Am I imagining this ???

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Let's be realistic here. $20 a year is not much to pay for what we get. As with anywhere those that pay rent have more priveledges then the guests in the home and the owner of the home has all priveledges as they own it. The rubber room creates more work than any portion of the site which adds to the expenses of maintaining the site. If you keep the rubber room you contain those issues within one area and if you limit how many people are there then it is easier to maintain. Marc does not owe us any section of the forum but he does allow us access to every room in the house except a couple without paying any rent at all and charges a very miniscule fee for full access to his entire home here. There are several personal page areas that are allowing political posts so there is obviously no conspiracy to silence even those that do not wish to pay rent. This is not a publicly owned forum, it is Marc's forum and home so even if I don't agree with everything he does I know it is his choice to set the rules in his home and also which rooms everyone is allowed to move their things into. I have not discussed any of this with Marc so I can't say what his reasoning is behind the changes as far as access but this is my opinion on the subject. I rarely post in the rubber room myself but I do enjoy reading there frequently and I love this site and the people here. I rarely agree with Marc on politics yet he still puts up with me. lol I enjoy the company of all the members of treasurenet and hope to continue to do so for a long time. Let's go find some treasure and try to get along. :tongue3: Love you guys!

Diggemall said:
~Trish~ said:
Marc said the politics forum had caused him to loose sponsors, and thats pretty bad!
I can tell you that if this was my sight and i used it as a business and i lost sponsors because of one forum, you best believe i would never put it back up!

I didn't realize either of the 2 major parties was a sponsor ! Hard to imagine a manufacturer caring one way or the other about peoples opinions on politics............. even more so, if a sponsor was politically sensitive enough to threaten (relatively) free speech with pulling their ad, I (in my usual pig-headed manner) would have said "Adios Amigo, this is America - you can disagree with someones opinion, but paying me to squelch it is another matter"


This was a particularily nasty election this year. The, "Board" of Cooper Rifles of America, kicked it's founder off the, "Board" when he voiced his support for one of the presidential nominees!! So nothing would surprise me.

IMO this is NOT the best of times to drop participation in discussing politics among ourselves simply because the election is over.

The ONLY defined policy of the new CEO is change.
A radio person just stated the CEO's website just removed the entirety of the platform previously mentioned.

In the near future will we be allowed to metal detect on ANY public property?
Will we be allowed to retrieve ANY object older than 10 years, or 20 years?
What objects may be determined to be of historical interest and subject to confiscation?
Who will make that decision?
Will there be a fee for metal detecting? There is for dredging!
Perhaps metal detectors will now become directly regulated by the FCC, and owners licensed?
Will we be allowed to research govt records using FOIA when treasure hunting?
With the volatility in exchange rate of our dollar, will those of us who prefer a foreign built detector still be able to purchase one?

There's a whole raft of very important political decisions coming down the pike, folks.

I would sure enjoy discussing them with you, here on Tnet, where we share a common interest.


You are more than welcome to post such discussions as those you just mentioned that directly relate to treasure hunting in my room here on treasurenet rmptr. I would think those are some very important topics to all of us. In fact I will start a thread for ya if you want. :thumbsup:

Diggemall said:
~Trish~ said:
Marc said the politics forum had caused him to loose sponsors, and thats pretty bad!
I can tell you that if this was my sight and i used it as a business and i lost sponsors because of one forum, you best believe i would never put it back up!

I didn't realize either of the 2 major parties was a sponsor ! Hard to imagine a manufacturer caring one way or the other about peoples opinions on politics............. even more so, if a sponsor was politically sensitive enough to threaten (relatively) free speech with pulling their ad, I (in my usual pig-headed manner) would have said "Adios Amigo, this is America - you can disagree with someones opinion, but paying me to squelch it is another matter"


He didn't say the current sponsors threatened to leave he said that new sponsors refused to come on board. If you're looking for suspects look at the list of sponsors and see who is not there. siegfried schlagrule

How ever he said it, you cant please everybody, its a waist of time to even try.

Babysitters get paid. :thumbsup: Many in the Rubber Rooms acted like children with an attitude problem. Guess Marc decided he was tired of babysitting for free. :wink:

Pepper2004 said:
Babysitters get paid. :thumbsup: Many in the Rubber Rooms acted like children with an attitude problem. Guess Marc decided he was tired of babysitting for free. :wink:

um hum! :binkybaby:

TheDane said:
~Trish~ said:
Marc said the politics forum had caused him to loose sponsors, and thats pretty bad!
I can tell you that if this was my sight and i used it as a business and i lost sponsors because of one forum, you best believe i would never put it back up!

Very interesting, Trish !?!!?

And the NON-Charter-Members have caused this problem only, or what ... ?? :icon_scratch:

If the Political forum was such a big problem, why not close it completely ??

Stop crying about non members and dish the $20 out of your pocket, or are you waiting for us to pay for you. Like share the wealth?! ::)

If you don´t want to pay, you haven´t got the right to a political opinion !!
Or maybe, like most liberal ideas, just complain enough about the $20 it takes
to become a charter member & maybe someone will pay it for you. Or the new
socialist administration about to take office will tax all us charter members to give
others free life time membership to T-net.

Funny you should mention that.

Because of Charter Members and Sponsors - people who are NOT charter members can read and post on Tnet.

Want to think about that statement again????


TheDane said:

Now only Charter Members have access ?!?!??! :o

Just another way to get the "right" opinions only, I guess ?? :icon_scratch:

I´ve had enough and have asked Jeff to delete my account !!

Thank you all for many good and interesting discussions through the years !! :thumbsup:


Haaa!!you wanna say you gotta pay, this is a republic not a democracy, see ya around when you put your money where your mouth is. Funny

TheDane said:

Now only Charter Members have access ?!?!??! :o

Just another way to get the "right" opinions only, I guess ?? :icon_scratch:

I´ve had enough and have asked Jeff to delete my account !!

Thank you all for many good and interesting discussions through the years !! :thumbsup:


But your still here??? Funny

The anger comes from one already living in a socialist country. It's their, 'why
should others have something that they paid for & the others who pay nothing
not be able to have it too, mentality. Stop whining & break out the lousy 20 bucks
already or beat it. With Barry Hussein going in, we'll be seeing a lot more of this
po me, po po me BS. It should be simple you don't pay, don't work or don't
contribute - you should do without.

Some of you guys make me glad I'm NOT a charter member.

You know, the holidays are coming . . .

Maybe we could all pitch in and get him one of these:


They say if you have one of those, you can stand for principle and not cowtow to those who would want to bully you into submission for money. In fact, I think you can get arrested if John Law finds you doing that on a street corner in the redlight district.

My buddy said that a big pair of gonads helps too, but I don't want to post that picture here :-\

(EDIT - Oooops! Hit the post instead of preview. Now I'll finish.)

Of course, then there is the number of members here to consider. If everyone contributed just a buck (I personally know how much hosting costs :wink: and it can be done very well rather cheaply - it's the time spent moderating that really costs), then the mods could give up their paper routes and sleep in . . . which might make them a little less stressed when they do their jobs. They might even be able to hire a couple of helpers so they could take some time off occasionally.

Take a look at this map of members:

. . . quite a bunch of pins on that map! $20 from each one is expecting maybe too much. Some of these folks don't want to send anything that would help identify who they really are . . . and looking at some of the things said, as well as the current (and more frighteningly, the coming) administration . . . I really wouldn't either, and won't.

Freedom of speech or something like that. I think it was in some document I read, but on the other hand this is a private forum and not paid for with federal funds. It isn't, is it?

And, wherever you have Freedom of Speech, sometimes that is best exercised by saying nothing. Bye. Got some Japanese carvings to decipher here in *************.

You don't think I'd do this without some measure of privacy, do you????

I hate to say this- but I agree with the Dane :) :) :) :)

Before I hear all the chorus of "You have to pay to play" from loyal TN members or "Why are you so cheap" I have a few words.
I am not a charter member but believe me I contributed more to the server fund that most charter members have ever contributed here period. I did it because TN at the time promoted FREE SPEECH with the Politics/rants threads. What portion of the words "FREE SPEECH" do some members here not understand? I felt betrayed with the recent actions of TN regarding "FREE SPEECH".


Oh, My!

Land of the free, home of he brave?
Freedom of speech is for someone who owns a newspaper!


I was a Charter Member for a few years but I guess it has expired again. Just haven't taken the time to renew it. I won't be renewing it so I can participate in the "special" little forums, it will be to help support the parts of the site I participate in or read all the time. I'd hate to see the site fold because nobody is supporting it. I found the political forum pretty entertaining though. Kinda like watching the Jerry Springer Show. ;D
Religious and political forums, imho, are just places for people to post their beliefs and argue with those that don't feel the same with some expressing their opinions in a very pious manner. THAT'S where the problems begin. I don't believe I've ever seen an exchange of ideas/ideals where one person says, "You know what!'ve convinced me that my beliefs have been wrong all along and I'm now going to believe the way you do." THAT just doesn't happen and the disagreements get passed down for centuries. So, if all you liberals would quit causing trouble, we could probably get the forums back. ::)

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