
  1. Just Getting Started

    Hi. I am interested in getting started in treasure hunting. I am looking at digging up old outhouse privy locations as well as getting a metal detector and looking for metal treasures. I was wondering if any of you friendly folks could help me get started? I don't have a metal detector yet...
  2. I found a thing today.

    Can anybody help me out with this bottle? I believe it's pyrex and 12 gallons. It stands 30" tall, 16" wide The neck is 12" . It weights almost 30 lbs. No markings. The thing is massive. Any help would be appreciated. A value also if possible. Thanks. Found it in a old abandon barn.
  3. Could anybody ID this jar?

    In the attached pictures show the jar I found in a small dump recently. On the bottom, it is embossed with 5215, X, and 2-1. If anybody’s has any ideas on what it is let me know. Thanks for the help!
  4. Please help me on my questions for bottles.

    Hello, my name is Tommy, and I would like to know about more ways to find bottles. Since I dabbled in the hobby this year, I do not have much experience yet. I mostly metal detect, and that is how I found bottles, in two locations. At a 1980s house, which had a large shed likely dating back to...