Phil Grecos treasure saga and troubles

Gypsy Heart

Gold Member
Nov 29, 2005
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

Whoa...this is an very interesting article...a corrupt and dishonest government .....who would have ever guessed that ? ;)



Hero Member
May 24, 2005
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

There are a lot of stories about this google "Phil Greco" it been going on a while. Also use the previous button at the bottom of the original blog for much more of the same.


Bronze Member
Jun 14, 2004
Beaufort, SC
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Garrett Sea Hunter Mk II
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

Does anyone know enough to sum up the situation? I don't have alot of time read the pages and pages and pages of ramblings. I would hate to be in his position but I just don't know or understand what has transpired. How did this whole thing start? What exactly does Phil Grecco do?

Robert in SC



Hero Member
May 24, 2005
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

Difficult to say Rob, there are two sides to the story and of course it only realy becomes a problem when there is value in the cargos. In this case 50 million $

It seems Mr. Greco took time to stay with the fishermen and gained their trust and they showed him the sites.
The fishermen then recovered the items and Mr. Greco cleaned and stored them in the Philippines. Judging by the amount of treasure he has they have been very busy.

"Greco, according to the NY Times, reported to have lived among the natives and village fishermen in Panay, Mindanao and Busuanga for more than a decade.

He formed a company called Stallion Recoveries Ltd., based in Hong Kong, which organized the forthcoming auction with Guernsey?s.(auction was cancelled)

He said that he employed Filipino divers in his operations in the last seven years, and that he intended to share his ?expected profits? with his crew chiefs in the Philippines and turn them into ?millionaire(s) in their own currencies.?

The potential Filipino millionaires who helped Greco were not identified.
He said it was his Filipino fishermen-friends ?who led him to the shipwreck sites (which were as) deep as 280 feet, beyond the range of most sport divers.?

He recalled how his team used crude diving implements, relying not on air tanks but weights, lines and hoses to bring air down to men working at the bottom."

The government are saying "?We have checked our records for the last seven years and we can now categorically state that no permit (whatsoever) was issued to Greco,? Silva said.

Silva said the museum actually only encountered Greco twice, the first time on April 12, 2002, when the museum and the Bureau of Customs impounded a cache of some 1,000 Chinese ceramics, then consigned to Stallion Recoveries.

The second encounter was after the impounding, when Greco himself showed up at the museum to demand the release of the artifacts.

Sen. Loren Legarda had also called for an inquiry into Greco?s treasure-hunting activities and how he was able to ship out his ?treasure? under the noses of Philippine officials."

Anyway there is so much to read about this it is all unclear. But so far he has not showed any permits so if there are non he is screwed. Even if he has them he will be accused of forging them so again he is screwed.

In the end I do not know who is right or maybe both are right but greed got in the way.



Hero Member
May 24, 2005
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

Greco?s attorney, David Concannon, fires back that his client received a 10-year permit to excavate from former Philippine President Joseph Estrada, who was forced out of office, and also holds other government permissions. ``Phil followed the Filipino laws,?? Concannon says. The lawyer concedes, however, that the excavation permit may not be recognized by the administration of current Philippine President Gloria Macapagal Arroyo. ``It?s a ping-pong match,?? he says.



Hero Member
May 24, 2005
Now some Florida guy is involved

This getting worse, and I still do not know who is right or wrong.

Truth, Justice and the American Way #1 ? 9 days ago by Jane Greco
March 14, 2005

Truth Justice and the American Way Writing #1

This writing and its? followups, in respect to the American part of this saga, is going to make me a very unpopular lady. The people I will now expose paid big bucks to prevent my ever telling these present and future shared facts.

There will be quite a few of the characters, if not all, who will go to all lengths to make me into an absolutely disreputable, inscrutable individual. They have never failed in the past to say horrific things about me in their writings , which had nothing to do with reality, so why should one expect anything less from them in the future. Because I am exposing all of them in my Blog, you may come to your own conclusions in respect to their future crowing.

Please note, those who will cluck the loudest and have been the most active in regards to the illegal grabbing off of what we own, have done so while ignoring the financial needs, and welfare of the very people who have done all the work to have made it possible. These loudmouthed persecutors do not even know the name of, nor have they ever met, nor do they care a fig about any individual who risked their lives to help get all these artifacts in the past or in the present.

These white collar hooligans only want it all now that the work has been done for years without them.

So many of our relatives, friends and acquaintances have asked us why we haven?t written a book about Phils? expeditions. Who has the time to write a book when one has been dealing with one legal problem after the other since we showed everyone what the years of hard work and personal investment had produced.

We have read some very unflattering things about my husband in several publications made by a few members of the ?Church of Archaeology.? These folks, who have very unpleasant things to say, have never even spoken to, nor met him. Their comments are based upon snobbery and God knows what else since we have never had the glorious moment of interrelating with them in the slightest other than reading their adverse comments based on newspaper writings and given by them for publication to the same newspapers.

If we had published works about my husbands recoveries we would of course be treated with a different kind of respect, albeit begrudgingly. Phil was invited to be a member and became a member of ?The Explorers Club? with four prominent members as sponsors however that simply was not good enough for some.

Then there is another question of why would a person hell bent on stealing what Phil owns and risked his life to obtain want us to write a book to legitimize the collection? After all they stand a better chance stealing it by slandering him and using their large bank accounts to destroy him, in a court forum, using the ?starve out method? the wealthy pay for, to crush others who have less.

They demanded we be reasonable about all this as they used the American legal system to methodically create us into criminals however they have never succeeded. It is they who have criminalized us and abused the legal system all at the same time.

What could possibly have given Minister Rais Yatim, of Malaysia and all the other playahs, who were swept along into the madness, the idea, that they would gain overwhelming support for their wayward actions? Hah! They based their actions on a pack of lies from the American part of the saga which spilled over into another country.

It will be fascinating to hear their depositions regarding their justifications. Boy oh boy, they didn?t do their due diligence. Of course stealing another persons legal documents is one way to prevent the truth from being presented in a court of law. Then again that is a severe case of Obstruction of Justice, however given the actions already done by the Minister and his cohorts why should we expect anything less?

Fear not, the pertinent documents are copied and in several places in the USA. I will post them when necessary to confirm what I will have written. The truth is soon to be revealed, at last.

Who knows, it may simply have been, that the Minister is so accustomed to living a power position in his country that he thinks he can do anything he wants to without being called out on it. I am not a mind reader. The information will inevitably be put forth in yet another legal venue.

It is so obvious what has happened and why the past six months of revolting events has taken place.
It is sad but true that the media and the court systems can actually feed and encourage the worst behaviors in others. So many have used the two as vehicles for cheap wins and the twisting of facts to sway public opinion and caste bad light upon us. Literary feeding frenzies are very popular nowadays.

I have tried to point out, in my other writings, how lies in the newspapers have affected my husband and our familys? reputations. Once the lies have been syndicated in the newspapers, of 140 countries, which then creates a jump start for non syndicated papers to pick up and further the spread of misinformation, there is little one can do to turn it around. Given we live in an internet sharing world with loads of Blogs ready and eager to pounce on the headlines of the day, one has to learn to absorb all the negativity and continue on in spite of it.

Publicists and high profile attorneys are but for a very few in this world so the rest of us working stiffs best figure out how to be entrepreneurial when having to speak up for themselves or suffer getting steamrolled.

Add to that idea, the more than willing jealous competitors, who would like nothing other than to have the chance to add more doubt and more public ill will upon their opponents one has got to have the stamina to carry on and stay the course.

Lastly there are those who want nothing other than to steal and profit from what they do not deserve. These critters use their big bank accounts to have the legal system methodically trample the very basis of the protections of the law, to gain that what they think, in their twisted minds, is theirs for the taking. Narcissus move over.

The untrue internet information about my husband has been as a result of the American part of the saga and I am now introducing it to you all and intend to intersperse it along with this Blogs other focus, Malaysia.

We will start in the year 2001. I could give a long list of names and characters in this part of the story or take one or a few at a time to give a taste of what will become more than simply a long narrative. This portion of the Blog is a book series.

It really is best if I gradually introduce the story and the participants. They are very used to bullying us about and they will not like the truth being aired in such a forum as this.

The crowd I?m introducing fostered upon us :
entrapment, blackmail, thugs, off duty police and retired highway patrol, false arrest by a felon, investigators with felony records and multiple aliases harassing us, bribery, cronyism, perjury, car back ending, running our cars off roads, helicopters, high tech tracking equipment, a battery of frivolous Motions designed to bankrupt us or win by default due to lack of opposition response, stockholder fraud, corporate fraud, interstate fraud, hostile takeovers, attempts of compromising attorneys during court sessions and this is only for starters.

There is more, much more, oh yes. This is all the information they spent millions to prevent us presenting it in a court of law and to a jury of our peers. Well not any more. It will be told!
The three main groups would at first work separately and then they all merged to become a massive front against my family. The fact that we have over 60 witnesses should have accounted for something however, they had to be eliminated and you will get to see how it was done.

First group: Jessee Venable, Henry ?Hank? Andries and Carlos Pacheco

It began in the U.S. of A, with a Tampa/ St. Petersburg, Florida man, Jessee, who we had gotten financially involved with regarding raising expedition monies. Jessee created, in December 2001, a one page collateral loan agreement which was to be called in for payment, when the expedition was complete in February of 2004.

This fellow never had any intentions of having his money with interest returned to him. This never was his real plan for involving himself with us. No, he saw in my husbands work and success a way for him to wheedle his way into an elite group of underwater salvagers who are highly respected in the state of Florida. Many of these people are based in the Tampa/St. Petersburg area.

While my husband worked overseas on his expeditions this man launched a plan with an attorney from Michigan ( Henry Andries) and a man he would refer to as his office assistant and manager ( Carlos Pacheco).

Within two months of our signing a one page collateral loan agreement Jessee and the Michigan attorney and the assistant began to formulate a law suit against my husband and me for the sole purpose of stealing half of our collection, stealing my husbands persona, passing off the collection as his effort by showing the photos of the pieces along with his Florida boats, his Florida crews and his Florida equipment.

They created a CD Rom showing photos my husband had taken of his artifacts, with photos of Jessees Florida boats, his Florida crews and his Florida equipment and gave it out along with a Flyer of incorrect information about my husbands recoveries, with Jessees name , address and contact numbers. The Cd Rom had nothing about my husband, nothing mentioning his company, showed none of Phils crews nor him nor their boats and equipment overseas. The DC Rom had nothing about us other than our artifacts being falsely represented as Jessees.

He then used the Federal Court system to trash our names and my husbands recovery in an attempt to run off with half of what had been recovered, and all the rest which would in the future be recovered.

One of his partners, Andries, represented himself to Phil and me as part of a group, which was then referred to as ?The Michigan Group?. The ruse was that they were wealthy professionals who used their excess monies for investment and profit. This began less than three months after we had signed the loan agreement and Phil was back overseas working with his crews.
Jessee would send us questionnaires sent via e mail from the Michigan attorney Henry, who preferred to be called Hank, which we would fill out so they could understand our backgrounds before they would invest what Jessee said was to be 30 million dollars. The question for Phil and me at that time was 30 million dollars for what? Was Jessee getting a commission for this? A commission would have been okay with Phil.

We would find out after being served a lawsuit on October 17th 2002, that the questions were used by private investigators who were checking us out from the day we were born to dig up dirt on us. I know they found nothing. So they made things up to use against us, with perjured affidavits made by their felonious investigators in their voluminous, never ending, frivolous Ex Parte Motions and filings.
This Hank never once called either Phil or me and we were never given any numbers to call him at either. One would have to think that people investing 30 million dollars would want to speak with the Principles, now wouldn?t one? We paid the whole thing no mind because it seemed so preposterous.

In June of 2002 Jessee came to Los Angeles alone although he was supposed to bring with him three members including this Hank from the ?Michigan Group? to speak with my husband and me about their desire to invest in not only the expeditions but to also help market it through museum and exhibit venues.

He came to photo graph everything which had been sent to the US he said to show the Michigan Group which never came as they were supposed to. The photos were taken to be copied and placed in the lawsuit they hit us with, that was the real reason they took the photos.

Jessee used his cell phone a lot to talk with this Hank, however he never put Phil on the phone to speak with him also. The reason for this was because Hank called Phil in October to tell him that his ?Group? could not deal with Jessee any longer and they would prefer to deal directly with Phil.

Phil spoke about funding the expeditions without Jessee?s involvement and within two days Hank calls again to say that he is actually the lawyer for Jessee and he demands that we sign papers of partnership with him or they will take legal measures against us. Phil told him he had no intention of having Jessee as a partner and that we had signed only a collateral loan agreement.

On October 17, 2002 we were served papers for ten different charges and our house was being monitored by investigators, in cars with cameras, who had been watching us for days. Jessee had even sent a flyer to all of our neighbors, days before, to tell them the men in cars were hired by him to investigate us.

This is only the beginning. More to come.


grizzly bare

Hero Member
Aug 30, 2005
Warrenton, VA
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Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

I'm still confused.
I've read through this crap twice, and I still have NO IDEA of what is happening. Can you make this plain English for those of us who can't read your mind? Do you have "collateral agreements" with these others or not? Can you prove that you have search and recovery permits? Are you legal salvors or illegal thiefs?
Please try to explain a bit more in-depth so we have a clear picture of what is happening.

grizzly bare



Hero Member
May 24, 2005
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles


The problem is as always money, if they had found just bits of wood and nails etc then we would not even be reading this item. But as there is a reputed 50 million $ treasure then as alway things pop out from the wood work.
I have no idea who is right here but for sure it has all the normal hallmarks of bad paperwork, clandestine operations, and government involvment and of course the odd politician in it for himself, Look at the Saudi thing last week, government again. There is no escape from these things.

I find it interesting that the lady is correct there is no real media coverage, (at least I have not found any so far) so who is keeping the lid on it.

Having spent 20 years working in and out of Dubai, I saw many strage things happen there, the legal process takes a long time, even when you do not add two more governments.

Hopefully we will see the end result in the near future, but do not hold you breath.


Hero Member
Mar 30, 2005
London, ON
Re: Phil Greco's treasure saga and troubles

fleamistress said:

Then again, justice is not always to be found in the courts.
The judicial system has absolutely nothing to do with justice - only law

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