How many hunters on here? Walmart quit selling firearms!

K*E*L*L*Y said:
whooo hooooo!!!! walmart finally did something right!
that place is OVERRUN with rednecks! they dont need guns!
we have tons of people down here living in tents!
.... but they all have their walmart guns! these are the people
that are unstable... and shouldnt have a gun to start with!

anyone can still buy a gun... just not for the bottom of the barrel
junky walmart price! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT TO OWN A GUN...
NOT USE IT!!! read up on it... 10-20-life!

walmart shoppers TEND NOT to be real honest hunters.... so.. no need for a gun!!!
Sorry Kelly, but I cannot agree. It is your right to use it, just not to kill without regard to situation. Rural area buyers of wepons at Wally World tend to be hunters, heck almost all males are in the country. Need also does not come before your Constitutional rights. Last, Wall Mart guns are not cheap. I can beat their prices easily at the local sporting goods or gun store.

I quit shopping WalMart several years ago. They are the most un American company I know of. I have family members who work for them, but I still won't shop there. Mostly all Chinese stuff. Buy American made products. Rockhound

21stTNCav said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
whooo hooooo!!!! walmart finally did something right!
that place is OVERRUN with rednecks! they dont need guns!
we have tons of people down here living in tents!
.... but they all have their walmart guns! these are the people
that are unstable... and shouldnt have a gun to start with!

anyone can still buy a gun... just not for the bottom of the barrel
junky walmart price! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT TO OWN A GUN...
NOT USE IT!!! read up on it... 10-20-life!

walmart shoppers TEND NOT to be real honest hunters.... so.. no need for a gun!!!
Sorry Kelly, but I cannot agree. It is your right to use it, just not to kill without regard to situation. Rural area buyers of wepons at Wally World tend to be hunters, heck almost all males are in the country. Need also does not come before your Constitutional rights. Last, Wall Mart guns are not cheap. I can beat their prices easily at the local sporting goods or gun store.

thats cool... im still part of the i hate walmart... they suck... fan club!
but if its your thing... go for it!

K*E*L*L*Y said:
whooo hooooo!!!! walmart finally did something right!
that place is OVERRUN with rednecks! they dont need guns!
we have tons of people down here living in tents!
.... but they all have their walmart guns! these are the people
that are unstable... and shouldnt have a gun to start with!

anyone can still buy a gun... just not for the bottom of the barrel
junky walmart price! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT TO OWN A GUN...
NOT USE IT!!! read up on it... 10-20-life!

walmart shoppers TEND NOT to be real honest hunters.... so.. no need for a gun!!!

I have no love for Walmart either - but this has got to be the most ignorant rant I've ever read.

Sorry Kel, have to disagree. I am certainly no redneck but I shop Wal-Mart for groceries and occasionally sporting goods. We don't have anything in the small town I live in that can compete with Wal-mart for varieties and having what I want in stock. I needed a light jacket and bought one there last week and you guessed it, a small tag said, "Made in China". That small tag is what l don't like about Wal-mart. But let's face it, you can't buy anything anywhere anymore that doesn't have half their inventory made in China. That's our government's fault for letting the Chinese import on such an imbalanaced trade agreement. You are too young to remember but I remember when the same thing was said about Japanese imports. Monty

Montana Jim said:
K*E*L*L*Y said:
whooo hooooo!!!! walmart finally did something right!
that place is OVERRUN with rednecks! they dont need guns!
we have tons of people down here living in tents!
.... but they all have their walmart guns! these are the people
that are unstable... and shouldnt have a gun to start with!

anyone can still buy a gun... just not for the bottom of the barrel
junky walmart price! WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!! ITS YOUR RIGHT TO OWN A GUN...
NOT USE IT!!! read up on it... 10-20-life!

walmart shoppers TEND NOT to be real honest hunters.... so.. no need for a gun!!!

I have no love for Walmart either - but this has got to be the most --deleted-- rant I've ever read.

thanks jim!

Made in Japan

I remember when "Made in Japan" was a label that meant poor quality.
It took a decade or two and still their quality was considered inferior if not just cheaper.
25 yrs. after the war against Japan a Dr. of Economics proposed a plan to the US automakers.
He was a US citizen trying to forsee the future. I happened to be at one of his lectures.
He was laughed out of the room.
He went to Japan and they took his ideas and made them work.

Does anyone remember the "Marshal Plan"?
Let's pour money into other countries.
They will like us then.
China loves us.

Manufacturing in the US used to be the best in the world.
I wonder now.


Most of the Wal Marts here still sell guns and ammo. I prefer to buy guns off market. With the problems with the economy, I have been able to get a lot of decent guns, cheap, and for cash. Ammo is largely difficult to get for two reasons, and neither one is a liberal conspiracy. One is that almost all ammo manufacturers are in the process of military production. You know, those two wars we are fighting currently? Another is that so many people tweaked when President Obama was elected and went out and started buying like crazy and hoarding. I give it another three to six months before ammo prices come down to normal and supplies stabilize. With the exception of my .30-06 ammo and my .410, I buy mine directly from Wolf. AK rounds are still cheap and readily available, as are 7.62 X 54R.


But in 2005, he voted for a ban on all but the smallest rifle ammunition used for hunting (or for anything else). If the measure had passed, it would have classified most rifle ammunition beyond the low-powered .22 caliber as "armor piercing ammunition," prohibited for civilian manufacture by federal law. The ammunition ban was hardly Mr. Obama's first act against hunters, either. In 1999, Mr. Obama proposed increasing firearm and ammunition excise taxes by 500 percent. Right now, a rifle that a manufacturer sells for $500 carries an excise tax of $55. Under Mr. Obama's proposal, that amount would rocket to $330. This would turn a tax willingly paid by sportsmen, which funds many of our wildlife conservation programs, into a tool to punish gun buyers.

Full text here, from the Washington Times-

It is obvious to even the most casual observer that Obama knows full well he faces an insurmountable obstacle in banning gun ownership, much as he would like to do so. So next best thing is to go after ammuntion. His voting record shows it plainly, and his proposals that he himself has introduced (the 500% tax on ammo being a prime example) pretty much seals the case for me.

Think whatever you want, but Obama and this administration will curtail your rights more than any previous adminstration in history.

I will believe it when I see it. GWB kicked us in the teeth, because he had it within his control to stop further gun legislation, which he did not do. He then let the AWB sunset (which it was set to do anyway) and did nothing else.

I will keep buying guns and ammo, and when and if something like this happens, I will vote against it as long as I am able to. However, much of what I have seen lately is trumped up fearmongering. The NRA is not spending my dues on anything constructive, IMHO.

Besides, a full gun ban will be IMPOSSIBLE to enforce. Why? Because a whole lot of us in the military are gun owners, and we know who we work for, the American People.

When we see it is to late. By that time all of those military personnel with weapons will have to fight the same. I for one would never want that senerio play out. Ignore at your peril.

Reload is the answer. Save your brass. Hard to find certain ammo because everyone is stock piling it up. Most and I say most people can find better quality and cheaper prices outside of places like wally world. Sorry Monty.
Here are some guns you can order by mail and do not need a lisc for. You just need to be 18. Check out the Howdah Hunter. Makes a nice carry item when detecting.


Reloading is fine if you can find the primers. Several years ago, my then brother-in-law told me that primers were not easy to find because the manufacturers of military ammo had priority on everything produced for a few months. Keep that angle in mind.
Too, the anti-gun nuts in congress (and the white house) could put a LARGE excise tax on those, to cut that avenue out.

hey i approve every thing our men and wome are doing there and what they are doing it for obamma sucks real bad and you wanna bash bush to hell with that crap barry o is gonna put us in a worse pickle that sr and jr could do together clinton bombed the rag heads good bill sr and jr went after the rag heads with extreme prejudice and oh you guys are bad your over there for the oil your trying to make a name for them selves so what if they were you know what bill bombed and ran obama would have handed them the keys to the white house they are the only people in washington to have a set of balls and do anything about it now back up read all those old papers and rephrase those written ideas so many people said we need a good democrate in office well guess we got one in office now and look at the mess we are in and getting deeper into nuff said .

olepossum said:
sorry about the incomplete first posting put them both together and read i hope i didnt hurt any ones feelings mmmmmmmmmm no i dont

You do know, don't you, that you can go back and edit the previous posts so you don't have to leave a long stream of them to say one thing. You can also delete your own posts and start over. It's never in stone and it's never too late!

I have paid for my right to my freedom of speech. When I was ordered to deploy, I went. I followed the orders of my Commander in Chief and the officers appointed over me. Nowhere in my oath of enlistment said I had to like the man, or even give him any respect other than what was due as his position as CIC.

SO far, all I can see about President Obama is that he has a howling pack of obstructionists trying to block everything he does. He could spit gold bars and poop icecream, and some of you would not be happy.

i thank you for all that you have done for our country me and my whole family and our gun cabinets thank you .but come on bo has done nothing but start crap since he took office .have my health care insurance or get fined you cant pay the fine what are they gonna do take your irs check untill you get it payed. have to wait up to a year or longer to have a major surgery done why not .what he is trying to get into effect is the canadian health care sounds good to start out with then it sucks if you need a bypass or a new kidney. holy crap kinda sounds like only the very wealthy get the good seats on the waiting list and all the rest better not get sick and pray grandma or grandpa dont fall and break a hip might have to take em out back and shoot em the wait might kill them. so what good is he trying to do and god forbid he trys dipping into my gun cabinets or taxing me for every gun i own, every year hoping the general public will get pissed and trade them in for a pair of nikes like those dumba$$es out on some of the east coast states , then only the police and the millitary and the criminals will have guns that is a scary thought aint it.bull crap i sleep with a forty cal with hollow points glock by my bed every night . a moth farts i wake up with all the illegals that live with in 1/2 mile of my house . praise the lord and pass the ammunition and i love walmart cant afford to buy much american made things these days i wished i could

Your posts would be easier to read if you put some spaces in them.

Have you read anything yourself about the healthcare legislation? If not, do it.

As far as your fear about your guns getting taken away? Not going to happen. No laws have even gotten past the basic committee stage that have anything to do with guns. The country has bigger problems right now.

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