help with 2 KGC symbols

Just curious...why do you think these are KGC and not just someone (Roy?) passing time with a pocket knife? Are there msgs about this under another topic that I haven't seen?

Thanks for the longer explanation.

I'm fairly familiar with the KGC from the standpoint of the history of the organization but haven't come across or looked into any of the symbols on my own.? Everything I know on that subject has come from reading what others write.

I do have a line on some old beech tree carvings that I'm going to look into once the weather dries up a bit and all the hunting seasons end but before the deep-woods critters like the snakes start stirring much.?

Wayne Anderson

Yo! Rebel here: ;) The first one, u "did"... looks like a boat or a canoe... the second one... looks like u have to cross or walk over a bridge over 3 creeks/bodies of water... it all seems water-connected; any creeks or river(s) nearby? Just guessing... no special "knowledge"... Long live da KGC!

HA! This looks like a picture of my back yard! ??? I got a big ole tree by the creek just like that, only it has different markings than yours......I also have questions about all the writing on it. My husband just laughs at me and thinks I'm abit crazy or maybe have a little too much time on my hands! And the second is probably true! ;D I told him we need to go and check out the two piles of river rocks on the other side of the creek! HAHA! Good luck on finding out what this all means, and if you do, let us know too!


Boattow-- I don't know anything about KGC, is this the normal way of their markings??? Also, are these the only signs on this side of the tree???
Is this in the northeastern part of the states??? So KGC use turtles, arrows, cross, etc. same as the Spainards r are they spanish also?? I know I am dumb



Ordered that book tonight. ;)

Mornin---Hey boattow--- there are several markings on the 1st. tree not are spanish and you should look closely at. One you have a very nice turtle. Two look in the grass and to the right of tree. Near base, just to the right is a black curve that turns into a light brown snake ans a pointer. See the yellow snake head it almost touches the light brown snake. then just to the left of both snakes head is a black circle with a triangle (white) in it.
Now the black curve if you look there is a traingle in black attached to it. Now go up from there you'll see 5 black dots that make a sharp right turn where there are three dots close and this is part of a black area that could be a pot, can't tell from picture. Oh I forgot, Where the snakes are, on the base of the tree right side you have at least two arrows pointing down.
You are nearer to something than you think. there's more but I can't think of them with out cutting this post off an starting over.
the big tree to the right has more carvings. the second picture as signs also,

GOD Luck


BOATTOW-- I just took another look at you 1st picture. straight across from you white circles is a (on ground) big heart with a traingle of eyes and a mouth. the left eye is a diamond shape with a white dot in center, The mouth looks like a mouth and has meaning dig here. There are two arrows, one below left ey and one above mouth that point to a white spot that has a triangle (smaller) above that is a black area that looks like a pot with a handle.
I'd take a day and check this place out!!!!!!!!!!


BoatTow--- I understand about not seeing these things, cause sometimes I don't see what others see. I don't know how the spanish did it but I have pictures of leaves with dark black arrows and other things in them. Also, I have pictures of where the grass doesn't grow as tall in one area compared to another and when I look at it closely, there's this teddy bear or cyotoe. try this the mouth of the heart and face is 2 1/8" from right side and 3 7/8" from top, and the eyes are above mouth. The other thing is under the branch on ground to right of tree. the turtle on the tree--- there is a twig coming from the right that has reddish leaves which points to the turtle and it's next to the right edge of tree. after you find the spot under the branch on ground look for just black dots, forget there are leaves there. they lead you to the tree or from tree to htis area.
That's the best I can do since I don't have a scanner to circle things.
I don't want you to miss the boat on this one.hehehe

Jacko P.S. Look at the areas that are brownish/gray

Nana40 asked me to post this for her...this is the tree that she has that looks like boattow's.


in reply to the original post,, i have an old book that shows spanish markings and it shows a E as meaning ==stop, OR turnabout;;change direction.......being as you have a backwards E maybe this will help.....can't find the other symbol anywhere so would guess it possibly could be directional .....knowing they used all different symbols i looked in my indian stuff also, nothing close....

on the tree to the left,---
Theres "JPS"

and a marking right under that,,,,,,,and above,....

boattow, It would tell a lot if you new the age of the trees? To me the markings look like Cherokee carvings. they hid there treasures with tree and rock carvings before going on the trail of tears, around 1834? Ga. area. The trees would have to be 300 or 400 yr's old by know. I don't think even the Cherokee know the meaning of carvings today. In any case I don't see this as K.G.C.

boattow, Man, I'm so happy for ya! If for sure you got it down to a football size area, you should have it in the bag. If nothing else a G/P/R should pick it right out for you. Hope your right about being so close to volt! I say that only becouse there's been times I thought I was close to my find also only to find out after a while that I wasn't. The best of luck to ya.

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