Does it count as a heartbreaker?

Older The Better

Silver Member
Apr 24, 2017
south east kansas
Detector(s) used
Whites Eagle Spectrum
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Went out to try my luck, was scraping away trying to get a good in-situ point and pic and I hit this, it was perfectly round, big, and floating in the dirt with flakes scattered.

I thought maybe I had an axe or a pestle, maybe a grinding stone or even a discoidal so I worked around it and it kept looking good, seemed intentionally shaped
then I tried to give it a wiggle to see how much more was there and it popped out and all the air came out of my ballon

Just a rock, it has been burnt but definitely no hardstone artifact… oh well someday I’ll get one


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Yeah definitely a rock but sure looked like something in the ground
It's called a "rock in the ground". :laughing7: I would have dug it too just to see what it was..

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