Lost galleon of the desert and San felepe wash finds

Hey Motel6, my grandmother told me about acache left around San Felipe wash, it is supposed to be a great find, worth alot, a party of spaniards were ambushed by indians, anyway I know somewhere there was a printed story also. I red about it, so maybe you are really onto something!! Whoo Hoo, goodluck buddy!

Sorry, ISAY, but haven't been back here in a while! But no, not a recent convo, she passed many years ago. But what she said was about a solid gold cross, not brass at all. I remember reading the story she was refering to at some time in a treasure mag.

why am I always the one to pee in the fire?

the salton sea was formed when irrigation canals overflowed in the early 1900's...
there was never a passage to the ocean, never a natural flow to the Colorado river....

big mistake...pearl ship tale, is formed out of a long season with mescal.

why am I always the one to pee in the fire?

the salton sea was formed when irrigation canals overflowed in the early 1900's...
there was never a passage to the ocean, never a natural flow to the Colorado river....

big mistake...pearl ship tale, is formed out of a long season with mescal.


What you say is true of the modern-day Salton Sea, but there is more to the story:

History Chronology

We have spent some time in the area and I am familiar with it's history. I believe the story of the pearl ship is feasible.

Take care,


why am I always the one to pee in the fire?

the salton sea was formed when irrigation canals overflowed in the early 1900's...
there was never a passage to the ocean, never a natural flow to the Colorado river....

big mistake...pearl ship tale, is formed out of a long season with mescal.

The "Salton Sea" as we know it today has no outlet. But google "Lake Cahuilla" and "Lake Drake" and you'll see. It was never really a lake though. It was an inlet extension of the gulf of Baja.

The area wasn't COMPLETELY submerged at all times. A giant tidal bore would send water a hundred miles up from the current coast now. Then the tide would pull it back.

It's been documented and confirmed not just by armchair treasure seeker but is widely accepted in academia.

Keep pissing on the fire....

Hi Motell6, I found the article about SFW, if you would like me to fax it to you just give me a holler! Unfortunatly my scanner doesn't work anymore, otherwise I could scan and email it to you. Fuzz

Hi I say, I found the article, I can fax it to you, just give me a holler, unfortunatly my scanner no longer works, so I can't scan and email it to you. Thought you might be interested. Fuzz

thanks for the offer - i do not do faxes but if you have the source info (author, mag name year month) I may have read it already or not..
the reason for the brass bar question. was someone found one recently in the colorado desert - i jut happened to be there when a third party showed some of the images of it to an archeologist i know
from the photos it did seem like something that was not of recent age.

Hola ISAY2U: Many of the early gold bars were far from .999 fine and did indeed look like simple brass bars. I lost a load of them because in my earlier t Hunting days I didn't know this.However they are still there. Interested Oro ?

Too few looking.

Its a Shame. Because truth can some times stranger than fiction. And the world can be a very amazing place..... And ships in the desert are not as strange as it seems...

Here is some pictures of the lost ships of the Aral Sea.





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