Read the Lost Dutchman Lies for free

A question that had been left unanswered at the end of the Lost Dutchman Lies, was did the modern day DON'S know the location of the Lost Dutchman Goldmine. In the April 2007 issue of the Arizona Highways magazine there is an article on the the Lost Dutchman Goldmine.
The third or fourth article into the story, there is a paragraph that has been written italicized. The number in the paragraph are in the order that follows "13,3,two,fifty." Thirteen is the section number on the topo maps that the Lost Dutchman Goldmine is located, 3325 are half the coordinates, 50 is the number of Dons in the Dons Club.
I read this article while at my dentist office today. Needless to say, I now have a copy of the April 2007 Arizona Highways on the way to my house. I want to see if I can find the other half of the coordinates hidden within the article, they should be 111-18.
If you think that this just came to be by chance, then here is another place that you can find the coordinates.
The fifth paragraph in this atrical you will find italicized, in this paragraph you will find that the first I has been written as a typo using the number 1, then you will find that there are three more I written in the italicized paragraph.
The next paragraph the first number to come up is 1892, or the 18, that we need to make the coordinates. 111-18 by using the I as number 1 we now have in order 111-18. The dash is made by the jump in paragraphs.
Now if there was a 3325 located in this article. This would finish the coordinates to the Lost Dutchman Goldmine. These are easy to find, from back to front they are located is in this order 30,30,20,50. The zeros on the back were to keep them from being mixed up with the other numbers in the story.
Have you caught a Freemason today ???
I have ;D


How do you place those coordinates near "Ruth's camp"? I believe they put you in section 23 rather than 13. Probably need to look back at some of Late's clues.....or is Jan back with a new name?



Don't really need to look, as I know where section 13 is. ;)

The question I have is: How do you fit the coordinates she gives into that section? Using those coordinates, you end up over on Kenworthy's Stone Map Trail.......along with a few other folks. :D That would be in section 23.

Getting old and feeble here, so what am I missing?


Now let me see if I have this write. The Dons Club members that have just posted above, are attacking me because of my opion.
Ok, since the Dons Club members Can't seem to remember how to get to the Lost Dutchman Mine using the coordaints 3352 and 111-18, I will help them to remember.
In the Randy McNally topo maps books, you will find that when you cross the lines for 3325 and111-18 you will end up just below the name La Barge Canyon. To the right of this cross section and sightly hidden under the C in the word canyon. You will find the same birds head that is found on the Vigal Bowmen map. Above the the Name La Barge Canyon you will find the wales head, this is also located on the Vigal Bowmem map.
This was in chapter one of the Lost Dutchman Lies, and if you would have read this book, then you would have knew this. Now since reading the book is for free. You would be very childish to attack someone without knowing what they were talking about, or, you are a member of the Dons Club.
Don't have much use for Freemasons :-*

OK djui5, Let me see now.
The rules to become a Dons Club member are to promet the Lost Dutchman Gold Mine?
Now you and your friends have been doing exactly that on this web site for a sometime now.
I no that because I have been watching you!
You also post on a well know Dons club web site. Along with Joe, Cactusjumper and the rest the Dons Club member's.

So I will ask you straight out djui5, Do you. or Do you not affiliate with the Dons Club and its members?


Of course there are things I am not telling you.

There are some folks here with really convoluted thought processes. Much like most of Bowman's posts, I have no idea what "Seventytwo" trombones is talking about. She seems a few horns short of a recognizable tune. ::)

Trying to make sense of these twisted brain teasers that masquerade as posts, is often considered an "attack" on the authors. Like them, we are just trying to have a good time, without having to answer for our comments, while trying to sprinkle in an occasional serious exchange.


"Don't have much use for Freemasons".

What in the world is that about? Do we have a little Masonic-envy going on? I doubt they have much use for you either. Is there some reason why anyone should care about your opinion of Masons?

The most important question arising out of Seventytwo's posts is: Who is "Vigal Bowmem"?

There is nothing of import in this there is no need to reply.



"So I will ask you straight out djui5, Do you. or Do you not affiliate with the Dons Club and its members?"

I see no reason to bring sex into this topic. Smut is not cool.


Well Joe, it would seem that you intend to deal with this, in the typical Dons Club fashion.
"Ignore it and it will go away."
The Dons Club dose not have an open oppion on the mine that is found in the Lost Dutchman Lies. Even though they promote the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchmans Goldmine.
Why is that Joe?

I will ask again djui5. Do you hangout and go hiking with a members of the Dons Club.
This is right off of the Dons clubs on web site. " presentation of the history, legends, and lore of Arizona.
Why dose it take a secret society to do this?


[Well Joe, it would seem that you intend to deal with this, in the typical Dons Club fashion.
"Ignore it and it will go away."
The Dons Club dose not have an open oppion on the mine that is found in the Lost Dutchman Lies. Even though they promote the Superstition Mountains and the Lost Dutchmans Goldmine.
Why is that Joe?]

Wish I knew, but if I were going to ask would be you. Right now, you seem to be the expert on the Don's Club. If I had to take a guess, I would surmise that they, along with the Masons, turned you down for membership. It must be a heavy burden for you to live with.

For most people, like me for instance, life just gets better and better. For others........
it don't get any better, at all. :'(

Try to live a better life. It's all good.

Joe Ribaudo

The reason Djui5 cannot answer if he has ties with the Dons Club or not. It is because he knows that I have a personal message setting in front of me that reads, I will quote this for you.
": no, but I hike a lot with Greg Davis, who is a member of the Dons club and the Historical Society, I spend quite a bit of at his house doing research also :)" (post number 1371)
Now that we know who the Dons are, I will tell you who I am. I am the writer of the Lost Dutchman Lies. My name is Danny Adams and this was part of my research.
I needed to know if the modern day Dons knew the location of the Lost Dutchman goldmine or not.
In the April 2007 Arizona Highways magazine I found hidden within it. The same coordinates to the Lost Dutchman mine that had been used in several of the other treasure stories. I also found them used on a web site in the same mannor.
When I posted on this web site the knew locations, it caused the modern day Dons to react. At first they tried to change the topic, and get away from the post. When that didn't happen.
They attack me and my point of view!
At this point I had left djui5 at a point were he had to answer the question, do you hang out with the Dons club.
I had talked to djui5 in January of this year in personal emails. At first he was my friend, then he found out who I was, and ignored me from that day forward, that is the Dons club way.
At this point the Dons knew who I was again, so Joe immediately went back to the old ways "ignore him and he will go away." You will see this in the bottom of the post of Joes above.
The Dons have been doing this since the summer of 2004. That is when I had first written the book The Lost Dutchman Lies and showed them a copy.
It sadden me to have to stay on djui5 tonight, because he is a very nice person and I had enjoyed are talks back in January. But I needed to show that the Dons are still up to the games. They know the location of the Lost Dutchman Goldmine and are still promoting it to this very day and on this web site. That is why djui5 could not answer the question when asked.

P.S. I have file with a more revised copy of the Lost Dutchman Lies, to get a copy send an email address to [email protected] I think you will find this one easier to read
Danny A Adams Treasure Hunter


["ignore him and he will go away." You will see this in the bottom of the post of Joes above.]

I would be interested in how you find that at the bottom of my post. Rather than ignoring you, I have replied to your "off the mark" posts.

You equate "hang out with the Don's Club" as being the same thing as spending time with someone who is a member of that club? ::)

Since you have been to the LDM, how about some pictures.



IMHO, :) Letting someone like bowman have any effect on your life is foolish. It's like playing a board game...keeps you thinking and wondering what the other guy will come up with next, but you should forget about it once the game is over.

I have met some great Dutch Hunters through the internet, and don't want to pass up meeting others. When we go into the Bradshaws, we will be joined by a retired miner who worked there, as well as the mines in California. Made that contact through the internet. Can't wait to hear the stories he must have.

I see that Peter and Matthew are getting excited about the next Rendezvous. That's a big change from when it first started. I applaud whatever it takes to keep it going and will make it a point to attend.

Take care,


Personally I think your all friggin nuts, especially the ones that have been out in the sun too long looking for mythical mines and trying to steal the lepurchans lucky charms.

Yes that warm desert sun does have a very strong and powerful, almost a magical force to it.


"I curse the people involved with this hoax..."

Not sure I will believe Bowman....that it is all a lie. Not that I believe anything he has said, but if he actually applied for a Treasure Trove Permit, he had to shell out $200.
That seems a little unnecessary/excessive for him to float his story.....just for a few laughs.

I suspected some kind of "investor" scheme from the start, and assume he would have to have something to show the suckers. Filing for a permit would fit right into that line of thought.

Joe Ribaudo

If all that was a hoax, what was the point? why would someone spend sooo!much time and energy with all those long (sometimes crazy) posts, as a joke?. the thought of that is even wilder than some of those posts. And he did spend a lot of time posting. Is anyones life really that empty tha they would spend so much time and energy creating such a wild story.


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