MDing is the best thing I ever never did!!!!!!!


May 7, 2009
I'm new around here, and I am blown away how nice folks seem to be here, mostly all, but not everyone. I am a retired firefighter/paramedic, presently doing antique restorations and furniture refinishing to supplement my need for doctors! I don't have alot of extra $$, so I have a Pioneer 505. I was sad to be told a Bounty Hunter "isn't a metal detector", and read a couple other comments like that. You know, if a guy stretches his "mad money", and buys a middle of the road machine, and comes here all exited about his/her new toy, It's kinda cruel to tell em thier pride and joy is a "piece of junk". Anyway, I have to say mine works great for a newbee, and I found coins, junk, and some really funny items that made me grin. It's not the equipment so much as how well you understand what it's trying to tell ya! I live in the deep south, and I can't wait to get serious around here, with all the old home sites, farms, plantations and so forth. This place is a gold mine (pun intended), of info and help. You techies should be proud of this site, and the members. I hope to get a "real" detector someday soon, but till my next windfall, I'll keep on hunting and reading, and digging. Thanks for such a nice forum.I just wish I'd gotten into the hobby years ago! Especially when I lived in Az. and SanDiego!!! :'( Better late than never I suppose! Good hunting to all, jimsjinx

Welcome to the hobby jimsjinx! Don't let anyone tell you that Bounty Hunters aren't "real detectors". They can and do hold their own. The bells and whistles on the fancy detectors are nice, and they do have their place in this fine hobby, but they aren't necessary to find good stuff. I own several detectors...beginner models, mid range models, and a few high end units. But looking back, my best finds were made with a Tesoro Silver Saber....a machine costing less than 250.00. Look at it this way, if you are finding SOMETHING and HAVING FUN....well, that's what it's all about!

Oh, by the way...I too have a 505....and I LOVE IT! It's an awesome machine and I am proud to say I own one! :tongue3:


Enjoy the hobby, and ignore the negative remarks.

As you can see from my profile, I have a really inexpensive detector and an expensive one. Truthfully, my finds with the big dollar machine have not surpassed my finds with the lower end one yet. And the BH is definately easier to use !

Welcome, and keep swinging !

Thanks for the encouragement! I do have a question for you. I am going to the outer banks at the end of May, and I'll be 50 yards from the beach, and a public pier. Will the 505 work at all in this enviroment? If it can, then what is the best mode? I don't intend on stickin my head in the water, maybe some wading at best. I don't care if I find Blackbeard's stash, I just wanna try finding jewelry and coins. Old would be a plus! Thanks ahead of time for any replies. Man reading the members finds and seeing the pictures is really cool! There sure is alot of "stuff" to dig up out there! jimsjinx

jimsjinx said:
Thanks for the encouragement! I do have a question for you. I am going to the outer banks at the end of May, and I'll be 50 yards from the beach, and a public pier. Will the 505 work at all in this enviroment? If it can, then what is the best mode? I don't intend on stickin my head in the water, maybe some wading at best. I don't care if I find Blackbeard's stash, I just wanna try finding jewelry and coins. Old would be a plus! Thanks ahead of time for any replies. Man reading the members finds and seeing the pictures is really cool! There sure is alot of "stuff" to dig up out there! jimsjinx

The coil is suppossed to be, and is advertised to be, waterproof... the control box is NOT water proof, so be carefull. If there is a crack in teh coil housing and water gets in there your machine will act crazy... and not work. Lottsa folks use 'em at the beach with no issues, but you can't take it swimming.

The 505 is a great machine... well done, and good luck.

If you only had $3-400.00 to spend on a beach/surf detector, what would you get? I'm not against used stuff, either. jimsjinx ???

Welcome to the hobby and to the forum jimsjinx! Disregard those with the negativity. They're the same guys that will tell you how their Dodge Viper is the only vehicle on the road capable of getting from A to B, and your Ford Taurus isn't. All detectors are designed to do the same thing, detect metal. Just like cars, you can always pay more for certain features and performance. I have no doubt you will have a blast with that machine and with use, be able to pay for itself in no time. With practice, all those random beeps and sounds will turn into a language that makes perfect sense. I have made plenty of the same finds with my BH that the big boys claim only their high end machines can find. I also know all the capabilities and limitations. There really is no one best detector, only a wide range of machines for a wide range of applications. Your machine may be the first and last you ever need to buy, or like a lot of people decide to invest in a specific dedicated machine (beach, gold, coinshooter, etc...) But this will always be the machine where it all started for you and fueled the addiction. Congrats on your new found hobby/addiction and best of wishes to many happy hunts, JJ

P.S... I cant help you much with the beach/water machines as I live in the midwest with few beaches around. But if I were in your shoes with your machine, I would probably hit the beach in all metal mode and dig every sound. You will get your best depth in all metal mode and want to shy away from discrimination if there's a good chance of finding gold/jewelry. Gold can read anywhere in the gold range of your ID meter in a discrimination mode and that info could be enough to get you to not dig a good target. A good sand scoop is also a plus. You may want to consider the 10 inch coil for added depth and better ground coverage. I like the 4 inch coil in trashy areas, but with enough practice, you can use the 10 in even the trashiest areas. I haven't taken the 10 off in years. Best of luck to ya' jimsjinx! JJ

I don't know if the 505 has a manual ground balance or not but if not, you'll probably need to turn the sensitivity down till any falsing stops, (That is sounding off for no reason or acting erratically). If you have a manual ground balance then be sure to balance it in either the dry sand or the wet sand depending on which environment you plan to hunt in. As jim already stated don't get the main control housing wet, you may want to use a plastic bag secured with a rubber band or two to help keep it dry and sand free. Also if you do go in the water remember to never lift the coil higher than the control housing or water will flow through the shaft and along the main cable back into the control housing.

As for a descent water detector, used or not for around $300-$400 your absolute best bet would be trying a dealer most of them have trade in models for resale and you'll get the benefit of some experienced advice to go along with whatever particular machine. I think you can locate some dealers here at T-Net in the for sale section or contact one of the sponsors listed at the top of the screen, just click their banners and inquire about used water machines. :thumbsup:

Well, so far I'm happy with the 505, even though I don't have any experience with anything else! My wife wanted a beach detector for vacation to the outer banks and...I know...ordered a Viper Trident.I'll give it a shot before sending it back. It was a "refurbished" unit, and cheap, so maybe they got it to work! LOL Oh well. Had I known, I'd have pooled all the money and got a much better detector. :'( jimsjinx :tard: :tongue3:

My wife and I on a whim bought a Bounty Hunter detector and absolutely love it. I hunt with a guy that has a much more expensive machine and he doesn't find any more than I do. It's all in getting used to the machine!! It's simple and accurate.

I have 2 BH detectors , one is a Tracker IV and the other is a Sharpshooter II and no complaints here.. :icon_thumleft:

Diggemall said:
Enjoy the hobby, and ignore the negative remarks.

As you can see from my profile, I have a really inexpensive detector and an expensive one. Truthfully, my finds with the big dollar machine have not surpassed my finds with the lower end one yet. And the BH is definately easier to use !

Welcome, and keep swinging !

I also have the 3300 and it is a fine machine but the one thing I dont like about it it the the tone is a constant volume and doesnt give you variable strength of tone, but i have learned to live with it,

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