Getting a hunt together

Thank you for all your work!!!
Awesome! I am following this thread closely now and am just waiting for the date.
My husband will go if I can get a cabin, otherwise it would be me and my 15 year old son.
However, chances are it would just be me doing the MDing - still can't get my husband hooked.

Ron and Ann, this is perfect. Thanks Sleeper for maintaining this thread as my internet has been down for a few days! ;) Well it looks like we have a spot and so we can all finally fulfill this ambitious thread that I started. :) Ron and Ann thank you for all the hard work and effort that you have put into finding this spot and researching the history for us all!!

Thanks Ann, this sounds really good.
I have never gone on a hunt before so I'm pretty excited.
Just wish I could get my wife involved, she most likely will not want to go so I will be coming alone.
I can get large size prints made of the map, I can't promise color but I will try. I just need to know how many to make. (I'll have to get them printed at work before anyone comes in but that is not a problem since I am in an hour before anyone anyway).
I'll go ahead and ask, I know other are wondering. Can we have a little party if we clean up really well or do they not allow alcohol there?

Since it appears we will not be keeping our finds, maybe some of us should contact manafacturers and dealers and get some items donated for prizes. Just a thought.

Our first offical sponsor is: GARRETT!

Hi Dave,

We would be happy to donate 3 of the Garrett Headphones (PN 1603000) and
3 carry bags (PN 1608700). Just give me the address you want them
shipped to and we will get them out as soon as possible.


Melinda Harper
Customer Service Hobby Division
Garrett Metal Detectors
1881 W. State St.
Garland, TX 75042

Thank you very much Melinda Harper and Garrett, very much a class acts!

For all of you interested, here is the link that displays the headphones and bags, both top notch!

Our second sponsor is First Texas Fisher Labs with an undetermined donation!


Mrs. Mayra Serrano, I am working on the flyer now and will get it emailed to you ASAP, thank you for all your help!

We have briefly spoke of a seeded childrens hunt, and I am looking for donations for the prizes for the kids (tshirts, hats, backpacks, etc etc), and possible coinage to use for the kids to find. Any help with this from fellow members would be appreciated!

Just got this post, but count me in. I am in Fluvanna near Charlottesville. I would love to hunt the Williamsburg area too.

OK in the process of pm ing other virginia members that haven`t posted here following have been pm`d :
grizzly bare
Tres Gay
Minelab rick
captain Jack
King of swing
VA Beach night hawk

OK Everyone on this list has been PM`d by me some have responded most have not.

If anyone knows somone that either hasn`t posted here in this thread or on my list please post there name, TY.

This list is not the members that have spoken about attending it is the Virginian members who have not responded in this thread, as of this date.

Our thanks go out to TheSleeper for PMing us about this thread. We have been busy wth so many other things that we have not visited this site in quite a while. We are very interested in the hunt, and would love to be able to attend. We would be interested in a cabin and would need some advance notice so that we can get all of our ducks in a row. If there are any concrete plans made could you please let us know? We are gong to keep an eye on this thread, but if for some reason we fall out, could someone please email us? [email protected]

Thanks, Patrick and Vicki.

Hi My Fellow THers
Yes I would be interested in attending. I TH with two other buddies and I know others in my TH'ing club would be interested in attending. That site in Bristol would be nice but I am easy when it comes to digging in the dirt. Let me know when and where as I have two other TH'ing hunts set up and a pair of vacations, so this will be a very busy year for me.
PS: Remember; don't leave it in the ground!

Hi folks,

Sorry to be such a stranger lately! I've been keeping an eye on this thread, but it went from "sort of an idea" to an actual event almost overnight!

Technically I'm just a lurker, since I haven't gotten off my rear yet and purchased a detector. Having said that, depending on what date is picked, I may have some equipment by then. If not, I'd still enjoy hanging out, meeting folks, and maybe getting some pointers on how to dig! Assuming y'all don't mind spectators!

You folks figure out when exactly, and count me in as a definate maybe!


This is coming along nicely. The poll is great Annmarie. Sleeper what a great job you are doing. I am also calling up Tesoro tomorrow and will see if they will donate anything to this THing event that we are sponsoring.

I have 12 22"x17" color maps printed out. can print as many as we may need. It's the map Sleeper posted.
If for some reason I end up not being able to go, I will send them to you Ann.

Thanks for the PM!!
I would love to participate if possible. We have 7 children from 24 down to 2 and the better half is a RN with squirrley hours( mostly weekends so I can be a Mom) I'll try and come as we are just outside Charlottesville if at all possible.


Sleeper/Ann and Ron
Just wanted to get my name in the hat. Saw the list and I wasn't on it. Early in the chain I ponied up and said I was ready when ever. Wondering if there's still room for me? I live in Yorktown and hunt throughout the state when I can. Additionally, may have a couple thousand acres plus in central VA to hunt later for the next hunt. The property is on the James in Fluvanna County. RW and CW activity on or very near the property.

This is looking good. I put my vote in for dates hopefully it will be on a weekend I am off work. ;D

Nice job on the reasearch and finding a site. I voted but any date is fine with me. One thing I will say is the warmer it get the more you will have to be concerned with snakes, poison ivey and chiggers. Just let me know and I will be there. If there is anything I can do to help let me know.


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