Folks, Ethics.......

Stand behind your words,beliefs, but,dont hesitate to screw those who screw you for they deserve no better.:wink:

A patient man will see the body of his enemy carried past his door.


Who says a leopard can't change it's spots......or to confuse things worse we could use the Ezra Pound quote...."A a rose is a rose.....

Regards + HH


Look under your above post bill,releventchair said it very well.I do trust everybody,but to a certain extent.You could trust me to hold a million bucks for you because I gave you my word.If I have trust in somebody and they screw me just the same I dont forget it,and eventually i will get even.


For what it's worth my dad told me when I was a kid.....your word is your bond....that was like 50 years ago......I still live by it to this day....just as valid today as then.

Regards + HH



For what it's worth my dad told me when I was a kid.....your word is your bond....that was like 50 years ago......I still live by it to this day....just as valid today as then.

Regards + HH


Thats right it is bill,a man is only as good as his word.I keep mine therefore i expect the same from others.The difference is I wont hesitate to give a little payback if I get screwed for it.

“A really efficient totalitarian state would be one in which the all-powerful executive of political bosses and their army of managers control a population of slaves who do not have to be coerced, because they love their servitude.” – Aldous Huxley – Brave New World

Your signature quote is spot on.

Television ensures enslavement.

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My experience in ethics/morals when it comes to careers is to "choose your battles and c.y.a(cover yer ass)." Working in Corrections I have TONS of Policies and State RCWs to abide by. I do my job, sign my paperwork that needs to be signed and I stay out of other folk's business unless it pertains to me. If I argued with every Knuckle Draggin', 3X Divorced A-Hole Officer here I'd get no where.
At the end of the day, no matter what happens, when the audit comes down hard on our facility, my paperwork will be done and duties completed. I wish I could say the same for the other folks.
I guess my advice in a nutshell, "Make sure your stuff is covered/finished before you start harping on somebody else."

Thats right it is bill,a man is only as good as his word.I keep mine therefore i expect the same from others.The difference is I wont hesitate to give a little payback if I get screwed for it.

Probably the idea of turning the other cheek is lost on most of us. The concept seems as foreign as it must have to those that heard it the first time.
Payback can seem righteous at the time we felt victimized. My experience says, right or wrong, there might be more payback if people had the courage.
I've known people that got completely victimized in our courts but left with the attitude that "They had their day in court" and somehow felt good or at least OK about it. For others it would add fuel to the fire.
Modern media makes bucks showing victims getting even with their persecutors. Sometimes a film will be made showing someone forgiving enemies like Gandhi, but not often. Maybe the amount of time for Karma to happen to an enemy will exceed our lifetime and most want more instant gratification.

Star Trek liked to show future people as having an evolved ethical and moral standard. I didn't believe that so I was never a fan. When I saw Alien the first time and the crew was shown as a bunch of people we might see on a garbage scow today, I thought now that's more like it.
I know I'll never be like Gandhi or Jesus but I'm not saying I wouldn't go fishing with the guys.


This one kind of links the ethics + payback issues together if you will....another true story from my transportation days.

We had an underutilized branch line with one solitary customer still getting probably costs us $1,000,000 or so per year to keep it open versus the revenue of $250,000 or it just made sense to shut it down.

The regional operations manager asked me and my buddy Norm to pay the customer a visit and try to have him accept his loads at a nearby rail yard....the company was a wholesaler of vegetables, carrots, etc.....and would bring in produce during the colder months of the year from the southwest US....

I crunched some numbers and decided to drop his rate by $250 per load to accept delivery at the more distant point and he could pick up the produce with his own the ramp at that location.

When we visited the ramp it was in pretty bad shape and would have been dangerous to use his forklift truck for offloading. I went on record stating we'd have the ops people lay outdoor plywood down and that should do the say $500 of material and $500 labor costs.....a measly $1000.

Got back to the office and told the regional manager the deal we worked out....his answer no money in the budget....we had just saved his department $1,000,000 in expenses.......let's just say I was steamed big time.....I said f u and hung up....he called back and said I couldn't do that....hung up on his 3 times running...

He's still there as Senior VP burning himself out....he lost most of his friends and wife along the way.....not success in my there's the payback in a round about way.

Regards + HH


I just found in my industry at least it was a pretty tight knit crowd and if you were a sleazy type....the word got around that you weren't to be trusted....just an unwritten rules so to speak..... so what came around went around.

I was always pretty much a free spirit I was driven by the challenge not the some ways it made my life much easier and less complicated by avoiding the games some others played.

Bill, I'm with you 100%. I was in various sales positions (acct Exc - Regional Sales Manager) in the maritime industry over 35 years. We not only had tons of rules and agencies to deal with(i.e. FMC), you had the customer base too.

Like you, I understood, company's come and go, but your reputation lasts forever!

Besides, I'm not one to try and gain something by giving up my principles, I leave that for the losers :laughing7:

Many years ago I was first entering the workforce after military service. I got a job at a union papermill. I was on sort of an assembly line taking reams of paper off a pallet and setting then on a moving belt where they were wrapped, glued, labelled and then stacked on another pallet at the end of the line. After a bit, the pallet we were working on was empty but the forklift driver that was to keep us supplied was nowhere in sight. Instead of all of us standing there doing nothing I got on the lift, took the empty pallet away and picked up a full one and brought it to the line so we could continue working. I ended up getting taken to the office and chewed out by the company rep AND my union rep. Right then I learned the non-productive value of unions and I quit a few days later. Now, many years have passed and one of my sons got a big promotion with the company he works at. As he was telling me about his new position he said "Dad, there are two things I want to thank you for. Teaching me how to play golf and a good work ethic". I don't know who I was prouder of, him or myself. :)

hvacker said:
Probably the idea of turning the other cheek is lost on most of us. The concept seems as foreign as it must have to those that heard it the first time.
Payback can seem righteous at the time we felt victimized. My experience says, right or wrong, there might be more payback if people had the courage.
I've known people that got completely victimized in our courts but left with the attitude that "They had their day in court" and somehow felt good or at least OK about it. For others it would add fuel to the fire.
Modern media makes bucks showing victims getting even with their persecutors. Sometimes a film will be made showing someone forgiving enemies like Gandhi, but not often. Maybe the amount of time for Karma to happen to an enemy will exceed our lifetime and most want more instant gratification.

Star Trek liked to show future people as having an evolved ethical and moral standard. I didn't believe that so I was never a fan. When I saw Alien the first time and the crew was shown as a bunch of people we might see on a garbage scow today, I thought now that's more like it.
I know I'll never be like Gandhi or Jesus but I'm not saying I wouldn't go fishing with the guys.

I find it particularly interesting / funny that often its the ones thumping the book and quoting the verses that are generally the first to seek revenge. I guess they are stuck on the OT and havnt quite made it the the New.

To many people mix integrity for ethics thinking both are the same. They are not, To the OP you showen great integrity sticking to your moral compass. Ethics are elastic or the bounds of interpretation of the laws. Comming from a person who has friends and relitives in the the legal profession they all have told me this ethics are elastic. what is ethical today may not be ethical 10 or 100 years from now. the law may not change but the ethics will. Your Inegrity is your moral compass. ethics are a guide line for following that compass.

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