2 hour hunt


Silver Member
Jan 31, 2023
I called the property owner and asked him if he wanted to go with me. I ask a lot most times he canā€™t go do to work. Today he went, itā€™s much easier when he goes cause we go in his truck and I donā€™t have to walk so far. We had a good time looking. 1st spot unfortunately we didnā€™t find anything but debitage and a couple of broken points and some worked materials. 2nd spot I walked by myself cause there wasnā€™t much to look at. I found the scraper. He went on down to the bigger bar. I joined him. Water still needs to drop about a foot. Itā€™s hard to see through the ripples. Sun just wouldnā€™t cooperate today in and out. Just as the sun popped I saw a flash and reached in and pulled the oval knife. Then I found the pretty red jasper core. I was telling him how when you step on them they will turn sideways and later the current will knock them flat so when the water drops they should be sitting op top. Well all of sudden he said I think I have one and it was turned sideways right in my boot track lol. Anyway hereā€™s the finds.
I gave him my point and I kept the scraper.


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Upvote 13
Great finds.

Including the field owner to join is a good idea.

The red jasper is an attractive material.

Great finds.

Including the field owner to join is a good idea.

The red jasper is an attractive material.
I did find a big chunk of chert that was worked down like a hammer stone or chopping tool. I didnā€™t keep it but now I canā€™t stop thinking about it. I will probably look for it again my next trip. Thanks

Nice finds. Sounds like a good time.
If the sun could just of stayed out longer we probably would have found more. I canā€™t tell you how many black leaves I picked up today thinking it was a point just to be disappointed again and again

If anyone has an idea on types Iā€™m all ears. I think the one I found could be a Morrow Mountain cause itā€™s bigger than I normally find

He is cleaning them. Maybe it will reveal something about it. Might be a black and white by the looks of one side
I saw him today and he said the vinegar ate the polish off of the bowl but didnā€™t do much of anything for the points. So Iā€™m thinking they are true black chert šŸ˜ƒ

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