I nearly died Saturday morning! ??Continuing saga of my run of bad luck.


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I'm pretty sure stress is a big underlying factor in a lot that ails us.
The week after hubby had a stroke my doctor ran all kinds of tests on me because of a odd EKG, including a cardiac-cath. The gold standard so they tell me. It came back clear. No explanations. Stress pure and simple.
If I got my BP down to normal and no longer needed meds I would have to pass out before she would take me off the BP meds.



Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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I want to thank everyone for the kind words, information and great advice! Being retired, I have a screwed up awake and sleeping schedule which is partially due to my daughters being Night Owls but eating pizza and drinking soda not long before going to bed was stupid on my part. It would not have happened if it were not for trying to get the old fridge out and the new one in and the food transferred to the new fridge. I will likely see my Doctor about the problem which I have not had a real issue with for a long time but first, I need to see the my Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor as I have fluid in my' right ear, am losing my hearing in it and having occasional bouts of Vertigo. Rest assured that there will be no more eating (especially acidic foods) and going to bed soon after!

On another note and which I found out about on Tuesday is that on Sunday morning, one of my granddaughters saw a Spirit in white come down the hallway and go into my' middle daughter's (Rebecca's) bedroom (through the closed door). She had woken not long before and was unsure as to what she saw, so she opened Rebecca's bedroom door and briefly saw the Spirit again before it disappeared. I am not sure what to make of it but we or myself have not had anymore bad luck since my scare! At least it was a Spirit in white and not a dark shadow Spirit like I saw several times in our' home when we lived in West Virginia. I wonder and somewhat worry that my granddaughter may have the Gift of Discernment which I occasionally have and which my grandmother on my Dad's side of the family had! My Grandma "Nanny" as we called her, foretold many events concerning family and especially her children. She foretold that two of my Dad's brothers were going to die within the sight of two weeks and they did, one from Pneumonia and the other from the Flu and I believe that this happened during the Flu Pandemic of 1918. She later foretold that Lee (my Dad) was going to be killed or severely injured and later that day, the neighbor who had a phone, came and told my Grandpa "Pawpy" as he was called that he had a call. When he went to their' home and took the call, the person told him that Lee had fell off of a Freight Train and was gravely injured. My Dad who was 18 at the time was not expected to survive, was in a Coma for 6 days and was crippled in his' right hand and arm the rest of his life. As I stated, I somewhat worry that my granddaughter may have the Gift of Discernment as while it is a gift, it can traumatize a person as it did to me. When I was a kid, I knew when several folks were going to die, years later I knew that something bad was going to happen to my cousin Charlie who I was very close to and who was like a brother to me since I did not have a brother. My Uncle called me the next day and told me that Charlie was killed in a car accident the same day I had the premonition. Even many years later when on my way to my sister's and brother-in-law's home as my brother-in-law Larry was dying from cancer due to Agent Orange exposure while in Vietnam, I feeling came over me when I was about half the way there and I knew that he had died and noted the time. When I got to their' home, I walked in and found that Larry had died at the exact time that I got the feeling while I was on my way there. Hopefully my granddaughter seeing the Spirit in white was not an Omen of something bad to come but it was just letting us know that it is here and on the watch. I also wonder if the Spirit in white is the reason I am still on this Earth and after consulting with a friend of mine, he believes that this is likely the case! Could it be the Spirit of my Mom or Dad or one of my two oldest sisters that have passed on or even my Grandma Nanny??!! I guess it is possible because on the very nights after burying my Dad in 1998 then my Mom in 2000, someone sat down on the corner of my' bed while I slept and I awoke to no one there and my wife (now ex-wife) was in the Living room crocheting when it happened.

Thanks again, may God bless everyone and it is my hope that you have a Spirit in white or Angel watching over you at all times!


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Ill give ya the short version. Elevate the head of the bed 2" inches or sleep in a lazyboy. Get some omniprezol and take it as your doctor orders it. Dont eat after 6pm. Loose some weight and try to eat a little better. Dont count your calories so much as to count your carbs. Might try some otc benedryl also to help with the sleep. Waking up smothering in your own juices is no fun. The damage to your through and lungs is also very bad. I learned all this the hard way, hope it helps. Oh, always follow your doctors advice, just dont take my word for it.

jeff of pa

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Sorry that I am just getting around to telling you all about this but I am still trying to wrap my' head around it! At around 6:10 AM Saturday morning, I nearly died, am lucky and thankful to God that I am still here and can post. After finally getting our' new refrigerator in the house, the doors back on it and the freezer drawer back in, plugging it up and then after taking a short break, I sent my daughter and grandson for Pizza and soda for all 8 of us here. It was about 11:15 PM Friday night when they got back, we all ate and I watched another episode of Miami Vice on the computer. Went to bed about 1:00 AM Saturday and must have rolled over onto my' right side during the night (I always sleep on my' left side to avoid acid reflux). The next parts are hard to describe as I believe that I was almost Comatose from lack of oxygen and I still can't get my' head around what all happened. All I know is, that I sort of woke up with a loud blaring sound and other sounds going off in my' head, seeing colors and different lights either in my' mind or my' vision (don't know which) and I was choking and could not breathe. Due to eating the Pizza and drinking soda so late and being on my' right side, I experienced a bad case of acid reflux and aspirated it into my' lungs. The acid reflux had cut me off from getting oxygen and I believe that I was nearly Comatose when I actually awoke choking to death. I bolted awake and literally stood up in the bed and then ran for my' bedroom door for help but could not make it. I stood just before the door trying to hack (cough) up the acid reflux from my' lungs and finally was able to get a little out and was able to get a little bit of air. Once I was able to get a little bit of air in my' lungs, I was able to hack (cough) up a little more of the acid reflux and then more and more as I was able to get more air into my' lungs. Once I was finally able to breathe, I went and sat back down on my' bed to recoup from what had just happened. At 6:15 AM, my middle daughter came and knocked on my' bedroom door and asked me what was going on. She got up in the middle of the night and was watching a TV show on the Internet and I told her what had happened. I was leery about going back to sleep but I was so exhausted from what had happened, I laid back down and dosed off for another hour then got up.

I can't really explain what I heard or what I saw when I apparently awoke that morning choking to death but it was not fun and was real scary. I wonder if I actually went into convulsions and this is what happens when someone experiences convulsions or an epileptic seizure or did I actually have one foot here in this world and the other on the other side!! I don't really know and wonder if a Hypnotist could put me under to help me find out. I can say without a doubt, I do know what someone goes through when they choke to death and it is not pleasant by any means!

I don't know if this was just one more thing in my continuing saga of my run of back luck but if so, I sure hope that it is finally done with! I know that we all must die and we do so when it is our time. I just hope and pray that God will allow me more time on this earth because my daughters and grandchildren depend upon me and I worry about what would happen to them if I was to die now or very soon.


I've had the Acid Reflux come up & Cut my Breathing off also.
I believe the Windpipes instinct is to seal itself off as soon as the acid reaches it.
after the first Time I went to the Dr was told hiatal hernia & ended up on meds for it.

anyway it certainly is not Fun. I still haven't found a way to outen the Acid Burn
other then to drink milk & throw up.

I can only sleep on my Left side also.
If I lay on my back or Right side, the World spins, with and without my eyes closed.
but it doesn't effect the Reflux
that I noticed.

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ivan salis

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sleep apena which is often not detected by many folks can kill you --- do you "snore" badly ? do you "snort or gasp" in your sleep ? quit breathing at times and snort as you awake ---often with folks that are heavy combined with gerd / acid reflux and acid issues --- eating tomato or acid based products are common "triggers"...when combined with sleep apena == these can cause a acid reflux type event in the middle of the night that can be fatal . get your self checked out -- having apena and left untreated can kill you or due to long term problems --over time it will weaken your heart causing heart failure.


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Jun 11, 2015
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Yes Frank, as others have said, you need to see a doctor. I will agree choking to death is not how I want to go out. When I was little, I was taking swimming classes and sank to the bottom like a rock and I too was choking, if not for a nearby instructor who pulled me out and gave me CPR, I would not be here today. See a doctor and start realizing those around you are near and dear.


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Jan 8, 2013
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Glad you are doing well.

Would like to comment on your story about your Granddaughter & family .

It reminds me of Stories my Grandma "Dot" would tell me about Her and Family who had passed, even my Mom who Passed in 2001 Had a Couple Spiritual Experiences .

Even I have had Premonitions in the past ( but none since IMO , I pulled the Curtain so to speak, over that part of my mind by taking Psycho Drugs ie, Prozac ,Benoz's , Opiates) ; as these drugs block most of ones Emotion esp, Opiates.
T.M.I. ..But Anyway

My Wife of 12 had a Grandmother on her Dad's side That could call out future events much like your
"Nanny" (if I recall right).

Never Seen any Dark Spirits (Thank God) but sure have felt them at certain times in my life.
Best Wishes in You & yours Future.

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Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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Ill give ya the short version. Elevate the head of the bed 2" inches or sleep in a lazyboy. Get some omniprezol and take it as your doctor orders it. Dont eat after 6pm. Loose some weight and try to eat a little better. Dont count your calories so much as to count your carbs. Might try some otc benedryl also to help with the sleep. Waking up smothering in your own juices is no fun. The damage to your through and lungs is also very bad. I learned all this the hard way, hope it helps. Oh, always follow your doctors advice, just dont take my word for it.


Thanks for the advice and information! I will look into Omniprazole but if there is a natural herbal remedy, I would prefer that route. I have lost some weight and plan on losing much more. I am not overly overweight and my Doctor has commended me for my weight loss and getting my blood pressure down after my four heart attacks in April of 2013. They were low oxygen event heart attack, weren't really bad ones, were brought on by me sleeping on my' right side and due to a blockage I had from Sinus surgery (possibly scar tissue or a left over blood clot). The blockage is apparently gone now and I don't have trouble breathing on that side but I try to always sleep on my' left side due to acid reflux.




Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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I've had the Acid Reflux come up & Cut my Breathing off also.
I believe the Windpipes instinct is to seal itself off as soon as the acid reaches it.
after the first Time I went to the Dr was told hiatal hernia & ended up on meds for it.

anyway it certainly is not Fun. I still haven't found a way to outen the Acid Burn
other then to drink milk & throw up.

I can only sleep on my Left side also.
If I lay on my back or Right side, the World spins, with and without my eyes closed.
but it doesn't effect the Reflux
that I noticed.


It sounds like you have the same problem I have which is Vertigo due to fluid in my' right ear but you could have fluid or an infection in your' ear or both ears! I had fluid in both ears from an ear infection but the fluid has since cleared up in my' left ear. The fluid will not let the Eustachian tube clear in my' right ear and I get dizzy and nauseous when I am laying on the ground working on a car or truck and have to raise my' head. I have only had one episode where everything was spinning around me but this was only with my' eyes open. It sounds as if you need to get your condition solved just like me as Inner Ear problems can cause a lot more problems!


jeff of pa

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It sounds like you have the same problem I have which is Vertigo due to fluid in my' right ear but you could have fluid or an infection in your' ear or both ears! I had fluid in both ears from an ear infection but the fluid has since cleared up in my' left ear. The fluid will not let the Eustachian tube clear in my' right ear and I get dizzy and nauseous when I am laying on the ground working on a car or truck and have to raise my' head. I have only had one episode where everything was spinning around me but this was only with my' eyes open. It sounds as if you need to get your condition solved just like me as Inner Ear problems can cause a lot more problems!


yea for some reason My last 4 Doctors all ignored me when I tell them about it.
I gave up and live with it.

some times I just turn my head slightly and the World Goes in Circles.
I can't even stand on my Feet then.

I'll just lay (or Fall) down Get Motion sickness & wait for it all to Settle.

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Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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sleep apena which is often not detected by many folks can kill you --- do you "snore" badly ? do you "snort or gasp" in your sleep ? quit breathing at times and snort as you awake ---often with folks that are heavy combined with gerd / acid reflux and acid issues --- eating tomato or acid based products are common "triggers"...when combined with sleep apena == these can cause a acid reflux type event in the middle of the night that can be fatal . get your self checked out -- having apena and left untreated can kill you or due to long term problems --over time it will weaken your heart causing heart failure.


I probably have some Sleep Apnea and will likely get checked out as soon as possible. I snore but snore a lot less than I did before my Sinus surgery. In fact, before the Sinus surgery, I could literally shake a house of it's foundation with my snoring and I have a lot of friends hat will attest to that fact. LOL!! I snort occasionally but only when I drift off to sleep while sitting up and it always wakes me up. As I stated in my reply to Casca, I had four hear attacks in April of 2013 due to a low oxygen event. This was due to me sleeping on my' right side and likely due to a blockage caused by my Sinus surgery (either scar tissue or a left over blood clot) but the blockage is apparently gone now but I will have my Ear, Nose and Throat Doctor double check when I see him about the fluid in my' right ear.





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Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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yea for some reason My last 4 Doctors all ignored me when I tell them about it.
I gave up and live with it.

some times I just turn my head slightly and the World Goes in Circles.
I can't even stand on my Feet then.

I'll just lay (or Fall) down Get Motion sickness & wait for it all to Settle.

You really need to see a Specialist and get the problem fixed or under control! There are a lot of problems that Inner Ear issues can cause besides Vertigo.




Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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Would like to comment on your story about your Granddaughter & family .

It reminds me of Stories my Grandma "Dot" would tell me about Her and Family who had passed, even my Mom who Passed in 2001 Had a Couple Spiritual Experiences .

Even I have had Premonitions in the past ( but none since IMO , I pulled the Curtain so to speak, over that part of my mind by taking Psycho Drugs ie, Prozac ,Benoz's , Opiates) ; as these drugs block most of ones Emotion esp, Opiates.
T.M.I. ..But Anyway

My Wife of 12 had a Grandmother on her Dad's side That could call out future events much like your
"Nanny" (if I recall right).

Never Seen any Dark Spirits (Thank God) but sure have felt them at certain times in my life.
Best Wishes in You & yours Future.

I have never taken anything to make the premonitions go away but they have diminished a lot as the years have passed. Heck, most of the time when one of my Doctors prescribes pain killers for the pain in my' back or legs, I usually will not get the prescriptions filled and if I do, I very seldom take them. The strongest things I take are Ibuprofen, Acetaminophen, an occasional snort or two of Jack Daniels and possibly a Beer but I have tried to wing myself off most medications for pain and just live with it. I believe that the premonitions started with me shortly after I was forgotten about and left for hours in a locked Funeral Home with my dead Great Uncle and other dead folks. I was only about 4 or 5 years old when that happened. Not long after, I went with my sister a her friends home and while we were outside while she talked to her friend, I had a premonition that the girl's sick father or grandfather (it has been so long ago, I can't remember which) had died. I told her and she went into the house and a blood curdling scream then crying came from the house. This is when I knew that I had the Gift and that I did not want it but try as I may, it stayed with me for many years. While I very seldom receive out right premonitions anymore, when I get a phone call with bad news, I always know it is bad news even before I answer the phone and it is very discomforting to have this ability.

While most of us never see dark shadow Spirits, they are often in our' homes or follow us around and folks should do what is necessary to rid themselves or their' homes from them. Some are just lost Spirits that have not moved on but some are malicious and can cause strife, conflict and stress in our lives. In West Virginia, we lived about 150 yards from and in front of a Cemetery and I thought that this was possibly the source of our dark shadow Spirit in our' home. We had the home blessed and the dark shadow Spirit vanished and we never had the problem in that home again. In our' home here in Tennessee, we had a lost Spirit that could not move on and which was scaring my youngest daughter, so we had this home blessed and no Spirits have been seen until this last Sunday morning.


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sure glad you made it....god bless !!


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Jan 8, 2013
N.of , I-285...GA
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In no way was I suggesting that you take any drugs to stop your premonitions .

Those are just some bad decisions I have made In my life. (self medicating For Stress/ Anxiety)

I also believe (like in my Sig,line) that when we are Children We are still closer to the Spirit World cause that's where our Souls came from then as time goes by we forget or choose not to connect to that part of life & get caught up in worldly things. So we don't think about it . If all that makes any sense . lol
Have a Great Weekend



Gold Member
Jun 11, 2013
East Tennessee
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In no way was I suggesting that you take any drugs to stop your premonitions .

Those are just some bad decisions I have made In my life. (self medicating For Stress/ Anxiety)

I also believe (like in my Sig,line) that when we are Children We are still closer to the Spirit World cause that's where our Souls came from then as time goes by we forget or choose not to connect to that part of life & get caught up in worldly things. So we don't think about it . If all that makes any sense . lol
Have a Great Weekend

I did not think that you were suggesting that I take drugs to stop my premonitions and if my reply sounded that way, I am sorry!

We all deal with stress and anxiety in different ways and to each his or her own! I often just go for a drive or a hike in the mountains and when in the mountains, I scout for Ginseng, other herbs and for Deer and Turkey.

I also believe that children are closer to Jesus, to God, to the Angels and family members that have passed because they (the Spirit or Soul) only recently came though the veil. Young children have often been seen talking to someone that no one else can see or be very attentive to something out there that we adults cannot see. As a child gets older, the veil gradually closes and they/we can no longer remember those things or people we saw and talked to. God bestowed the Scriptures and Bible upon us as guides or instruction manuals for mankind to follow but I believe that some of the instructions have been distorted due to the many people that has translated the Scriptures over the many centuries and that many of them did not get the translations right. I also believe that some of the Scriptures have been distorted by men who were under the influence of Satan. Although a lot of mankind through the centuries had/has the Scriptures and Bible as guides or instruction manuals, it would have been nice if God would have sent a User's Manual for our' bodies and minds!


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yea for some reason My last 4 Doctors all ignored me when I tell them about it.
I gave up and live with it.

some times I just turn my head slightly and the World Goes in Circles.
I can't even stand on my Feet then.

I'll just lay (or Fall) down Get Motion sickness & wait for it all to Settle.

Sounds like a case of Vertigo, and it can come and go for a person. Seems that when the crystals move around is when the world starts a spinning. Here's one link of many that explains it and how to treat it yourself.Epley Maneuver and other Home Remedies for Vertigo

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