800 vs Nokta Legend

Love my Minelabs and their ability to null on iron targets.

The Legend works everywhere that EMI is a problem, unlike the 900.

My trusty EQ600 is starting to show signs of caputness creeping in... Standard 11' coil is faulty/dead and the 15' feels awkward. Control pod issues too.... Think a Legend will fill the slot nicely....... or ?? (should i say it) a Garrett Vortex ???...
ohh dear
Get a 900 and all your 600 coils will work with it. If you need new coils too, get the Manticore as it's on sale right now.

Get a 900 and all your 600 coils will work with it. If you need new coils too, get the Manticore as it's on sale right now.
I was thinking along those lines,, but somehow i don't think the new equinox range is offering anything new,, apart from a few bells and whistles... I am no expert but how can a 'new machine' run old coils and claim to be any better than the 600, if you know what i mean ?? as a detectorist i am of the persuasion that the coils do the work... the added CDI numbers and graphics or whatever may aid in target ID, but how can a 900 run an old 15inch coil and get anything more from it than the old series did ? ... maybe better trash rejection , perhaps,, seen plenty of folks absolutely digging as much junk with their manties,, so i don't really think the machine is worth the price..
However a legend,, at (what i consider) a decent price... or a chance on the new Garrett.... more exciting for me.
Could be a mistake (loved my EQ when i finally conceded that it can't tell the difference between anything)...

But am open to be convinced....

The Legend works everywhere that EMI is a problem, unlike the 900.
Quite an impressive array of machines in your Bio ..
Would you score the Legend well against the EQ9 ?


I was thinking along those lines,, but somehow i don't think the new equinox range is offering anything new,, apart from a few bells and whistles... I am no expert but how can a 'new machine' run old coils and claim to be any better than the 600, if you know what i mean ?? as a detectorist i am of the persuasion that the coils do the work... the added CDI numbers and graphics or whatever may aid in target ID, but how can a 900 run an old 15inch coil and get anything more from it than the old series did ? ... maybe better trash rejection , perhaps,, seen plenty of folks absolutely digging as much junk with their manties,, so i don't really think the machine is worth the price..
However a legend,, at (what i consider) a decent price... or a chance on the new Garrett.... more exciting for me.
Could be a mistake (loved my EQ when i finally conceded that it can't tell the difference between anything)...

But am open to be convinced....
You were thinking that the Legend was going to "fill the spot nicely". Well, the 900 would do that too and save you money on buying new coils. Now, if you're looking for something that is arguably better than your 600, or, the 900 I suggested, than sure, try the others. I'm sure in some areas and under certain conditions, the Legend, Vortex, Deus 2, Manitcore may work better, but, leaps and bounds better.......no. Knowing your machine, which coil to use, and how to tweak it to match conditions is more important. I'm just saying that the 900 is everything that the 600/800 should have been, and more. Starting from scratch right now, it would be the Manticore for me. Best all around machine currently available IMO. For specialized conditions such as nugget prospecting or diving, no, but, most other uses, yes.

Quite an impressive array of machines in your Bio ..
Would you score the Legend well against the EQ9 ?
My main activity is hunting gold nuggets and specimens around old gold mines and other mountain locations. The Legend and 900 are about the same, although I think the Legend has a crisper response on good targets. There's a lot of room for experimentation with the Legend because of the three regular multi-freqs, a gold mode multi-freq, and a multi-freq in beast mode. The 900 has a harder time with EMI, so it helps to use single freqs to quiet the noise. An update expanded the iron bias down to -1 and stabilized it better. I like the hundred-point VDI, the red backlight, and the stock carbon fiber shaft. The best coil is the Coiltek 10x5 elliptical.

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I have been using the Nox 900 ,600 and the Legend. I upgraded the 600 shaft to an s-shaft(Steves) with counterweight and it is just a joy to swing. The 900 and legend were pretty equal in performance before the latest software upgrades but now I prefer the 900. The continuous noise cancel and the -1 iron bias were huge improvements IMO. The Legend works well but isn't as user friendly as it has a lot of hidden settings that take some getting used to. While the Legend is much cheaper than the 900 it also has a keypad that needs altered to see well and a slightly wobbly shaft(with bigger coils) and a shaft camlock that can't be tightened.All these issues can be easily fixed but as the old saying goes...you get what you pay for. I just got a Manticore that I haven't used yet and I'm going to get rid of either the Nox 600 or the Legend..Tough choice as I like them both!

Hello Jose
What is the keypad issue with the Legend keypad ? hadn't heard about this ....

Hello Jose
What is the keypad issue with the Legend keypad ? hadn't heard about this ....
It isnt backlit and it is hard to see.. most legend users end up using a fine-tip marker to make the icons more visible.. no big deal

I see the new 2024 Legend has a backlit screen .... :icon_thumright: IP68 is impressive too, my nox doesn't even like foggy/heavy dew conditions.


I believe it also has a 'total time detected' type feature.... I like the sound of that... I reckon i have topped 1000 hours on my EQ600 but have no way of proving it... Except ,of course, for the amount of Iron crap, which the Nox is so good at filtering :icon_scratch:.... A friend (sort of) had a Manty for a while,, some impressive 'crap iron' digging was done with that !!!:laughing9:

I dropped off the forum for a while, but pretty sure that most of my last discussions were about these 'apparent' leaps and bounds within the detector market... all these new advances and impressively named machines and settings... but in reality we just digging up the same amount of crap... I mean the Manticore , as far as i can see, digs slightly deeper junk................... The nox range ?? what can i say ?? My old Ace 250 digs way deeper... I dunno.
Nokta to save the day ?? Hope so.

Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Day, Good night..

Right now I have about 400-hours on the Equinox 800, and 20-hours on the Legend. I like the Legend more than the 800 everywhere - Except - the saltwater beach at this point. I like the ergonomics, the build (especially the coil ears!), depth and sensitivity to very small targets. Basically the Legend is much more customizable and I am not worried about it flooding like my first Equinox.

My first trip to saltwater didn't go well with the Legend, however after watching Merrill's video (Metal Detecting NYC), I feel I was using the wrong settings and needed to update the machine. In the long run I believe I will be using the Legend at the beach more and more as I learn it.

They are BOTH excellent machines. Get back to me in another 100-hours on the headphones with the Legend! :skullflag:
Nice report Terry

I believe it also has a 'total time detected' type feature.... I like the sound of that... I reckon i have topped 1000 hours on my EQ600 but have no way of proving it... Except ,of course, for the amount of Iron crap, which the Nox is so good at filtering :icon_scratch:.... A friend (sort of) had a Manty for a while,, some impressive 'crap iron' digging was done with that !!!:laughing9:

I dropped off the forum for a while, but pretty sure that most of my last discussions were about these 'apparent' leaps and bounds within the detector market... all these new advances and impressively named machines and settings... but in reality we just digging up the same amount of crap... I mean the Manticore , as far as i can see, digs slightly deeper junk................... The nox range ?? what can i say ?? My old Ace 250 digs way deeper... I dunno.
Nokta to save the day ?? Hope so.

Good Morning, Good Evening, Good Day, Good night..
Yes ..the screen is backlit but the buttons are hard to see without altering them. The total time feature is nice and something all detectors should have..I only wish it was just hours instead of days, months, years! I hate doing math lol

Yes ..the screen is backlit but the buttons are hard to see without altering them. The total time feature is nice and something all detectors should have..I only wish it was just hours instead of days, months, years! I hate doing math lol
Ok i get ya ..
so the buttons are grey and embossed, so no contrast, ?? could be a bit fiddly alright...

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