getting back to basics - the spanish code IS the Jesuit Code


Bronze Member
Jul 12, 2004
The Land Of The Free Because Of The Brave!
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for solutions to the jesuit code -email pics to: [email protected]

;[email protected] locations needed! oro bro!
Primary Interest:
In order to advance in the learning of the Jesuit Code we must be sure the BASICS are not misconstrued or purposefully ;First the subject of whos Code this is?- is important, it is called the Spanish Treasure Code, because it was the King of Spain who gave permission to the Pope to go to Nuevo Espana with his "Foot Soldiers" to Prospect for Souls and Precious Metals..However it was the highly educated JESUITS who fleshed out the old Solomon Code uncovered and used by the Templars of old.

Solomons Code was taken from the Neolithic Pagans Tomb building...of about 8 prop rocks support a large rock or Dolmen.Even to the window they left for the Soul to go to heaven, now became the Hoyo! The photo of this "transitional" is the only one I have seen to date, it was contributed by Heart-quest a few years ago.. I call it the Smoking Gun of Spanish/Pagan/Monuments that is proof positive of this early origin. The eight or so "prop rocks" cut into columns of the Monuments, The Jesuits streamlined this so that only 3 elements where needed to Confirm a Monument, either Alpha or Omega.[except for the Royal Trail which has no hoyo with as many as 8-9 elements ;

Also since a Religious Order was in charge of the Code now, they couldn't - help themselves from using the Bible as a metaphorical influence, ie The statement of Jesus saying, "I am the Alpha and the Omega, no one comes to God but thru me..substituting Jesus for the earthy treasure, the Monuments to the goods where so named Alpha Omega.[MEANING NO ONE GETS TO THE TREASURE BUT BY THE ALPHA AND OMEGA MONUMENTS~!Now you know why reading trails signs are not the way to find the goods.

;The rest of the parts of the Code were added by the Jesuits part Public Relations the idea that the goods were to be buried at least;the "height of the King" clearly sucking up to the King, but referenced by the Bible, and Noah's instructions of a Cubit, the length from his wrist to the elbow ! the rest from the days of Alchemy, which was known as "Forbidden Knowledge" The changing of Lead into Gold; which was the original metaphor of Leading Men to the Enlightenment of Christ. When the truth had to go underground mostly because of the Spanish Inquisition which by the was lead by the Jesuits~! For instance the square-in the days of Alchemy it meant "earth" the Jesuits changed it to mean "buried in the Earth" again proof positive of the Jesuit input to the Code for instance the number 7 in the days of forbidden knowledge the 7 was the symbol for gold. However the Biblical reference was for the "the seventh day He rested, was used for a resting spot or campsite, that was defensible and sustainable. There has been a lot of unnecessary confusion and disagreement part on purpose part on paranoia.NO ONE on this site is purposefully misguiding folks except for cloud readers and armchair types with no real world experience..but this is mainly misdiagnosing mis reading signs. this takes experience and a correct focus which for most has to be taught, and even when taught, paraidolia creeps in..
the other parts are misreading the number 7 when in fact in is not a correct reading, the others is over thinking the sign, ie, where you see the sign is not where the place is just the sign
is that place telling that the camp is nearby, so the logic applied saying well there is no room for a camp where the 7 is, logic has fooled that tracker, which is common, Dont forget the Jesuit knew very well that 7 means Gold on paper and on maps and in Alchemy, and if they knew that they would know that this number 7 would confuse the Unworthy & make them look near the campsite sign to waste a tremendous amount of time going in circles, digging dry holes and going away frustrated and dragging others down with them..

when you fully understand that the 7 was given its meaning by a super Religious Group.proper use of logic and fundamental Detective skills will tell you it is the Jesuit 7 that means CAMPSITE~The
Jesuits were NOT hiding the goods FROM the SPANISH they were hiding it FOR the Spanish. big difference in those two words in fact they are diametrically opposed, a 180* out of phase.

I think any possible confusion for this is that the JESUIT;attitude changed during the 3 Centuries of Monument Building. At first the idea of them being able to legally receive an astounding 80% of the Gold and Silver bullion that they prospected, mined, smelted, and either buried or shipped, so they built the monuments huge, high wide and handsome, that of course the Pain of Spain was on the Jesuits, just a poetic way of saying The Pain of Death. One of the earliest Alpha Monuments was found by Kenworthy in the Superstition Mountains, really proof of the Jessies using old maps of gold resources perhaps left by the Templars, buried under Solomons Temple.The idea is this monument is huge and very impressive, Kenworthy used it on the cover of his book, when I was in the supers in '03 I also photographed it AND climbed it to take an accurate compass bearing while up about 530 feet off the desert floor, on the Compass Rock.monument stands on top of a natural or man made raise of 500 feet, the Amerindian face is about 70 feet high on top of the Compass rock, Also I photoed this monument later in the afternoon, I discovered a Janus Face,making this an early Royal Mine and Trail.[see pics]

a super rare picture of a "smoking gun type tomb/monument was located by a tracker from Colorado I believe, look below for this
transitional type monument, Solomon used the Pagan burial tomb structure of 8 prop rocks, cut into columns, with a large rock or dolmen
balanced on top, now those 8 prop rocks became the 8 elements and even the window that was left open to let the persons soul escape to heaven, now became the HOYO. HE let this window become the information or data center to give clues or a window into
understanding what was to come or what to look for..very ingenious. but then King Solomon was the wisest person in the 6th Century
bc, [the Neolithic Age] I have done years of research on this, so if you disagree, you first must do some research of your own, and just not a 10 second google,

. The Jesuits were not hiding the goods FROM the Spanish, they were hiding it FOR the Spanish~! However it easy for many to be confused by this because in the later years of the contract before the Expulsion of 1767 they were very frustrated without getting the supplies that the King was to provide to uphold his 20% quint/tax by sending needed supplies that could not be had in New Spain, such as iron cooking pots, iron bars, pick head,nails, shovel heads, flour, spices to preserve what meat they could forage, unfortunately the Sea Captains were underpaid and overworked so that by the time they left Europe and arrived at Port Royal in Cuba, a wide open party town for the many well monied Pirates, the Sea Captains sold the goods meant for New Spain for Rum and Whores,by the time the ship arrived in port in the new world, Santa Crux, Mexico City and later at Baja,and San Diego, nothing of use was left for the the natural retaliation was to obey the spirit of the Law but not the Letter of the LAW. They toned down the monuments, from high wide and hansome to subtle, hidden and cryptic, the shadows to show only for a few hours a day, or even a few months months of the year~! For those still skeptical the next pic is of one of the first Apha monument built in the new world, in the superstitions mountians of Az. first photographed bly Kenworthy, so bodacious he placed it on the cover of one of
his books, later in '03 I photographed it not really aware that he had placed in on the cover as I had only his sunsigns and shadows book, I did take a pic on the way out of the supers in the late afternoon and the pic showed the this Alpha monument was actually a Janus Monument also. /I learned photoing in the late afternoon from stilldign4it in one of his posts.
Also in the supers the second pic here is of another early colonial period of Jesuit Mining in the Supers, an Alpha Monument a huge rock cliff 40-50 feet high- bold and in your face that represents the Early Period.

Now years later I found and photoed a large odd looking boulder with a depression of what looked like a large single eye in its forehead, it was weird looking and I thought it was of some importance...then once reading aDigns post about 'information boulders' that are near an Alpha Monument, I just happened to be in that part of Old Mexico again, and sought this boulder out, then saw about 30 varas away a medium boulder , I had photoed it before because it was near my Ogre rock, but now I climbed down to the base of the medium boulder where it came out of the dirt, almost under it when I looked up to see an hoyo...and not an Alpha Hoyo but one that focused on the ground, an Omega style hoyo, looking thru I saw the far hillside 300 varas away and on a ledge atoip a steep bank 10 Varas away, it was a small owl looking right back in my direction. I quickly climbed the bank to the ledge, found the small owl, then looked down at my Ogre rock and was amazed to see that he had morphed to the unmistakable shape of a very large Owl~! wow, what a disguise, that shape was only seen to the right and up in elevation about a hundred yards~!! This was absolutely the later period of the Jesuit Reign. To prove the point with the help of Lost Horse we where able to find the Second or later period Omega, as the Monument was only about 40 inches or so high, and hidden deep in the brush, hidden from all but
the most thorough search. proof of the intent to hide the monuments, but if accused they had 'plausible denability' because the monument and the goods where there, No conviction if it was beyond the shadow of doubt. The other reason to go underground was that the French were trying to track some of these monuments, .
The idea that this was not Jesuit code because if it was they would have gone and dug them all up , forgets that the items and the signs of the code were many, and no one tried to memorize them all because they had the Jesuit Code Book, a permanent , clear record of the signs and monuments, this book defiantly existed at one time we know that for two reasons.
1.the capturing of the Jesuits in 1767 was coordinated by the Kings Soldiers to kick down the doors of these Jessies at the same day, same TIME so to capture the Priests but more importantly to confiscate the Code Book, no other reason to bust them like a modern day SWAT team.
2. They did miss one copy though, held in a Jesuit Monastery on the Austrian German Border, hidden until the Germans swept thru to Austria.. stopping to loot the monastery and anything of value, they camped there of course and went over everything in the building, and found a copy hidden in a secret compartment behind a row of books, The Jesuit Code Book found the light of day by dark forces. This book is traced to Colonel Yamashita of Japan, when he was the Ambassador to Germany and traveled to the German Embassy in Vienna, and met with the German high Command, and in return for joining the forces of Hitler received the Copy of the Code book. They used it to uncover Spanish/Jesuit Monument by the hundreds in the length and breath of the 7,000 islands of the Republic of the Philippines~! They also used it to bury the 300.000 metric tones of gold and valuable stolen from the plunder Rape of Nanking. Changing some elements of the Code suit their Culture and temperament.
What I just told you for free took me 20 years to dig out of the far corners of the net and brick and motar libraries. I did this on purpose because of Springfield once said "no one would ever give anything of value about the code for a $20 book..paraphrasing but you get the drift, so not only is wrong, I didnt charge the twenty~! ha! Just because you wouldn't do something this philanthropic-does not mean that some one ELSE would not! Likewise, just because you cant break the Jesuit code doest not mean someone else could not, even as impossible as it seems to you, remember your thinking subjectively, logic and truth comes from thinking OBJECTIVELY ~! I have absolutely broken the monument code of the Jesuits not bragging since it is FACT. You might think of this of thread as Chapter one of the book I need to write...and if you would have paid attention to all the monument pics I have marked over the last decade, you would have know this all ready as some of the sharper trackers do know~!
/The point of this thread to bring everyone who cares to learn enough of the code to be able to read your own do that you have to have the basic 101 education, and since there are some many would be critics, deniers, and cloud readers confusers and lately 'know nothings' here, some things get lost in the hijacking and attacking here your go...from here I will continue to teach those who want to learn on my own forum, away from the hijacking and attacks and denials...not as someone said to Siphon off any members of tnet but to have a place where learning, give and take can be done in a calm professional atmosphere...and as an alternative not an either or a place where the likes of old dog, lost horse, wanna dig tjim, tesoro dog and lots of others.....could come and ask or answer questions about the code and get true answers..

this is the early period of the Spanish Colonial Period of occupation and Jesuit Monuments


Kenworthy photographed this first and put it on the cover of one of his is a monster sized Alpha Monument, the Amerindian Face alone is over 60 feet high, the whole monument stands on a 500 feet raise off the desert floor of the Superstition Mountains of Arizona. Bodacious, proud and in your face monument. Perhaps even the first Monument in New Spain!?
A close will give you the sense of grandeur that this monument inspires-the top pic was taken over a mile or more away~!


below is a second pic of an early period Jesuit Alpha Monument, built to impress the Kings men and be seen without any doubt..high wide and handsome...oh Kenworthy missed this one, I believe, or after the Amerindian Alpha it pales by comparison.

(c)copyright'MMllV all rights reserved, Jesuit codex-rangler THE the marked elements may not be reproduced in any manner except for written permission

In the later period, when the the Jessies where down sizing the monuments here ishow small an Omega turned out to be...


now in the final stages of the Jesuit and Spanish Empire of Gold, Silver and Slaves the hoyo formerly a just a hoyo a confirmation sign and a way to convey what to look for ahead,is NOW THE ENTIRE OMEGA MONUMENT~The Kings men would have to look high and low to ever find this monument..the whole thing is only a foot or so wide! I do know for a fact they didnt find it is undug.
to be continued....

Einstein said "Condemnation with out investigation is the height of Ignorance" Please don't be ignorant~!

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have you had access to archives in MX, or Spain, or Vatican? Like Kenworthy had? Or is most of your research from time in the field? Have you ever spoke with Kenworthy or son? It seems field research/exploration would not be enough without some kind of first hand knowledge which must have come first. This knowledge is not online though, but I would love to read any good bookmarks hinting at it, from the corners of the NET if you would PM :) thanks

hmm, someones been busy. Copywriters heavy at work.

Need help to interpret

How would you interpret this? It is at the bottom of a large boulder with other symbols and still others on smaller boulders in the shape of a circle near it along a creek. this is located in Georgetown CA. Also a skull with a circle and a letter M in it.View attachment 1211024View attachment 1211025

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