Can you hear me now?

MJ, I'm with Nick on ATT and the Multimedia Unlimited. Mine is 2 years old. Always said if it ain't broke, don't fix it. :wink:

LG CU 400
Nothing fancy. G3, pics, vid,and voice recording amongst others and buttons are big enough for txting but if you want the letter "s" for instance-you have to punch it 4 times. :(
One of the things I like about it is the aluminum metal case. Seems to be pretty sturdy and has held up to a lot of abuse. You can still find new unlocked ones on Ebay for around $55 or so.
It allows me to also do YIM and check email away from desktop which is nice at times.
I did notice the long thread on the CTH II here has 26 pages whereas on the phone it's over 450 pages. :tard:
Whew!! Good thing for the unlimited Multimedia. :D I still have the original battery which lasts for almost a week on standby.

One thing to point out...whatever phone you look at, do a search of the make and model to see what kind of feedback there is on pros and cons. Of course there's always some negative ones but the overall is what you're looking for. Wife has one that drops calls all the time and some like it were recalled but not hers.
Just a few tips, good luck!

Oops, sry Jim...

Even this Motorola W755 will do video w/sound..

short-5 sec clip, medium-15 sec clip, or.... long- the extent of memory. it uses a standard SD memory chip.


savant365 said:
thats the same phone my gf has and she has issues with the battery staying charged. Does yours have a short battery life? I got rid of mine 3 years ago and don't miss it a bit ;D

Hey Charlie... I bought the black Razr phone the day it came out a few years back. I went through 2 or 3 that all had battery problems, as did my brother & adopted brothers phones (the same ones). Outside of the battery life, it was a decent phone... it was just the coverage that was lacking. I didn't have problems with Cingular until the day they ran the ads on tv about having the lowest dropped calls. That was the first day I had a dropped call with them. It went on for another 6 months before I paid to drop them and switch to Verizon. I read an article somewhere though that talked about the battery problems with the Razr phones...

Bran <><

Don't know if you made the big purchase yet, Jim, but I got new info from my scenario...

The friend that got the Blackberry Curve decided it would NOT be all that valuable to him,
and the cost of all the programs through Verizon that would allow use of it's capabilities were too expensive
for what he really needed.

He took it back.
An option Verizon DOES allow for 30 days.

He got an LG Dare instead.

They are less expensive, and from what little I've seen personally, popular.

I tried out the texting keyboard, which is a touch screen that activates, and it was really neato!

So, there's another one you might want to look at! ;D



The LG Dare is 100.00 more expensive than the Blackberry Curve! :icon_scratch:

I'd like to have that phone... the Dare is sexy and cool.

I'm still shopping and considering... :)


My Bad.

Dare is like a $100 more than the Blackberry Curve 8330.

....sounds like you're doin' a good job getting things figured out!

Didja try the touchpad keyboard on the Dare? It's kinda neato!

Not that I need texting, myself... My thumbs stay firmly hooked in my spenders! ;D


rmptr said:

My Bad.

Dare is like a $100 more than the Blackberry Curve 8330.

....sounds like you're doin' a good job getting things figured out!

Didja try the touchpad keyboard on the Dare? It's kinda neato!

Not that I need texting, myself... My thumbs stay firmly hooked in my spenders! ;D


In like a month I think - when it makes sense for me to go spend the money I'm gonna go check out the Dare. I don't wanna fool with it till then - cause I know I'll wanna just buy it.

I'll consider all options and will be getting a new phone for the wife too. I have no clue what she'll wanna do.

I use a Motorola flip phone. Hubby had one too, but last weekend, someone broke into his truck and stole his cc, phone and checkbook...he found his checkbook on the ground a few houses down the street...on the street. He cancelled his cc and we cancelled the cell phone so no one could use either...but our service is with TRACFONE! I pay as I go!!! I don't like bills and if I don't want to talk to you, I won't buy more minutes! LOL (Oh, we got hubby his new Motorola phone today and all set up..he better lock his truck this time!!)

I've used Tracfone since 2004 and I won't change to anyone else. I don't need all that fancy crap that comes with these blasted contraptions!!! My baby sis just got herself one of those Raspberries, Blackberries, of those berries and she is showing me all the things it can do...I was not impressed at all. I love my laptop for all that stuff and my digital camera (even 35mm from time to time)...

What I tell folks when looking for a computer, buy for what you need it for and DO NOT let the SALESPERSON talk you into more than you need! Do the same for your phone. Good luck...hope you find the one you want. Watch out for hidden fees! :)

"blasted contraptions"

LMAO :D Thats SO funny!

I do want some bells and whistles... :thumbsup: but certainly not everything it has to offer.

I'd like to check T-Net from my phone on lunch breaks!

i look at cell phones like a electronic leash
a phone is to talk on when needed
if you need bells and whistles say for work
then your employer should pay a % of your bill or GIVE you a work phone
i still cant find were to put the damn thing
they are such a pain in the a$$
im a little to practical for all that tech malarkey
Montana cell service may be a little sketchy in some areas
ask the locals where/who they use with the best outcome/service

side note to battery life
when you plug it into a car charger it keeps charging even AFTER it has a full charge(unplug it after its charged)
on a home charger they stop charging after it reaches capacity
hence battery life issues

Thanks EDDE!

I put mine in my front pocket and forgetaboutit... I never could wear the damned things on my belt.

What does "forgetaboutit" mean?


Okay... I bought a new celly finally... not because I was ready - but because my old one finally crapped out after over three years! LOL

I appreciated all the advice!

But... after looking around and trying all my buddie's phones I bought the LG Voyager...

I'm gonna like it, full keypad and touch screen... nice.

I'm still with verizon... Can you hear me now?


Still can't hear you but can read your posts....
Worked on them in many facets for abotu 20 years, never gone wear one again.

Out of touch needs to come back in style. Caller ID should have never been invented, if you don't like someone calling you, tell them so. Missed calls? Love 'em.

Nice! Do you text a lot, Zesty? ???

Post your phone number on this thread, and we'll test it out! 8)

I have Verizon and my phone is plain Jane. No internet, pics, videos, and I don't text. My contract is up soon and not sure if I will be renewing it. I love Verizon, but money is really tight right now and I don't use my phone on a daily basis. I like having it for emergencies. The only problems I have had with my phones is the battery does not last for 2 years.

There is a member here in TNet that does work Verizon, BUT, I will leave it up to that person if they want to say who they are.


Mona Lisa said:
Nice! Do you text a lot, Zesty? ???

Post your phone number on this thread, and we'll test it out! 8)

Lol... you lost my number from all the other times? LMAO :tard:

I text a little bit... and maybe a few pictures. But mostly I'm a boring guy.

smurf-42 said:
I have Verizon and my phone is plain Jane. No internet, pics, videos, and I don't text. My contract is up soon and not sure if I will be renewing it. I love Verizon, but money is really tight right now and I don't use my phone on a daily basis.

Sue... this is the only phone I have - got rid of my hardline years ago...

Well Zesty, did you get the web plan so you can surf Tnet from the phone?

Looks like a great keyboard!

I got my new motorola and hate it, and not happy with verizon either!
Phone has crummy incoming audio and drops calls a lot.


rmptr said:
Well Zesty, did you get the web plan so you can surf Tnet from the phone?

Looks like a great keyboard!

I got my new motorola and hate it, and not happy with verizon either!
Phone has crummy incoming audio and drops calls a lot.


No web service - yet. :P Maybe soon... I'm still setting it up and staring at it like a new baby... it's pretty cool.

The best service in my area is verizon... living near the mountains I have to go with the best option... verizon is it.

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