Nov 17, 2004
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I've got a lot of gold rings and I wanted to scan and list the numbers I get on the DEUS I and DEUS II comparing them and seeing where MOST gold rings, charms, earrings, chains etc come up number wise on the two machines

I have maybe 10 small gold rings and all are in the 45-50 range on the DEUS II

My goal is to take a picture of a ring, scan it with both machines and post the numbers here.. On my DEUS II Nickels come at 62 more or less... but all these small gold rings were in the 46-51 range... way lower than a Nickel... which means if I'm coin hunting I would never find those Gold rings..

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I've noticed the smaller the ring it's usually lower on the VVI scale. Sometimes, even in the foil range. I have noticed on the Xp though that gold rings usually hit much more solid and harder than foil. Really hard to pass up a solid hitting foil signal. lol

I've got a lot of gold rings and I wanted to scan and list the numbers I get on the DEUS I and DEUS II comparing them and seeing where MOST gold rings, charms, earrings, chains etc come up number wise on the two machines

I have maybe 10 small gold rings and all are in the 45-50 range on the DEUS II

My goal is to take a picture of a ring, scan it with both machines and post the numbers here.. On my DEUS II Nickels come at 62 more or less... but all these small gold rings were in the 46-51 range... way lower than a Nickel... which means if I'm coin hunting I would never find those Gold rings..
I've watched a number of vids on this. My takeaway is that gold jewelry & chains can be a lot trickier to ID than a gold coin or ring. There are a lot of variables.... shape, orientation, density....

A couple of folks have already done these "bibles". Are you planning on similar, or do you have a different idea/take? 🤔

I've watched a number of vids on this. My takeaway is that gold jewelry & chains can be a lot trickier to ID than a gold coin or ring. There are a lot of variables.... shape, orientation, density....

A couple of folks have already done these "bibles". Are you planning on similar, or do you have a different idea/take? 🤔
I have a lot of gold rings, some chains, and misc gold stuff, I need to sell. But I was thinking of air testing all of it and posting the numbers from the DEUS I and DEUS II for comparison. I use the DEUS I with elliptical coil and 74 frequency for small gold and it works good, but the DEUS II is not as sensitive and the number system is different.
But.. I'm lazy and I have not done it yet .... :dontknow: 🤣

I have a lot of gold rings, some chains, and misc gold stuff, I need to sell. But I was thinking of air testing all of it and posting the numbers from the DEUS I and DEUS II for comparison. I use the DEUS I with elliptical coil and 74 frequency for small gold and it works good, but the DEUS II is not as sensitive and the number system is different.
But.. I'm lazy and I have not done it yet .... :dontknow: 🤣

I think that in order to be useful, any comparison needs to be apples to apples. This may be complicated by XL's use of proprietary "smart coils".

To compare Dēus I & II, both RCs should match all settings as close as possible (your 74 kHz or whatever, as long as both machines are the same), and use the identical coil. If not possible, IDK if the comparison would be valid/worthwhile. JMO.

I use the DEUS I with elliptical coil and 74 frequency for small gold and it works good, but the DEUS II is not as sensitive and the number system is different.
I'm not familiar with Dēus (I). Could you please elucidate regarding sensitivity and numbering system? THX.

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