Best Legend Software Version?


Sr. Member
Jan 5, 2019
Detector(s) used
Minelab Equinox 800 (Stock Coil, 6"DD)
Nokta Legend (LG30/LG24) Nokta Double Score (Stock Coil)
Primary Interest:
Metal Detecting
So now there are multiple Legend versions one can try. In my case, I've used 1.11(multiple hunts), 1.13(one hunt only), and 1.14 (one hunt only).
In your opinion, which version did you think so far has had the best performance? It can be ANY version available, not just the ones I listed above.
If you want to throw some of your experiences out there with whatever version you favored, please do list what made you stay with it.

Me Personally, I have no attachment to any of the ones I've used so far and I'm open to trying other versions unless you feel it is a step backwards.
I appreciate your time and sharing.

So now there are multiple Legend versions one can try. In my case, I've used 1.11(multiple hunts), 1.13(one hunt only), and 1.14 (one hunt only).
In your opinion, which version did you think so far has had the best performance? It can be ANY version available, not just the ones I listed above.
If you want to throw some of your experiences out there with whatever version you favored, please do list what made you stay with it.

Me Personally, I have no attachment to any of the ones I've used so far and I'm open to trying other versions unless you feel it is a step backwards.
I appreciate your time and sharing.
The Version that was the best for me was the Pre Cursor to 1.11, prior to 1.11 nokta put out a Beta Version 1.10 there was Beta Version 1,2 and 3 the 1.10 Beta Test version 3 for me was the most stable and the deepest of all the versions that came out, target IDs were very stable in that 1.10 beta Test Version 3 also, then Nokta released 1.11 and everything went sideways for me, my Legend completely Lost depth and I am not talking just a little depth but a lot of depth

i had three legends at that time two I never did update to 1.11, because of the issues I had with the one, I have since traded off two of my Legends and still have one, I was able to finally after 6 months of trying finally able to get my Last Legend to start performing kind of, the only reason I keep that one Legend around is I have hopes that Nokta will finally get the Legend back to what I seen in 1.10 Beta Test Version 3, if they ever succeed doing that then the Legend will be a force to be reckoned with, until then i look at the Legend as a mediocre detector with a screen

The issues I seen when I installed 1.11 were all due to those CP210x Drivers being outdated once I updated those driver to the current up to date drivers my Legend then started performing again, and keep in mind Nokta is not the ones that figured out what was causing the issues, it was a Legend user in the UK that finally figured out what was causing the issues for some of us, and I do not care what others say but those outdated drivers did cause issues for several of us after updating to 1.11

the sad part of this whole thing is nokta still failed to update those CP210x drivers when they brought out the 1.14 beta version, and if people are not aware of this fact then be prepared to start hearing of issues arising again with the 1.14 version,

yes I still have not updated to the 1.14, and I will not until i start reading there are no issues with it and will not until the 1.14 is finalized to what ever version Nokta ends up calling it, and only then when I read there are no issues, and that will have to come from people I trust to give the straight scoop on the 1.14 or what ever it ends up being, which most likely will be 1.15 when it is all said and done

And I apologize if people do not like reading what I have to say but truth is sometimes hard to hear or read

One other thing keep in mind that 1.10 beta test version 3 is no longer available to us that was eliminated when 1.11 was released to all of us

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I don't know Fella's, reading all the Legend updating things on T-Net, I kind of wonder if mine is now screwed up or what. It is at 1.11, is it better? or worse? than when I started with it, I can't tell one way or another. Now it's the drivers? Look, I am somewhat "Tech" challenged, it is no simple matter for me, and perhaps others like me? to "plug in and update" the drivers, updated versions etc. I'm ready to pack this one in, the Legend that is. Perhaps should of stayed with Minelab?

I don't know Fella's, reading all the Legend updating things on T-Net, I kind of wonder if mine is now screwed up or what. It is at 1.11, is it better? or worse? than when I started with it, I can't tell one way or another. Now it's the drivers? Look, I am somewhat "Tech" challenged, it is no simple matter for me, and perhaps others like me? to "plug in and update" the drivers, updated versions etc. I'm ready to pack this one in, the Legend that is. Perhaps should of stayed with Minelab?
Well I cannot tell you what to do all I can do is tell people what happened to me with my Legend, prior to the 1.11 version I would have told anyone the Legend is the way to go, after I updated to 1.11 and started having the issues I was seeing, I cannot no longer in good conchance recommend the Legend to anyone

When I was running the 1.10 Beta Test version 3 that particular Legend was running stable, had the best depth of any of the versions and the most stable target IDs of any of the versions that had been released, had 1.11 cam out like the 1.10 beta test version 3 no one would have ever heard one bad thing from me about the Legend, that particular legend went from seeing in ground targets 10-14 inches deep a U.S dime, to not seeing a target that was laying on the surface with the coil touching the target and that was any U.S Clad coin, in fact if you go back and read some of my post when I was running the 1.10 beta test version 3, you will read that I was recommending the Legend to every one and in fact I stated that if Nokta finalizes the 1.10 Beta test version 3 to exactly what I was seeing in that version the Legend will be hard to beat but for me personally the 1.11 version did not come out any where close to that beta test version 3

I also believe had nokta updated those CP210x drivers before releasing the 1.11 we would not even be having this conversation rite now no one would have ever heard one bad thing from me, and what chaps my Butt is the fact still to this very date Nokta still has failed to update those CP210x drivers for the Nokta update installer tool

here is the thing Windows does not even recognize those CP210x drivers until you connect your Legend to your PC

And here is the thing that no one seems to grasp what I am stating can be verified as far as windows recognizing those CP20x drivers, windows does not even realize those CP210x drivers are even in your windows PC until you connect up your Legend to your windows PC, widows cannot update something that it is unaware of being there the issues were mainly those of us that used was windows 10 or windows 11 PC, it did not seem to affect Mac users at all or windows 7 users

Well I cannot tell you what to do all I can do is tell people what happened to me with my Legend, prior to the 1.11 version I would have told anyone the Legend is the way to go, after I updated to 1.11 and started having the issues I was seeing, I cannot no longer in good conchance recommend the Legend to anyone

When I was running the 1.10 Beta Test version 3 that particular Legend was running stable, had the best depth of any of the versions and the most stable target IDs of any of the versions that had been released, had 1.11 cam out like the 1.10 beta test version 3 no one would have ever heard one bad thing from me about the Legend, that particular legend went from seeing in ground targets 10-14 inches deep a U.S dime, to not seeing a target that was laying on the surface with the coil touching the target and that was any U.S Clad coin, in fact if you go back and read some of my post when I was running the 1.10 beta test version 3, you will read that I was recommending the Legend to every one and in fact I stated that if Nokta finalizes the 1.10 Beta test version 3 to exactly what I was seeing in that version the Legend will be hard to beat but for me personally the 1.11 version did not come out any where close to that beta test version 3

I also believe had nokta updated those CP210x drivers before releasing the 1.11 we would not even be having this conversation rite now no one would have ever heard one bad thing from me, and what chaps my Butt is the fact still to this very date Nokta still has failed to update those CP210x drivers for the Nokta update installer tool

here is the thing Windows does not even recognize those CP210x drivers until you connect your Legend to your PC

And here is the thing that no one seems to grasp what I am stating can be verified as far as windows recognizing those CP20x drivers, windows does not even realize those CP210x drivers are even in your windows PC until you connect up your Legend to your windows PC, widows cannot update something that it is unaware of being there the issues were mainly those of us that used was windows 10 or windows 11 PC, it did not seem to affect Mac users at all or windows 7 users
I took a look at the Legend Update software a couple nights ago. It appears it's loading the software from the internet and then temporarily storing it to the PC. It's a REAL shame that we can't have access to 1.10 Beta 3. Why the H not?? Perhaps there was some kind of flaw in there that would have caused issues over the long-term.
Or Better yet and more likely, it was simply TOO Good and would have thwarted future efforts to put out a newer model when the Legend was kicking butt. It's mighty hard to sell a new unit when the current one is working well. But if you have enough little annoyances in the current product and say better performance with the newest model that is a selling point.
Wish there was a way to get that older version and try it but obviously Nokta has removed all traces of it.

I took a look at the Legend Update software a couple nights ago. It appears it's loading the software from the internet and then temporarily storing it to the PC. It's a REAL shame that we can't have access to 1.10 Beta 3. Why the H not?? Perhaps there was some kind of flaw in there that would have caused issues over the long-term.
Or Better yet and more likely, it was simply TOO Good and would have thwarted future efforts to put out a newer model when the Legend was kicking butt. It's mighty hard to sell a new unit when the current one is working well. But if you have enough little annoyances in the current product and say better performance with the newest model that is a selling point.
Wish there was a way to get that older version and try it but obviously Nokta has removed all traces of it.
If you ask Nokta they will tell you that 1.11 is the exact same as that 1.10 Beta Test Version 3, which they are correct 1.11 has all the same features that were in 1.10 Beta Test Version 3 but I will tell you from personal experience from using both versions 1.11 is no where close to what I seen in 1.10 Beta Test Version 3

and yeah all the Nokta Fan boy's will tell you I am full of crap, and I really do not care what those fan boy's say or whether anyone believes me but what I am stating is exactly what I seen

If you ask Nokta they will tell you that 1.11 is the exact same as that 1.10 Beta Test Version 3, which they are correct 1.11 has all the same features that were in 1.10 Beta Test Version 3 but I will tell you from personal experience from using both versions 1.11 is no where close to what I seen in 1.10 Beta Test Version 3

and yeah all the Nokta Fan boy's will tell you I am full of crap, and I really do not care what those fan boy's say or whether anyone believes me but what I am stating is exactly what I seen
Well, I believe you. Why would you say something like this otherwise. I feel that what you are saying comes out of a disappointed frustration more than anything else.
I'm still a Legend owner myself and I've used it much as I can (work schedule permitting) so far. But I'm not so dense as to think it is the best detector out there. I like it, but realize it isn't a Deus 2, a Minelab Manticore, or even a Rutus Versa. I don't see myself buying a Manticore or a Deus 2 simply because I feel they are outrageously priced. The Versa isn't cheap either and hard to get for us here in the states. So the Legend has to get on down to business for me, or I will break out my Equinox 800 again and call it a day. That detector has found me a lot of things. The Legend has found things for me too, if they are there to be found. It's a bit different but oddly enough I like the audio on the Legend better than my Equinox 800. However, that Equinox 800 has proven itself over the years consistently. The Legend is still too new at my house to achieve any status right now other than "under evaluation".

Well, I believe you. Why would you say something like this otherwise. I feel that what you are saying comes out of a disappointed frustration more than anything else.
I'm still a Legend owner myself and I've used it much as I can (work schedule permitting) so far. But I'm not so dense as to think it is the best detector out there. I like it, but realize it isn't a Deus 2, a Minelab Manticore, or even a Rutus Versa. I don't see myself buying a Manticore or a Deus 2 simply because I feel they are outrageously priced. The Versa isn't cheap either and hard to get for us here in the states. So the Legend has to get on down to business for me, or I will break out my Equinox 800 again and call it a day. That detector has found me a lot of things. The Legend has found things for me too, if they are there to be found. It's a bit different but oddly enough I like the audio on the Legend better than my Equinox 800. However, that Equinox 800 has proven itself over the years consistently. The Legend is still too new at my house to achieve any status right now other than "under evaluation".
I do understand, I will tell you Rob the only reason I have not got rid of my last Legend is because I actually know what the Legend can do, I seen that in the 1.10 Beta Test Version 3, and the only reason I still have one Legend is simply because I am hoping Nokta gets a Version out to us to bring it back to what I did see in 1.10 Beta Test version 3, if they do that the Legend will be a fantastic detector, performing way above its price point, and it will be rite there with the Deus 2 and Manticore, it was a hell of a detector in the 1.10 Beta Test version 3 at least mine was.

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