
Hero Member
Jul 26, 2006
Detector(s) used
Fisher Impulse, Fisher CZ-21, Minelab X-Terra 70
Primary Interest:
All Treasure Hunting

A couple of years ago I was working one of my favorite local beaches and was having a great time. It wasn't to hot, I was finding some good stuff and the scenery was GREAT!!!! I was walking along in about waist deep water and got a hit. I dug it (3 scoops, it was fairly deep) but admit that I was paying more attention to a couple of very attractive young ladies then to what I was doing. At the bottom of the scoop was a gold ring with a small diamond in it.

I brought it up, looked at it and started to drop it into my pouch. All of a sudden I here this voice right out of an old NY gangster movie. "Hey, dat's my wife's ring. She lost it a few minutes ago and we've been looking for it". I turn around and this (how should I put this) ....large.... person was standing there. He had to be at least 400 pounds, covered with enough hair he could have played Bigfoot, and chomping on the stub of a cigar. He repeats himself, says "give it to me" and reaches for my hand. I drop the ring in my belt pouch, grad my scoop and start backing away from this guy. I get up to the waters edge, the guy is still demanding the ring or he's going to take it and I'm explaining that he doesn't want to put his hands on me, yada, yada, yada. He's getting loud, a few people are starting to stop and watch, and the lifeguard heads down to us.

The lifeguard shows up and the porker starts demanding he make me give him the ring or he's going to have the lifeguards job (because he has some very important friends). Anyway, I didn't like the way things were going so I pulled out the ring, held it up and asked him if he was sure this was his wife's ring. He screams "Yes, give it to me now you SOB" and reaches for it again. I step back, say "No problem. I found it, you find it" and sent it sailing out across the water. As super porker and wife, along with a bunch of others, head for the water, I asked the lifeguard if there was anything else. He laughed, said no and I went on my happy way down the beach (with the found ring still in my pouch).

Now understand, the ring I showed him and tossed away (Wallgreens $2.00, kids isle) looked nothing like the ring I had found, in fact it looked much Also, his wife (as wide as she was tall and should NOT have been wearing Spandex) would not have have been able to wear either, even as a nose ring. My pouch has three pockets in it. The largest for junk, the next for good stuff and a third very small one. That's the one I keep the special ring in (and a little gold chain, Wallgreens kids isle special also).

Over the years I've had people claim that what I found was theirs and a number of other similar scams. Many of the old timers I know have had similar experiences and most have at least heard stories of these scams. It's a sad fact but true that their are those that want to take your finds. No problem, the meathod of countering them that I have told you is just one of many. Use this or use your imagination. The best however is to avoid the situation completely. These are a few suggestions:

1) Keep what you've found cupped in your hand then drop it into your pouch (examine it more closely later).
2) If asked what you've found. "Just junk today"
3) Always be aware of what's going on around you.

There are many times that I'm asked to find something that someone just lost in the sand. I'm always willing to help out. Many times this can lead to nice tips that will at least pay for the days parking or dinner. However, it's usually pretty obvious when someone is trying a scam.

The beaches are a magnet to scammer's and thieves. Just sit back and watch, you'll see all types of things going on, especially on crowded days. Be alert, protect your finds and enjoy yourself.

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Hoosier Kingfisher said:
Pepper spray will repel almost all attackers including dogs. Mr. Getz could have protected himself with pepper spray and been in a lot less trouble. Dont get me wrong. I think he had every right to shoot. But if you ever shoot someone,you might be in for for an extremely hard time, right or wrong. Maybe financial ruin. By the way I'm a licensed handgun carrier. Never go out without it.
::)Life is difficult ,more so if you are stupid,, John Wayne situation awareness is primary to safety. all the above suggestions are good, buddy system is good, however I have always felt that a short gun can get you in more trouble than it may get you out of. Nuff said Bob


Ever seen a scoop scar? ;)


Summer is rapidly approaching and with it the crowds along our beaches. Being safe at the beach begins before you ever reach your destination. Wallets, Purses and other valuables should be placed out of site before entering the parking area (under the seat, in the trunk, etc). There are those that do little more then sit and watch the parking areas. A few seconds and some easily concealed tools and the thief walks off with your valuables.

Don't put your faith in your alarm system. Besides, once out on the beach, even if you know the alarm going off is yours, it's going to take awhile to get to it and all the thief needs is a few seconds to dissapear into the crowd. Think about it. How many times have you heard an alarm go off and done anything more then just give the annoying sound more then a glance.

If you use a Hide-a-Key, have the little magnetic box (with a spare key already in it) in place. Don't remove it, put your keys in it, then replace it. Personally I don't like the hide-a-keys. I frequent the same beaches often and any local thief will no doubt notice me after awhile and spot its use. I wear one of those little plastic things around my neck that Jet Skiers like to wear. It has a waterproof seal, will float, and is large enough to hold my keys and some cash.

Be aware, use a little common sense and enjoy yourself!!!!


Good advice here. There is a place I want to MD and have a couple of times. It is a lake in part of the town, a wilderness they call it. My kids say it is a place where the perverts hang out. Well I started noticing that most of the time there are only single men sitting in the cars in the parking lot. At first I did not let that stop me because when I would get my stuff out of the truck I would make sure every one seen my mean looking digger, the 10in screwdriver, and some other stuff. I also would get on my cell phone and let my family know where I was and every body looking would see this. Well one day I got off the beaten path and noticed some guy following me and even though I had my screwdriver in hand, he still followed. Well I headed out to where the was more open space, and he stayed in the woods, do not know if he was just interested or interested in me. Anyway I do not go there any more even if it is in town.


that reminds me of a similar inscident I was wading in the water with my wife, she lost her ring and this guy was metal detecting, so he finds the ring and won't give it back, I try and take it and then....wait a minute.

Thanks for the advice will need to use that as I intend to do some first time beach hunting this summer


I just wanted to say that all the comments on this post are very valuable and I have learned a lot from all of you and will be back many more times to read this.
I plan on doing some beach hunting in the future and love the decoy jewelry.
Pepper spray as a good defense is also a great idea, been thinking of carrying some.
Like most of you I will do what ever it takes to protect myself.
I think the biggest thing is to be just be aware of your surroundings and hunt with a buddy at all times if the area is somewhat questionable.
This truly is one of the best post!!!
Thanks again for all the good advice. ;)


Pepper spray, your scoop, any number of things you would commonly have on you are fine but remember, the best defence is to be aware and avoid the confromtation in the first place. A long fillet knife hanging on your belt, a pair of sun glasses and a scowl on your face will do wonders for keeping people away from Personally I don't use that one (except for a dive knife) but know several that do.


The thieves are out in force as the beaches fill up on th weekends so be alert everyone. If you leave anything out in the open in your car (or if a spotter sees you place it under the seat) it could become history. It seems that a little tool that can be purchased at most any hardware store for a perfectly legitimate reason for less then $5.00 has become a favored method of entry into absolutely any vehicle.

The thief walks up to their target, uses the tool, opens the door and moments later is on their way. It takes them less time to get in the vehicle then it does to reach under your seat to get what you stashed. Your alarm will still go off but who really pays attention to those things anyway.


Once fired, a bullet can't be recalled. The results can't be undone. That action is permanent and unalterable. No matter which way the piece of lead went. If you miss the bad guy who is standing within killing range behind them?

Pepper spray can be washed off.

Unless you're a physical brute and have great weapon retention skills, you will be supplying a bad guy with a gun to shoot you with. When you pull out a firearm be prepared to have your life change dramatically one way or the other.

Velcro a small can on your MD shaft or keep it in your pouch if you need. Think of two people preparing to defend themselves against a couple of punks, who are unarmed but harassing you in some way, or trying to rip you off.

Can you shoot them or would you be more willing to spray them?

Is that camera in the car, that pack of smokes, or a couple of bucks worth defending with deadly force?


GuyInBack said:
Once fired, a bullet can't be recalled. The results can't be undone. That action is permanent and unalterable. No matter which way the piece of lead went. If you miss the bad guy who is standing within killing range behind them?

Pepper spray can be washed off.

Unless you're a physical brute and have great weapon retention skills, you will be supplying a bad guy with a gun to shoot you with. When you pull out a firearm be prepared to have your life change dramatically one way or the other.

Velcro a small can on your MD shaft or keep it in your pouch if you need. Think of two people preparing to defend themselves against a couple of punks, who are unarmed but harassing you in some way, or trying to rip you off.

Can you shoot them or would you be more willing to spray them?

Is that camera in the car, that pack of smokes, or a couple of bucks worth defending with deadly force?

Excellent point, especially for those of us here in Florida. REMEMBER, deadly force can ONLY be used when you believe that your life or that of another is in danger. You CANNOT protect "THINGS" with deadly force. Also, you must only use the amount of force necessary to defend yourself or you become the aggressor.

Example: You were attacked. You defended yourself and your attacker(s) are incapable of continuing the assult. You should now be getting out of the area. Should you continue with your defence, you become the aggressor and could be the one going to jail.

My nephew learned this lesson the hard way and it cost him a $5000.00 fine and 2 years probation in Colorado. He sees 4 guys attacking a friend in a parking lot. He gets involved and moments later all of the attackers are on the ground. One of them manages to get up but is obviously in no condition to continue the assult. Instead of backing off and waiting for the police to arrive, my nephew lays his boot up along this guys head breaking his jaw.

The result was that all of the bad guys went to jail but also my nephew. He used more force then was necessary to defend himself and his friend according to the court.

Right or wrong, that's the law.


Just a few words on using deadly force. As I was taught by an old gunners mate, my father, you NEVER draw a weapon unless you intend to fire it. You NEVER fire it unless you intend to completely eliminate a threat (translate that how you will). Once you fire, you NEVER stop firing until: (a) the threat is eliminated, (b) you have run out of ammunition, or (c) you yourself have been so grievously injured as to preclude from firing. Also...Warning shots come down somewhere. It it is serious enough to fire a warning shot, lower your aim and put it in the "engine room".

Pax Christi
Rev. Joel+
(a Priest and a Realist)


That's a great idea bookworm. I have been approached by many people at the beach and asked to help them find something they have just recently lost. I can't remember ever turning them down. Often I find the item and sometimes I don't but I always make an attempt at it. It's good PR for our hobby and it also gives you the opportunity to help someone out.

The scammers out there are in the minority. There really are a lot of good people that have just had their day ruined by loosing something of intrinsic value or maybe just their car keys.

Yes, weapons can be helpful if needed but I've found that by merely being alert to your surroundings and trusting your instincs is your foremost line of defence. Avoiding an incident is the best means of defence (although there are times that you have been targeted by a determined opponent and there is just no way to avoid it).

On looking back, the incident I described at the beginning of this thread was in fact my fault (at least that's the way I look at it). I had allowed myself to not be on guard or I would have spotted this character watching me and coming up behind me. I've found this to be true with most of the other incidents that have happened also. It's a sad state of affairs that we have to be on guard but the fact is, that's the way it is.


Ya know, I really can't stress enough how important being alert to your surroundings really is. Not only does it allow you to avoid potentially nasty situations but on occasion you can also help someone else.

One morning I had dropped my then 9 year old son off at school (was a single parent) and gone out to the beach to work the lane at a low tide. It was during the week so there was almost no one else there yet. I see this very attractive young lady coming across the sand and watched as she laid out a beach blanket, stripped down to her bikini and stretched out (hey, what can I say, I was divorced and I like I continue on in about ankle deep water and a few minutes later I see two guys coming down the beach. They are fully dressed, kind of dirty looking, not at all looking like they belonged there and I just got a bad feeling about them. Because of this I moved out to about waist deep water (avoiding a possible confrontation) and allowed them to pass before moving back towards shore (I did keep an eye on them though as the feeling persisted).

I see them angle up towards the girl I had been watching and stop at her blanket (one standing on either side of it). This could have been perfectly innocent but I didn't think so and started working back towards them. I looked around but the lifeguards hadn't showed up yet and the beach police patrols hadn't started either.

The girl had sat up on her blanket and was talking to one of these guys but she seemed very uncomfortable and was looking around like she really wanted some help. I was the only one anywhere close and when one of the guys sat down next to her the only way I can describe the look on her face was panic and she was looking directly at me.

Again, I could have been wrong and it was perfectly innocent but I didn't think so. I decided to take a chance, took off my headphones and started towards her, A look of real relief came on her face. When I got there I just said something like "It's about time you got here, where are the others?" She picked up on it and we had a little conversation, then I asked the two guys to excuse us as we had some things to talk about before our other friends arrived.

It worked great and they left but only went as far as the boardwalk and hung out watching us. It turned out that she really did have friends coming out to spend the day with her so I volunteered to hang out until they got there. They arrive, I was thanked for about the hundredth time, invited them all to stop by the beaches craft festival that evening and went on my way.

One of the ways I pay the bills is that I do a street magic act themed on Hawaiian legends. It keeps me out of trouble (most of the, helps pay the bills but most of all keeps me around the beach. After I decided to leave I invited them all to a local hangout for dinner and we had a great time.

This worked out well but it could easily have gone the other way also. Each incident has it's own particular solution, you just have to find it. Be alert, trust your instincts, avoid a potentially bad situation whenever possible. These suggestions will help you have a great day on the beach.


Great going Deepsix, way to help a lady in distress.

I don't know about others, but I always have something on me, that is beside the 6 pound baseball bat disguised as a scoop. ::)

I recently started carrying one of the steak knives you see on the info commercials, the ones with the blade made from surgical steel and will cut a coin in half. I keep it in my trash bag with a cork on the end. It is a "recent find" on the beach someone must have used for cutting bait if I'm questioned, ;) and protection if ever needed. :o

Now most of my beach hunts are at night, in the dark and at times by myself, or 50 yards from my partner. I will always try to avoid a conflict, but if going into the water waist deep want help and you can't avoid it, then if you can't you can't.



This has happened to me only a couple of times but yesterday I watched it happen to another MD'er on a local beach so I thought it might bear bringing up in this thread.

The Scenario:

A person or persons walk up to you on the beach and ask about what you're doing and what you've found. Then one of them asks if they can try. You say no of course but he/they become insistant but do not make any threats, and you start to feel a bit intimidated. You decide to let them try the detector and they quickly start to walk away.

Question: Has a crime been committed??

Answer: No

Why?? Because you willingly gave them the detector, they did not threaten you and they were just walking around the sand using it.

Yesterday is a great example. A couple of drunks had approached me with this scam. I don't intimidate easily (not at all actually) and simply said no and walked away. They approached again and one said he just knew that if I let him use the detector he would find something valuable that he would give me. Again I said no, suggested politely that they should leave me alone (which they did) and again walked away.

A while later I noticed another guy walking the beach with his MD. He was a little guy and by the way he was swinging the detector and dressed, I figured he was a tourist and new to detecting (the arc of the coil would have made a pendulum It turned out that I was right on both counts.

Anyway, I see the two guys approach him. There is some conversation. The little tourist tries to walk away but then gives the guy his metal detector. The two drunks immediately start towards the parking lot with the little guy following, telling them to stop.

I followed and caught up to them about half way across the beach. I kind of intimidated them into stopping and the little guy demanded his detector back. They didn't want to surrender it as he had given it to them and they hadn't finished with it yet (some reasoning huh, this is a true

I spotted a beach patrol and flagged them over. The two immediately surrendered the detector and claimed no wrong doing. Under the circumstances all the police were able to do was have the two would be thieves leave the beach for being intoxicated. They had been checked out but although both had records, no warrents were out on either.

Be carefull out there. Their are a lot of nuts in this world and the tree seems to be sitting next to the


Deepsix, congrats on helping out a fellow detectorist - good for you!!!

My detector cost me over $800.00, I don't let anybody touch it - not even people I love and trust. It's just too much expense to risk with amateurs.

Never show anybody what you found, even on a website like this if is extremely valuable or rare - for many reasons. Don't let your ego overrule your brains.


Well i have to disagree about no crime.

Thief By Deception, Yes he gave up the detector because they wanted to try it out, This man asked for the detector back and they kept on walking,so the consent was obtained by deception.

Had you not been there, They would have been gone with the man's detector, The officer should have used common sense,But then again the crime did not take place in front of Law Enforcement, Also you said the two guy's were drunk in public,

Again this was a arrestable charge

I own a Minelab Excalibur and modified the hip mount, So my detector is always attached to me,Plus i went to Dick's Sporting Goods and purchased a waterproof pouch with a strap around my neck,This plastic pouch is very good, and keeps your cell phone dry and also your keys with the battery operated unlock.

It cost 10 dollars and is well worth having.


Uh, ronald99, do you happen to own Dick's Sporting Goods? (Names mean little in the retail business.) OK, just teasing you a bit. No offense intended.


I'm not sure where the folks were that attempted to 'walk' away with the metal detector, but in Florida it is indeed a crime. If the cops don't arrest the scumbags, throw a hissy fit and demand a supervisor. It's a crime. They need to be wearing shiny bracelets and spending the night at the grey bar hotel. This is a 'Specific Intent' crime, e.g. they intended to keep the metal detector as outlined by their overt action of walking off with it and not intending to return it.

The 2006 Florida Statutes

Title XLVI
CRIMES Chapter 812

812.014 Theft.--

(1) A person commits theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the property of another with intent to, either temporarily or permanently:

(a) Deprive the other person of a right to the property or a benefit from the property.

(b) Appropriate the property to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to the use of the property.

And... It's most likely a FELONY due to the cost of most detectors.

c) It is grand theft of the third degree and a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if the property stolen is:

1. Valued at $300 or more, but less than $5,000.

It sounds to me like they were a couple of fat lazy donut eating cops who didn't want to be bothered with a little paperwork and having to transport a couple of scumbags to the pokey. If this happens and the cops are standing there not arresting the thieves, grab your cell phone and dial 911 and report a felony in progress.


GuyInBack said:
I'm not sure where the folks were that attempted to 'walk' away with the metal detector, but in Florida it is indeed a crime. If the cops don't arrest the scumbags, throw a hissy fit and demand a supervisor. It's a crime. They need to be wearing shiny bracelets and spending the night at the grey bar hotel. This is a 'Specific Intent' crime, e.g. they intended to keep the metal detector as outlined by their overt action of walking off with it and not intending to return it.

The 2006 Florida Statutes

Title XLVI
CRIMES Chapter 812

812.014 Theft.--

(1) A person commits theft if he or she knowingly obtains or uses, or endeavors to obtain or to use, the property of another with intent to, either temporarily or permanently:

(a) Deprive the other person of a right to the property or a benefit from the property.

(b) Appropriate the property to his or her own use or to the use of any person not entitled to the use of the property.

And... It's most likely a FELONY due to the cost of most detectors.

c) It is grand theft of the third degree and a felony of the third degree, punishable as provided in s. 775.082, s. 775.083, or s. 775.084, if the property stolen is:

1. Valued at $300 or more, but less than $5,000.

It sounds to me like they were a couple of fat lazy donut eating cops who didn't want to be bothered with a little paperwork and having to transport a couple of scumbags to the pokey. If this happens and the cops are standing there not arresting the thieves, grab your cell phone and dial 911 and report a felony in progress.

This is what I thought also, but, what can ya do. It did work out though. The little guy and I had a chat over a burger and before he left the beach he was swinging his detector like a pro and actually found some clad (his first

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