African / tribal shoreline find.


Bronze Member
Feb 24, 2015
New York/Florida
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Hello all I hope your getting the last swings in before a long winter sets in hh gl.
Today I took my machine for a walk on the beach. Or shoreline trashy
Nasty place this was but it has history close by so I figured what the heck. Not one clear tone
Full of debris. But I eyeballed this statue ? Looks African or tribal of some kind it's hardwood dark grey looking wood no signature or marks just a cool piece , thought I'd share
If anyone has any ideas of what it is let me know. Thanks eastcoast

looks modern, as if it came from one of those "import" stores, like Cost Plus or Pier One.

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Just tidying up some blasts from the past (including some very ancient ones), largely for the benefit of anyone searching the site for information.

That’s by the Dominican artist Frank Coronado (1955-present), or a plagiarisation of his work by someone else. If it is one of his works, it should be signed on the back. Coronado’s sculptures are carved from mahogany and then painted, often taking inspiration from artists such as Picasso. Whether authentic or not, it sadly has almost no value in that condition. Some Coronado examples:


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