✅ SOLVED Found in 1920 Era Trash Pit


Sr. Member
Dec 17, 2018
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting
Hello all. I detected a farm house trash pit yesterday. Slow going. Lots of iron, glass and ceramic junk.

Among a few keepers (bullets+napkin ring?), I found four interesting "whatizit" stuff that has me perplexed. Can anyone confirm if the two discs are rivet buttons? Were they for clothes or furniture? They appear to be like two piece buttons, and when you tap you can tell it’s hollow between the rear and forward surface.

The two plated and looped items are nearly identical in construction , length and material. They register a very low reading (2) on the detector. They almost look like crude "hangers" and I would guess hand shaped. 3 3/8 long.

I threw in the bullets and the floral designed tin band if anyone knows anything about those….

Thanks for stopping and checking it out!

Overall buttons is what I would say also.
Napkin ring? But leaning to say a bracelet, that probably had a silver wash on it at one time.
As for the 2 strips :dontknow:

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Thanks pepperj

I think you are right. That's what I think as well......

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