First Evidence Jim had a court notice


Sr. Member
Jul 16, 2009
Detector(s) used
Tubedec A9000, Mineoro FG90, OKM Bionic X4
Primary Interest:

This is an evidence of how he has been loosing temper lately, becoming nervous and hostile.
I bet he has already received those cute Court invitations.
And a very sensitive part of his body is starting to hurt: His pocket.

PS1. The zooministrator of Carl's forum allows name callings.

Hum....interesting. hung appears to loosing temper lately, becoming nervous and hostile.
I tell ya....that Jim guy knows how to call 'em!
It is a common psychological problem in that insecure people tend to project their personal deficiencies unto another in self defense, they are sure trying to pass theirs lack of knowledge over to you
"The door to Knowledge & Understanding, is never open to a closed, or prejudiced mind”

As far as I know, 'Jim" has not gotten a court notice (that must be a Brazilian thing...court notice)

Seems to be a lot of huffing and puffing going on...but, as usual...failure to launch
Yea..This Jim guy may get lucky…First they have to find him. Then they have to determine if he has any money..It does not pay to take people to court who live in a cardboard box….That is called good business…They may also decide that he just a minor player that has no creditability... Art

aarthrj3811 said:
As far as I know, 'Jim" has not gotten a court notice (that must be a Brazilian thing...court notice)

Seems to be a lot of huffing and puffing going on...but, as usual...failure to launch
Yea..This Jim guy may get lucky…First they have to find him. Then they have to determine if he has any money..It does not pay to take people to court who live in a cardboard box….That is called good business…They may also decide that he just a minor player that has no creditability...Art

no creditability...

Just what does CREDIBILITY have to do with spelling?
6160 LRL and MFD users will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more
And Millions of Dowsers will also be in the field

…Just what does CREDIBILITY have to do with spelling?
6160 LRL and MFD users will go into the field and enjoy their hobby…
Soon to be 8000 then 15,000 and then even more
And Millions of Dowsers will also be in the field


Art, the question is....
what does spelling have to do with credibility, sheesh

You continually make up numbers .....
6160 LRL and MFD users
8000 then 15,000
Millions of Dowsers

claim you can find gold and cocaine and whatever
at great distances

claim you can find things just by lookin at a map and
dowsing it

you claim you use no mental input when you use your
LRL (and you fail to see the obvious humor of
your own "mindless" comment)

and still you need to question other's credibility...

If I were looking for a reason to believe in LRLS, the lengths you skeptics go to would make me think there's something to these machines. I mean, you guys don't believe in anything you don't read from a text book. Seriously, guys, you are working against yourselves.

Kentucky Kache said:
If I were looking for a reason to believe in LRLS, the lengths you skeptics go to would make me think there's something to these machines.

Good point. Maybe there is something to them.

I recommend you spend a few thousand on an H3Tec, or similar, and show up those darn skeptics. :thumbsup:

Saturna said:
Kentucky Kache said:
If I were looking for a reason to believe in LRLS, the lengths you skeptics go to would make me think there's something to these machines.

Good point. Maybe there is something to them.

I recommend you spend a few thousand on an H3Tec, or similar, and show up those darn skeptics. :thumbsup:

What you guys don't understand is, nobody has a need to show up the skeptics. Some people choose to treasure hunt using LRL'S. Why can't they be left in peace to do what they enjoy?

And you don't have to spend thousands to use an LRL. I have a couple I'm gonna try out. Not to prove anything to anyone, except myself. If they don't work for me, I'll live through it. If they do work for me, I don't give a hoot what anyone else thinks.

You continually make up numbers .....
6160 LRL and MFD users
8000 then 15,000
Millions of Dowsers
I get actual answers from the manufacturers…
claim you can find gold and cocaine and whatever
at great distances
I have never looked for Cocaine and I do not care to. I have found gold at 6 miles in distance. So what is unusual about finding gold at a distance?
claim you can find things just by lookin at a map and
dowsing it
Yes I am a Map Dowser..So tell me what is wrong with being a Map Dowser?
you claim you use no mental input when you use your LRL (and you fail to see the obvious humor of
your own "mindless" comment)
That s correct. I use no mental input when using a LRL. That is the job of the Electronics.

What you guys don't understand is, nobody has a need to show up the skeptics. Some people choose to treasure hunt using LRL'S. Why can't they be left in peace to do what they enjoy?

And you don't have to spend thousands to use an LRL. I have a couple I'm gonna try out. Not to prove anything to anyone, except myself. If they don't work for me, I'll live through it. If they do work for me, I don't give a hoot what anyone else thinks.

Very good KK. What tools I choose to Treasure Hunt with is my Choice and none of anyone’s business. I have a $19 dollar LRL that will find Gold. I have a $500 dollar LRL that finds gold and gives me more information before I dig. I have a $2500 dollar MFD that gives me up to 8 miles in distance.
It’s my money and I will spend it on tools that I want..Art

SWR said: you think this thread was created by someone who wants to be left in peace to do what they enjoy? You read the title of this thread?

Yes, I do. You have to consider WHY a thread like this is made.

Do you still believe manufactures should have the freedom to sell fraudulent devices, and rip-off the gullible?

That is your stance...if I am not mistaken.......freedom to sell fraudulent products

I think it is up to lawmakers and law enforcers to determine that.

poof...all of a sudden you have a couple of electronic LRL's to try out.

What exactly are you trying to say? you think this thread was created by someone who wants to be left in peace to do what they enjoy? You read the title of this thread? Do you still believe manufactures should have the freedom to sell fraudulent devices, and rip-off the gullible?

That is your stance...if I am not mistaken.......freedom to sell fraudulent products

Sorry SWR…We do not want you to become a Treasure Hunter. If you had a LRL I am sure that you would follow a signal for miles and end up lost. Our poor Rescue people already have to many people getting lost…Art

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
SWR said: you think this thread was created by someone who wants to be left in peace to do what they enjoy? You read the title of this thread?

Yes, I do. You have to consider WHY a thread like this is made.

Do you still believe manufactures should have the freedom to sell fraudulent devices, and rip-off the gullible?

That is your stance...if I am not mistaken.......freedom to sell fraudulent products

I think it is up to lawmakers and law enforcers to determine that.

poof...all of a sudden you have a couple of electronic LRL's to try out.

What exactly are you trying to say?

Yes...a thread like this was made by a shill in Brazil, who solicits pseudoscience and Mineoro products all over the internet. really don't care about the content/context...just the "get em" mentality. After all....according to you....they should have the freedom to defraud

Your stance is still supportive of innocent people being financially defrauded

Exactly? I think you've falling into the 'big whopping lie' syndrome....typical and to be expected when there is nothing else supporting your view

I don't think you're concerned with the "poor people being defrauded." I think you're simply suffering from skeptics disease.

Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to figure out riddles. Please speak in plain text. Thank you.

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
I don't think you're concerned with the "poor people being defrauded." I think you're simply suffering from skeptics disease.

Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to figure out riddles. Please speak in plain text. Thank you.

So...I shouldn't have the freedom to help people being defrauded by fraudulent electronic devices?

No, that's not what I said. I think you shouldn't pretend to be the protector of the "poor defrauded public," just to feed your habit. You have a disease, and you should seek help for yourself. Then maybe you could see clear to help others.

SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
SWR said:
Kentucky Kache said:
I don't think you're concerned with the "poor people being defrauded." I think you're simply suffering from skeptics disease.

Sorry, but I'm not in the mood to figure out riddles. Please speak in plain text. Thank you.

So...I shouldn't have the freedom to help people being defrauded by fraudulent electronic devices?

No, that's not what I said. I think you shouldn't pretend to be the protector of the "poor defrauded public," just to feed your habit. You have a disease, and you should seek help for yourself. Then maybe you could see clear to help others.

I think supporting fraud...such as you do...would be more of a concern. However...being the hypocrite you are.....casting judgment about others is easier than actually having to use your mind

I didn't buy anything in a dark alley. Maybe you make your purchases in dark alleys, but mine was done in broad daylight. All legal.

No, that's not what I said. I think you shouldn't pretend to be the protector of the "poor defrauded public," just to feed your habit. You have a disease, and you should seek help for yourself. Then maybe you could see clear to help others.

Where can a person find the defrauded public…They sure are not taking any one to court. Hey KK…I don’t think they have a disease. They have a close group of like minded people that have no proof. They beg and beg for us to take a test. Like Carl says…They have no proof unless we provide it to them..What a sorry existence they have..Art

Gee SWR.. 14 years ago the government shut them down for Mail Fraud..When the officers of the company were tried by a Jury they were found not guilty of all charges. No matter how many times you repost this joke it will never become a fact…I see your back at grasping straws again
June 5 2010,331120.msg2406212.html#msg2406212
Now SWR…Please give us the source of all the copy and paste articles that you have put on this thread?...Just so you understand that to me the posts do not come from trail records …If you can not give us a Web Site we will assume that this whole thread is nothing but a con job… Art

I can't believe I am this bored but here goes...

aarthrj3811 said:
You continually make up numbers .....
6160 LRL and MFD users
8000 then 15,000
Millions of Dowsers
I get actual answers from the manufacturers…
claim you can find gold and cocaine and whatever
at great distances
I have never looked for Cocaine and I do not care to. I have found gold at 6 miles in distance. So what is unusual about finding gold at a distance?
claim you can find things just by lookin at a map and
dowsing it
Yes I am a Map Dowser..So tell me what is wrong with being a Map Dowser?
you claim you use no mental input when you use your LRL (and you fail to see the obvious humor of
your own "mindless" comment)
That s correct. I use no mental input when using a LRL. That is the job of the Electronics.

You continually make up numbers .....
6160 LRL and MFD users
8000 then 15,000
Millions of Dowsers
I get actual answers from the manufacturers…
You also get paid to post your lies here by the manufacturers
that doesn't make you right or the numbers accurate
you started your LRL count at 5000 prove it!
I have found gold at 6 miles in distance.
No you have not, that is a lie!
So tell me what is wrong with being a Map Dowser?
Nothing, as long as you are honest and tell people it
is guessing, nothing more.

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