Just getting started again--Civil War Infantry Button



Hello all!? I just purchased a new xj9 metal detector on eBay and am excited about getting started with it.? When I was married (Quite a while ago!) I had a White's detector and my then husband and I did a good bit of detecting.? It was addicting.? I also became addicted to hunting arrowheads in fields after it had rained and then the ground had dried, making the finding pretty easy.

ANYway, about 12 or so years ago, when I was walking along the Flint River near Gay, Ga, I found an interesting object (visually, not with a detector) next to the water.? I showed it to a friend who said it was a Confederate Infantry button.? He offered me $15 for it, but I declined.? Recently I've become an eBay addict.? I looked for Confederate Infantry Buttons to find one like mine, and found several almost identical going for well over $100.? I'll be putting it up for auction soon and am hoping to find more goodies as I live near Kennesaw Mountain where Civil war battles took place.

Unfortunately, being a single female, it's a little awkward and possibly dangerous, to go out and about metal detecting on my own these days.? If anyone out there lives nearbye and would like a fun detecting companion (I'm just looking for a nice FRIEND who'll make me feel protected while engaging in a fun hobby) please email me.

This appears to be an informative and very interesting site and I'm looking forward to learning all kinds of fascinating new things here!

? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ?Pat

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That sounds like a great place to go back to. Just think what you'll find with a detector vs. your eyes. Also, just a caution to be careful even meeting someone on this board. It's probably not an issue, but meet them in a public place for a cup of coffee first and find out some things you can later confirm, such as where they work, etc. Make a couple of phone calls to confirm if you have to. Just play it safe and make sure before going out and don't make the first place you go detecting in the middle of nowhere. Tell someone close to you when you are going and give them info on the person and agree to call the person you know well when you return from detecting so they expect to hear from you. Just a word of caution to be smart! Aside from all that, have fun.

Wished I lived nearby, I would take you up on that in a heart beat. Been looking myself for a detecting buddy near my home town. Happen to love arrowhead hunting as well, but there just is never enough time to do all I like to do :D

Hey, how do you like that XJ9 detector? I saw those on ebay and was wondering about them. Are they pretty decent? they seem to have a lot of goodies on them for the price tag.

Hello, Gribnitz!

I can't say much about the XJ9.? Just started playing with it today.? Took me a while to figure out how to put a
couple of the parts together.? ? There weren't much in the way of instructions included, so I just fiddled around with it, dug up a lot of dirt and rocks (hey, they'll be good edging my flowers with anyway) and put a lot of the shovelfuls into a large old fireplace screen to sift through later.? I CAN say it makes a lot of interesting SOUNDS though!

Will give a review when I feel more knowledgeable.......................Pat

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