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Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

Good looking Locator rod, looks like it could be sensitive. Bill

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

From quarter of a century of extensive experience and research my findings are that it wouldnt find anything more than would a bent coat hanger. Regards max

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

Mike keep up the good work. It is inventors that keep things in the world progressing forward. Two thumbs up to you!!! :thumbsup: :thumbsup: Jason

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

Interesting rod you have there. You said your locating has never been better, can you share your last 5 finds with pictures please? I would love to see what you are finding. Thanks...Ryan

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

"Ah" , so you are a dealer in the above splendidly manufactured dowsing gadget. Dowsing is a matter of using your mind to locate an underground object, not watching a spinning jenny contraption.

If you have been having constant daily dowsing contact with the underworld as you are claiming , and your mate Art who has 7 different RLRs that all work for him why arn't you digging like I am? If you ever have a full mental dowsing contact with an underground target we would not hear from you again.

We in Australia have laws against fraudulent claims and those convicted, as punishment are given a one way ticket to the USA.

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

Mike(Mont) said:
Tim Williams (LRLMAN) will be at the Texas Treasure Show at the WWATS booth with all his cache hunting gear and will be showing the RLR. This is the biggest treasure show in the country. I think he said the people from H3Tec will be at the show, too. I don't know anything about it, but I heard the military bought some.

Yea... cause there is NO WAY the guys are Lawrence Livermore, Sandia Labs, Aberdeen, or Rome Labs coulda' come up with anything as awesome as that!

Disclaimer... I DO believe in dowsing and know farmers having been finding water and oil and witching successfully for years.

But now... thank gawd someone has finally bent the wires THIS way and come up with this splendid contraption!

Just as I am settling in with Art's map dowsing and every rock being a turtle... Oh well.

One step forward - two steps back. :(

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

RLR. This is the biggest treasure show in the country. I think he said the people from H3Tec will be at the show, too. I don't know anything about it, but I heard the " ???military bought some" ???

"Hugh" The military Bought some? Heresay will get you laughed out of court.
Will post advice on how to dowse and if you want to send me a check or money order in gratitude I will send my address, otherwise grab a gift horse in the mouth and save your dough. This corner of Treasure net has become stagnant, :thumbsup: Regards Dowser 501

Dowsing Rods and Dowsing and when to dowse.
Dowsing rods are best made of 1/8 bronzing rod from my experience and by bending back one end about 5 inches, you have a handle. You may find that you have to cut off a few inches off the length to make your own comfort zone of balance. Next you only need a single rod after the first few weeks of practice. The rod when working should always swing inwards when it finds a target. If the rod swings outwards you have lost control. I was advised to hold a piece of the object sought after as a reminder or mental crutch, however one day I forgot my sample and it made no difference to my dowsing.
Dowsing is really mental radar.

You think downwards for a specific target and if nothing is there, you will get a negative response, however if you are actually dowsing real time and you are looking for a specific target you will obtain a positive mental response.
Looking for specific targets is called target discrimination, and while thinking of your prospective target you should not be able to find anything else.

A handy hint is to think of a target that is interesting which will give you a wider scope of finds.
Always keeps your fist holding your rod hard up against your kidney as you want you rod handle inside the magnetic field or aura of your body. ( EMF) Electro Magnetic Field as the EMF gives you your dowsing power which is mental radar.
Dowsing is only successful when practiced under an overhead moon whether day or night time and when solar flares are occurring. The solar flares reflect different rays off the moon.
Day time, wear a wide brimmed hat as UV rays during peak day time hours will destroy your dowsing.
Put NOAA on your desktop screen as you should consult constantly the experts as to when Solar Flares are here.
Dowsing without power is in your mind only.

One last however important piece of advice. Dowsing does not work underground or under a tiled roof, however dowsing works fine under a tin roof as the EMF powering your rod passes thru the roof and screens 100% the UV rays from interfering. Dowsing in a moving Aeroplane or a moving vehicle is brilliant as the motor generators or magnitos give added assistance during solar flares.
Good Luck Dowser 501

Ps. IF you want to learn about clues on treasure found originally via dowsing look me up in th Australian forum. I can be found as hettie or Aussie 1 :icon_sunny:


Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

5 years actually next June. In the 6 months in 2004 when atmospheric conditions were perfect I found plenty. I havn't had to find any more since. I have plenty of live targets to work on ;D
No comment. Max

Re: Revelation Locator Rod (RLR) will be in Longview TX Mar 21-22

Mike(Mont) said:
No matter what I say here, someone is going to try and twist and spin it. So I want to make one more point. Dell and I had a falling out a year or so ago. I have long since forgiven him and I am certain he has forgiven me. I take a lot more of the blame on that one and I really do consider him most honorable for forgiving me. And the same goes for anyone else who has forgiven me. To err is human, to forgive is divine. We are all human and we all have some divine in us. It's up to each person to develop the divine part.

I've even forgiven sam for the racist, hateful remarks he has made towards me and my wife.
Even the folks you claim are possessed by evil entities and don't know it?? Would that be divine evil, or evil divinity?

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