John Wilkes Booth Missing Diary Pages and Elizabeth Quesenberry

I think what happened was..
Booth walked up to Lincoln, reached around and stuck His eye with a dagger, yanked His head around, pulled out the dagger and shot him in the same eye. Dropped the dilenger. Jumped the balcony, said his words, while waving the pointing the dagger in the air and left. "dagger" would of been more dramatic for an actor vs a little handgun.
He didn't need the gun after he shot him. It was left on the floor in the booth. Those in charge had that. So why then was Ford theater torn apart? What were they looking for? They were looking for something they knew he already had. At that moment all he had was his diary and the dagger. It can only be these items at that moment he carried they wanted. WHY is a million dollar question. The diary could only lead to a conviction, which wasn't needed obviously, since everyone knew what he just did. So that leaves only the dagger. The dagger, the little gets said about the dagger. They didn't catch Booth until he didn't have it in his possession. WHY?
History recorded then, that he gave a gift to Mrs. Quesenberry and today history says "maybe it was his boat".

The "WHY" is special.

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I have read eyewitness accounts about the shooting of Abraham Lincoln and nothing in the history books I can find is correct. An eyewitness account from someone sitting at a side door that Booth exited through said nothing of Booth saying "sic semper tyrannis" after jumping to the stage below and breaking his leg. Booth said nothing until he got to the door where this gentleman was sitting and he said in a low voice as Booth exited Ford Theater was "I have done it."

I've made some questionable and incredible comments on the net regarding things I've discovered.
All of them have 1 single thing in common. Watermarks.

A watermark is an identifying image or pattern in paper that appears as various shades of lightness/darkness when viewed by transmitted light (or when viewed by reflected light, atop a dark background), caused by thickness or density variations in the paper. (source, Google)

The only problem I have with this explanation is the word "paper".
The reason its a problem for me is because it implies only "paper".
Why is that a problem for me?
Because I've found them in other items besides paper and they are coherent.

Watermarks can be words, pictures or any thing a user wants them to be.

..this was me trying to explain a little.

I have read eyewitness accounts about the shooting of Abraham Lincoln and nothing in the history books I can find is correct. An eyewitness account from someone sitting at a side door that Booth exited through said nothing of Booth saying "sic semper tyrannis" after jumping to the stage below and breaking his leg. Booth said nothing until he got to the door where this gentleman was sitting and he said in a low voice as Booth exited Ford Theater was "I have done it."
This could be also right.

I've learned some incredible information because of watermarks.
In places so incredible it seems impossible for them to be there, yet they are. I've learned time can alter them.
I've learned light can influence them and darkness also. I've read sentences that should not of been where I found them. Pictures that defy logic. I found a vast majority of them only in 75 degree angles. Some only in the light.
Chuckles to myself... I sound like a hippy from the 60's lol.

When I discovered the information. I had first discovered bits and pieces of other information and then I was led to her information. I really didn't wake up one day and say..o here's what I'll do today. Or after some car crash or bong hit.
I've learned these watermarks can seem networking together in someways. One tells of the other or what to do or go look at. Or even how to do it sometimes. For the last twenty plus years I've learned of them. Not been an easy task.

Here is a list to things I've seen hidden by Watermarks.

A clay jar with 2 items in it. 1 of metal, 1 of paper.
Learned the jar is sealed with wax.
Located 6ft deep.
Guarded by Angles.
All told by watermarks.

I could add many other things to this list, but they go outside the topic. (they really don't but there's so much, it will leave you feeling they do).

Then what were the odds of me running into and working beside Booth's relatives? Astronomical. And Both of us working and living within 5 miles of the hidden location? Astronomical!

I'm not a writer or story teller folks.
These things found me.

So when I sound like I'm telling a wild one.. its only because of the "watermarks" not a brain injury.

Back to the dagger. The watermarks describe it as the following.
At the end of the handle is a large red jewel.
Across the cross section of the handle are 2 blueish looking jewels.
The metal is also made reference to, as a refashioned object that once was something else.
It says it's the tip of the "sear of destiny" from the roman who pierced the side of Jesus.
(ya, I know coo coo)

I think that's why ford theater was torn apart and I think that's why booth wasn't caught until AFTER it wasn't in his possession. (legends say the holder can't be defeated until they don't have it)

I wish I was a writer, boy the book I could write. Better yet, I wish I owned the property where that clay jar is buried.

I'd re-hide the dagger and let the pages become public.

I think Lincoln's death sentence came from the origins of those who gave it to Booth.
It was used to alter destiny. Personally I'd like to see that location I know of, swallowed into sinkhole. No one should have it. No one. I fear its about to come to light though, regardless my actions to prevent it. (just a feelin)

I removed it along time ago. Sorry.
Lol...good..I was starting to grow bunny I live in Port Tobacco Md. Right near Boothe's brother's blacksmith shop. I was just detecting there today then saw this. Thanks for saving me hours. Lol

Lol...good..I was starting to grow bunny I live in Port Tobacco Md. Right near Boothe's brother's blacksmith shop. I was just detecting there today then saw this. Thanks for saving me hours. Lol
Do you even metal detect or own a detector? What state do you live in.

Lol...good..I was starting to grow bunny I live in Port Tobacco Md. Right near Boothe's brother's blacksmith shop. I was just detecting there today then saw this. Thanks for saving me hours. Lol
To bad you don't live closer to Akron, Ohio. Be surprised what you can learn over a cup of coffee.
..thanks for being kind.

I did own one. Had to sell it for rent.

It would be interesting to find out who Mrs. Quesenberry trusted to give those to.
Who she saw after Booth within the next couple of weeks. she didn't hold on to those contents no longer than she had to. First chance she passed them along, but to who, I don't know.
I know the person traveled north and ended up in whats called today Ravenna (little Italy), Ohio.
I believe she knew this person very well to have trusted him with those items.
I believe the jar was sealed in wax before she gave it to Him.
I believe he obeyed her wishes and took it with him to his grave (I'm hoping that's not literally what happened, but it appears to be) (not sure)).

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I can tell you the backside of the Dr's house (can't remember his name off hand) is the same style as the backside of the home where the location is hidden. Strikingly so. (I did find that to be really cool)

These things above I tell you are just the things that can get by a person's mind of realism.
If I tell you where and what some of the watermarks'd call a man to get a me straight jacket.
Point is.. its very difficult to try and explain the wtf is that without being committed. lol

I do think she read those pages and when she learned the truth it scared the shit right out of her. So much she quickly figured away to get rid of them as fast as she could. Just wish I knew who it was? A friend or had to be.

I just remembered...Dr. Mudd's house.. that's the house I was referring to above. (sorry about that). and sorry for all the short comments. I'm thinking out loud and then posting what I remember's been while.

give me a few minutes...I'm going to find something and show you.

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