I call "Bull Crap !"

jeff of pa

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Dec 19, 2003
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He had .04 Seconds Before He grabbed the Gun.
It takes a Real Killer a second tops to put a Bullet in his Forehead.

if you can't stop the attacker faster then it takes to pull a trigger
that 7th Degree Black Belt may as well be rainbow colored


This seems like a variation of "I can punch you faster than you can see it coming" bit. I wouldn't want to rely on that. Or on the gunman being at just the right distance to grab without stepping first. And he violates the number one rule of gun defense (and I don't care how fast he is, it still applies) -- get yourself out of the path of the bullet. It looks like he reaches straight up, grabs and disarms, while stepping straight back still in the direct line of fire. I'm sure he's a great martial artist, but I wouldn't rely on this as shown if someone had a gun on me.

You can disarm someone faster than they can react and pull the trigger, that’s why you should never close distance if you have to hold someone at gun point. Distance is your friend.

As citizens we are behind the ball reacting to dynamic situations that may be a threat. Humans aren’t super fast at recognizing and reacting to threats, so being aware of what’s going on around you is huge in self defense, that and don’t put yourself in dangerous situations. Distance buys you time, time buys you options. That’s why I have one ear covered with headphones and check my surroundings when MDing, the historical sections of town are pretty sketchy sometimes. Carry and train if you can.

You can disarm someone faster than they can react and pull the trigger,
Maybe. It’s very much dependent on the situation and the persons involved. Unfortunately it’s a “you bet your life” situation. Best defense …. Don’t be in that situation.

& if you wake up dead, your stethoscope was at home :laughing7:

Again a real killer would Raise the gun & Fire immediately !
no 2 seconds involved. not even long enough to know your over.
A person who waits 5 seconds is more into intimidation
not a killer. Scared !

It's easy to Disarm a frightened Phony !

The lead up to taking it took longer than the disarming and dropping out the clip -2 seconds.
That part is pretty impressive to say the least.

Yet in the real world where the trigger happy puller is not going to be standing there with that $hit eating grin pointing it at 3 ft away.
Mr Marx would probably have another hole.

Again a real killer would Raise the gun & Fire immediately !
no 2 seconds involved. not even long enough to know your over.
A person who waits 5 seconds is more into intimidation
not a killer. Scared !

It's easy to Disarm a frightened Phony !
I agree. Social violence (road rage/robbery/fight) is more threats and people getting angry and closing distance to intimidate, that is where a disarm could be done, but best to deescalate if possible. An asocial killer will just shoot/stab you with no communication or pre attack cues (mass shooting/ambush) that’s a whole different deal and much more dangerous but not as common.
An excellent book to read/listen to is “The Gift of Fear” by Gavin de Becker.
Also “When Violence is the Answer” by Tim Larkin is another good one.
I’m not a super ninja martial arts guy or anything, I just have a responsibility to defend my family if needed. Hope that it never happens.

Yep I would have liked to see Smiley raise the Gun & Immediately yell " BANG your Dead ! Too slow:coffee2: "

Some things look good in a controlled environment with actors involved.

My problem with it is that it violates firearm safety rule #1. Never point a gun at anything you wouldn't destroy.
Further exhibited by a retarded (yet anti gun?) hollywood in the Rust movie filming incident.

Exhibit A. Was a gun pointed at someone?
B. Why?
C. Who pulled the trigger?

This video is stupid. dangerous to youth and stupid people.
And does not include a challenge to disprove idiot #1's ability.
Not that someone wanting to shoot him is going to be close enoughto pee on him first.
Most handguns are effective at a slightly longer distance.
But maybe idiot #2 doesn't understand that..
Granted , I could encounter a gunman in a phone booth trying to hold a gun pointed at me until I grab it. Then not fire when I twitch to grab it or him or the phone and hit him in the teeth with it twenty or so times for his efforts..
Did I mention the video is stupid?

Remo Williams wouldn't need to disarm the attacker. He would just side step as the trigger is being pulled.

Remo Williams.jpg

Chuck Norris would have just farted and stared at the perp. He would have dropped his gun, given chuck his wallet, started sucking his thumb, and ran off.

That is one thing that has always bothered me about the movies. The bad guys always want to talk their target to death rather than get it done quick!

That is one thing that has always bothered me about the movies. The bad guys always want to talk their target to death rather than get it done quick!

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