I was in a bar the other day, talking to a friend about Texas pioneering days...

TreasureTales said:
jbot said:
TT, do Bible quotes offend you? Just asking.

Didn't you quote the Bible earlier in one of your posts? So I merely asked if I should do the same for you, concerning vengeance.

If you quote that scripture, you'll just be backing up what I said.

Either stick to the subject, jbot, or find some other pigeon for your bait. There you go again. Where are you coming from with such statements? Does that mean stop disagreeing with you or stop posting? That ain't gonna happen.

Please restate the question you want me to answer and I'll try to do so. I'm not trying to get out of answering, I've just been up all night and the cogs are turning a little slow, or in other words, everything is normal with me.

I understand the the hat and the horse, the horses end thing was just my comment. Here's the problem, you and I BOTH misunderstand each other, but there's no need to throw personal stones from either side.

Again, please clarify what exactly you want me to answer. I thought I had answered it, but if not, please give me another chance.

TreasureTales said:
jbot said:
Please restate the question you want me to answer and I'll try to do so. I'm not trying to get out of answering, I've just been up all night and the cogs are turning a little slow, or in other words, everything is normal with me.

I've asked the same questions several times. Since you are obviously able to quote other portions of my posts, surely you could find those questions IF YOU WANTED TO REALLY ANSWER THEM. Who do you think you're fooling? You're just stalling. But just so you can't blame me for anything else, I'll comply with your request.

What wrongs?
Who's doing the wrongs?
What recourse do you suggest or see coming?
Should we give up parts of America to the Mexicans because we beat them in wars, too?
How about Hawaii? Should that be returned to the Queen of Hawaii? (that's a new question, but just as legitimate.)
Where does it end?
Which side are you on when the next war starts? (that's a new question, too)

As for quoting the Bible, I don't think vengeance is the answer, but apparently you do. Isn't that what you're really implying? You think the Indians are due some vengeance, some retribution? If not, how about you just spit it out in no uncertain terms for a change so we can either move along in the progress of the debate or agree to disagree?

I think if you had read the thread a little closer you would know what I've already said, but here goes.

What wrongs - Stealing someone's home (our government), and then jumping someone's case for saying that is a wrong doing (see replies to my 1st post on this thread).

Who's doing the wrongs - Our government did the first part, but we all get to choose what we stand for, so are we gonna say that an injustice was not done?

What course do I see coming - I don't know, that's Gods judgment, not mine. Did you think I meant I was gonna do something? I'm not. But I DO think people should stand up for what's right. (Please don't ask again what right is, we're covering that now).

Should we give up parts of America to the Mexicans because we beat them in wars, too? - The way it's looking, we may be doing that now.
I didn't say we need to give back anything to anyone (I already said that). This country is fallen and it won't be restored. I'm just telling you a great injustice was done. You say no, I say yes.

Where does it end? - I guess the question would be, WHEN does it end. I don't know where or when, but I know it has an end.

Which side are you on when the next war starts? (that's a new question, too) - The way I see it, this has to do with the "Where does it end" question. In fact, I think it answers that question. I believe it ends with the battle of Armageddon, and that brings us to the last and most important question, which side will I be on. I can say this - I hope I'm on the side of right and justice and I hope the same for you.
Now, you probably meant a war with Illegal Immigrants, and if so, I already answered that one too. I don't agree with letting Illegal Immigrants into this country, and I hope something can be done to stop it, just as the natives should have stopped it long ago, but, they did try.

As for what you think, TT, I couldn't care less. You can act all high and mighty if you want, but you are not the only one who understands things. Hat and horse, or man in the moon, I don't care anymore, so just keep blowing if you want.

OMG, so this was all about your religious viewpoint and Armageddon? Why didn't you just say so in the beginning? So you judge the government? Isn't that God's job? If that's being "right," I want no part of it.

Don't worry, if you don't want it, you probably wont have it. By your own words...
And yes, it IS God's judgment. It was his judgment when he said "He that leadeth into captivity shall go into captivity". Do you want no part of that? (That was a question). He also said to judge ritchous judgments.
BTW, I don't have a pue, but thanks for YOUR judgment.

BTW, I didn't mean a war with illegal aliens. You're assuming again.

I think I said IF that's what you were saying. Again, take your own advice and READ the posts.

I meant a war with terrorists, when they start blowing up more of our buildings. But I guess you don't care because we're an unjust nation.

You guess...? Now, who is assuming?

Geez, the enemy is within.

Kinda what I've been saying. It looks like we're both judging.

Who did the Indians take the land from? When you can answer that question, you may have to rethink your assumptions. (There's that word again.)

You say I'll have to rethink me "assumptions" if I answer this question. This question is, itself, an assumption. You are assuming that the Indians took the land from someone else. BTW, I find it hard to condemn a race, or an individual, who retaliates against someone stealing their home.

Hey, condemn anybody or anything you like. I do plenty of that myself.

So why do you not want to be on my pue?

But now that I see where you're coming from, it seems appropriate to ask you your own question: "Do you think you are above all the others who post here?"

It's the age old story, you can say anything, judge anything, do anything, but as soon as you quote one scripture, you're a bad guy who shouldn't condemn. Well, that's only from those who doesn't understand. Do I think I'm above anyone, of course I don't, but that is just part of the age old story.

One more question. Does it make you feel bigger to make it look like I don't understand simple sayings? If so (Notice the word "IF"), then I guess you need that sort of thing and I give it to you.

I didn't call myself a Christian and I didn't say I was on the right side. I said I hope I'm on the right side at the last battle. READ THE POSTS.

No, I'm not anything, but I know which way is the right way, and I know that when you steal something, that's the wrong way.

If that is the extent of your understanding then I'm truly sorry I engaged in conversation with you.

That was about as clever as the rest of your statements.

TreasureTales said:
The fortune cookie crack was great. And the comment about a government employee getting your seat in heaven was nothing short of brilliant. You should give credit where credit is due. That would be the "right" thing to do. ;)

You're warped.

Do they make fortune cookies that say things like that where you're from?

TT LOL I don't understand, and you don't understand. Why are we looking in this garbage can?
My first post said what I believed about people and the problems we make for ourselves. You and I take no blame, we are Americans first. We like to joke and carry on like people without an axe to grind.
I notice by other posts that some respond, on the other side of the fence . With the attitude of the Devils Advocate. Makes you realize where all those pull tabs are coming from.
JBot, I need to explain something to you, all of my kids are 8 to 10 years older than you. I have seen the world, I have dealt with people with an attitude like yours.
I see problems people have and try to help. I suggest you go back and study my first post, try to get my meaning. If you don't understand, then live with it. None of the good fun loving people on here can help. We accept you like you are, you may not accept us. I trust my enema's, I know what to expect. Oops enemies ..Gnewt

I know there has to be some land unsettled in Montana or Wyoming if an indian wants to be an indian. But I think they are happy right where they are. Getting tax free casinos and cigarettes. I have indian in me and I do not believe anyone is responsible for what happened 400 years ago.

As most of you know,I wouldn't start anything controversial and then walk away just for the heck of it,BUT,when I was crossing Texas a couple of weeks ago,I heard a man say that"If the Alamo had had a back door,Mexico City would be up where Dallas is now,and it may happen yet".

We have one National flag, our heritage is American, our ancestors were what ever,who cares. I got friends I don't trust that are all nationalities. I got one thing to say if you want to be an Afro American go to Africa, If you want to be a Mexican go home, If you want to be a native American go to a reservation. If you want to be an American, join the club. The membership committee will now take your application,
that will be 10 dollars please. TT would you please take that money and get us a truck load of brown bottle barley hops so we can have a non political party, and lynching. Gnewt

What you are trying to say is the reservation should be a foreign country and a pass port should be required to come and go, nawww that was my idea, never mind.
Any one that is a squeaky wheel and blames us for their problems, some one in power listens and yes it is reverse discrimenation. They are bleeding this country dry, not just the reservations, but all those ghettos they have built in the big cities, they call projects. Gnewt

Sounds good, I'm gonna start mine poppin, I'm outta them long necks so I'll just have to be thirsty. We're in the bar now and that ain't good. Gnewt

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