it friendly and honest. Don't crack any jokes.

I've always kept the Branch Mgr aware of my actions ahea of time to avoid any surprises later.

This allows me to do some pretty unusual things
It's unusual... I tell other branches it's for my work, but this branch I've been pretty straight with, it's the only branch I've actually told the tellers what I do with 'em and asked them to keep their eyes open for me. I did let 'em know if they find silver, I'd be willing to buy it off them for over face value... maybe the manager wants to sell me some? Haha, long shot, but I can dream... Hell, I'd love it if they just let me buy their half and dime bags off their machine, but I believe policy forbids them from doing that.

Other thing is, there are enough banks around here willing to hand out change that I spread things out very well... there's 15 branches/banks I pick change up at regularly, and 4 I dump at regularly. I end up going to any given branch maybe two or three times a month.

Good score on the quarter :thumbsup: :thumbsup:.
TD is going to cut you off from ordering boxes. It's a new policy they have.

Rich Hartford said:
Good score on the quarter :thumbsup: :thumbsup:.
TD is going to cut you off from ordering boxes. It's a new policy they have.

Then they will lose my accounts promptly. Several of my friends have already left TD in recent months, so I might as well join the parade if this is the case. My dad partakes in this hobby from time to time as well, so he won't be happy about that either.

In other news, and because I hate making multiple threads, I finally got around to doing a box of Pennies I got a couple weeks ago... not a bad box.

The bowl is 95% copper cents, a little more than average for a box of cents around here.

Here's the finds... 5 Canadians, 12 Wheats, 11 2009's, 2 '79's that look like they were struck loaded with grease, and 4 BU old coppers, a '59, '61, '61-D, and '64.

And a close up of the BU cents...

Don't know much about TD Bank. They just recently came to our area. I have been in a few of the branches looking for halves but have not approached them about ordering yet. They do, however have coin counting machines in the lobby and they say it is free, even to non account holders. I planning on dumping some there tomorrow and see how it works. Good luck to you !

FL Junkman

Don't be so hasty to close your accounts. They are still good for ordering boxes of other denominations. Plus, as Markmopar said, the penny arcade will be free to account holders.
Not to hijack the thread, but i wonder how long it will be until other banks stop ordering halves for us. Let us know how it turns out Ltrain.

None of my Banks in my area will order boxes for me and when I try to just buy rolls they are new rolls 2010. You all that can get boxes and hand rolls or bags from machines are very very lucky.

mountainman 2 said:
Don't be so hasty to close your accounts. They are still good for ordering boxes of other denominations. Plus, as Markmopar said, the penny arcade will be free to account holders.
Not to hijack the thread, but i wonder how long it will be until other banks stop ordering halves for us. Let us know how it turns out Ltrain.
Yeah, I'll definitely update the situation as time goes on... we have a huge population of banks in the area, I'm sure someone will be willing to order for me... I may turn TD into one of my "savings account" banks, just for the penny arcade and convenience of being able to walk in and get dimes pretty much whenever I want.

NoNeck said:
None of my Banks in my area will order boxes for me and when I try to just buy rolls they are new rolls 2010. You all that can get boxes and hand rolls or bags from machines are very very lucky.
I'd love for TD to let me buy bags off their machines, but it's against company policy... I know a few local banks around here will do it, but it's managers discretion and people who were upset about their bags being a dollar or two off usually irritate the managers into not selling bags any more. I practically have to beg and grovel to get them to pull 'em off the machine at most banks, only one is really friendly and, I dare say, happy about it.

Ltrain....are you in Philly? or some other large city? only asking because of the amount of banks in your area and the fact that you can't get bags. i found the bag thing to be true for most of PA. i too have hundreds of banks to go to and i dump at TD. no huge amounts but i use them frequently and so far noone has said anything about charging fees.

mistergee said:
Ltrain....are you in Philly? or some other large city? only asking because of the amount of banks in your area and the fact that you can't get bags. i found the bag thing to be true for most of PA. i too have hundreds of banks to go to and i dump at TD. no huge amounts but i use them frequently and so far noone has said anything about charging fees.
South of Philly, yes. I got the info from someone here and verified it with someone at TD... fees only charged if you're not a member.

Where you located?

I hunt most of Philly but I usually don't do boxes just handrolls and looses.
I'll have to do some dumping and see what TD says.

mistergee said:
I hunt most of Philly but I usually don't do boxes just handrolls and looses.
I'll have to do some dumping and see what TD says.

Boxes here SUCK. Bigtime. Of all the silver I've found, nearly 80% came on road tripping around. What's the story behind the Franklin rolls in your Avvy pic?

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