I hate my life right now

Working with the occasional buffoon who has some power over you, and even abuses what little power he has been allowed, seems to be the rule rather than the exception. But the human spirit has a remarkable ability to overcome much more than the workplace fools. I'm thinking about real oppression around the globe, ethnic cleansing, Khmer Rouge, Holocaust, Siberian gulags, contrived mass famines. I'm not trivializing it, but by comparison to what many people endure with far more evil intent, workplace nonsense seems like a temporary blip. They cannot control what you think.

Remember, it could be worse. You are getting training. I had been a USPS Clerk for 5 years, and wanted to change to Carrier. They thought I was funny, and so would teach me a lesson. One day I was a Clerk, next day they showed me the pile of mail at one route's sorting case, and told me to case it up and deliver it. Be back by 5. ZERO training. I had to reinvent the wheel.

Nobody thought I would survive, nobody helped. After a week or so, and I hadn't imploded, then some began to give me pointers, but management never gave me training. Truly awful experience, and I hope those responsible rot in mail Hell. By the way, I retired from the USPS as a Carrier.

Paper routes aren’t for everyone.. Hell, maybe it’s you! :headbang:

If he is texting while driving you have a responsibility to make him stop either by confronting him yourself or talking to a supervisor.

Hi , Work place disputes are settled with gun in the USA Happy Hunting TP
WTH??! That was glaringly ignorant.
327 million people in the US. Bound to be some nutcases.

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If he is texting while driving you have a responsibility to make him stop either by confronting him yourself or talking to a supervisor.

Just photograph him with your cell phone, BigWaveDave.

Then take your hat, slam it onto the floor like you just lost your $&@!, point your finger in his face, tell the guy what a worthless poison attitude he has and that it is turning your chore into a trial. "I ain't going to smack you, yet. But I got you on camera breaking the law. I ain't going to call the boss and I ain't going to call the cops. You get me riled up again and I'm anonymously texting it straight to the company's insurance company!"

And that's how you pull off a successful power grab. :thumbsup:

Anyone know if Dave is still with us?

Anyone know if Dave is still with us?

Still here Jeffy and guys...
I survived the first week of driving with the old fart, and things have gotten better.
Overall, I’m 4 weeks into the 10 week training schedule, and the gist I’m getting is that they might cut me loose after 6 or 7 weeks!
I’d like say it’s because I’m a rock star and have learned the business better and quicker than anyone...but reality is we are short-handed and are desperate to get the route covered.
That’s a blessing, cuz I’ll get more money, and that’s kinda a big deal.
Oh... 4 day work weeks here, 3 day weekends for the rest of my working life. SWEET!:headbang::occasion14:

Relax you are safe

Was it you driving that armored truck in Georgia where the rear doors opened and 175K flew onto the road? Perhaps his trainer didn't cover closing the rear doors yet?

I don't know why you don't like the instructor. Best thing to do is smile a lot. Every time you se him and every time he speaks just have a big stupid smile on your face. Keep smiling at everything all the time. The only downside is that they might send you for a random drug test. If thy due smile even bigger and say, "Oh boy!."

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