Computers always fascinated me. The first time I saw one was ar Crowder college. They had Zenith 8088 clones. I was like a Neanderthal seeing an airplane. I loved that grinding clunking noise when you booted one up off a floppy.
So later I took a class and learned a little Basic programming. I wrote this very simple program which made it seem the computer was carrying on a conversation. Showed it to this guy and he was freaked out because the computer remembered his name as it talked to him. The next summer I go to this flea market and this old hippie dude I knew from classes was working there and somehow he had acquired a 286. He showed me this mining game which had actual color.
We were in awe of this 8 bit color pixelated game.
Got one new computer in my life and after that just upgraded or built my own.

Protein the macromolecule of confusion..
The real question is why everyone thinks they need so much protein ? and why do they think only animals provide a protein source...? 2 myths rolled into one..
I eat easily assimilated plant protein about thrice per week.. is plenty..

IDK the answer to that....but I will say that people live longer today than ever so bring on that bacon! It is also good that we have so many choices and options to maintain health. To much of anything is generally not good for you, find a middle ground and maintain in my opinion. Sounds like you have an alternative method to maintain a healthy life without eating a high meat diet....great.

Well I created a mental time machine where I can take my brain back in time and view things that have occurred without manipulating the outcome or past. You all do know that dinosaurs existed right? I was there today and want to make sure my presence did not change the past. Wind, pigeons are not descendants of dinosaurs but chickens are another story.
I also saw the present in which case I am

Time for my run ... -5°C (23°f) out there.... love it..!! :laughing9:


Today I may take my brain to the time the Great Pyramids were made and put to rest once and for all that people made them. If my theory is correct I will be back in a time when aliens ruled the planet.

Omg! I just had the most brilliant idea for a Christmas film which has a perfect mix of traditioonal and modern themes. You know how every year Santa is close to cancelling Christmas because he becomes discouraged. Imagine if Santa has been on the internet and decides there is little point in haviing Christmas because of things he has read. Suddenly there is no snow, Christas trees vanish, and Christmas lights mysteriously refuse to light up.
An adorable trans boy named Molly, along with her gender neutral talking doll Xix, travels to the North Pole in the solar powered eco friendly bicycle her father invented. There Santa tells Molly he cancelling Christmas because people reject climate change theory and are generally skeptical of there being 92 genders.
Molly is quite sad and discouraged and starts home. But Xix is snatched by one of the three remaing polar bear cubs who is hungry because comnercial fishing has taken so many fish the remaining ones are hiding in the middle of the ocean. Molly pleads for Xix's life and offers the last bag of organic gluten free Christmas cookies she has in echange for Xix and also promises the polar bear cub she will somehow get Santa to change his mind, and also fix everything. (this is getting out of hand)
Molly and Xix return home where Molly is grounded for running off with the bicycle. Xix, as a gender neutral doll, is unburdened with thoughts of living up to outdated oppressive patriarchal concepts, is able to use his\her admittedly limited brain power to research and discover all the fake news, and sketchy statistics regarding the oil industry, trans facts, and commercial fishing misinformation can be tied to three sources: Mr. Bigbucks, oil baron, Dr. Xi, gender studies author, and Lady Killfish, owner of several thousand commercial fishing vessels and tuna canneries.
Molly and Xix furiously take notes, print out obscure studies, as well as proof of financial holdings.
By happenstance, the theee people who bear the brunt of respinsibility for the lack of Christmas cheer, will be attending a strategy summit at the South Pole exactly twelve days before Christmas. Molly has to make a big decision: should she defy her parents, borrow the solar bike again and travel to the South Pole?
(To be continued)

Today I may take my brain to the time the Great Pyramids were made and put to rest once and for all that people made them. If my theory is correct I will be back in a time when aliens ruled the planet.

I hope you figure this out. These pyramids all over the world are a real mystery. Someone stated we cannot replicate one in spite of our advanced machinery and tech. It doesn't seem logical thse things were built by humans alone even with thousands of slaves.

Omg! I just had the most brilliant idea for a Christmas film which has a perfect mix of traditioonal and modern themes. You know how every year Santa is close to cancelling Christmas because he becomes discouraged. Imagine if Santa has been on the internet and decides there is little point in haviing Christmas because of things he has read. Suddenly there is no snow, Christas trees vanish, and Christmas lights mysteriously refuse to light up.
An adorable trans boy named Molly, along with her gender neutral talking doll Xix, travels to the North Pole in the solar powered eco friendly bicycle her father invented. There Santa tells Molly he cancelling Christmas because people reject climate change theory and are generally skeptical of there being 92 genders.
Molly is quite sad and discouraged and starts home. But Xix is snatched by one of the three remaing polar bear cubs who is hungry because comnercial fishing has taken so many fish the remaining ones are hiding in the middle of the ocean. Molly pleads for Xix's life and offers the last bag of organic gluten free Christmas cookies she has in echange for Xix and also promises the polar bear cub she will somehow get Santa to change his mind, and also fix everything. (this is getting out of hand)
Molly and Xix return home where Molly is grounded for running off with the bicycle. Xix, as a gender neutral doll, is unburdened with thoughts of living up to outdated oppressive patriarchal concepts, is able to use his\her admittedly limited brain power to research and discover all the fake news, and sketchy statistics regarding the oil industry, trans facts, and commercial fishing misinformation can be tied to three sources: Mr. Bigbucks, oil baron, Dr. Xi, gender studies author, and Lady Killfish, owner of several thousand commercial fishing vessels and tuna canneries.
Molly and Xix furiously take notes, print out obscure studies, as well as proof of financial holdings.
By happenstance, the theee people who bear the brunt of respinsibility for the lack of Christmas cheer, will be attending a strategy summit at the South Pole exactly twelve days before Christmas. Molly has to make a big decision: should she defy her parents, borrow the solar bike again and travel to the South Pole?
(To be continued)
Please share this ending.
If you made this into a cartoon movie it would be played in every public school in the USA and Canada! Brilliant! Is the bike gender neutral as well?

Omg! I just had the most brilliant idea for a Christmas film which has a perfect mix of traditioonal and modern themes. You know how every year Santa is close to cancelling Christmas because he becomes discouraged. Imagine if Santa has been on the internet and decides there is little point in haviing Christmas because of things he has read. Suddenly there is no snow, Christas trees vanish, and Christmas lights mysteriously refuse to light up.
An adorable trans boy named Molly, along with her gender neutral talking doll Xix, travels to the North Pole in the solar powered eco friendly bicycle her father invented. There Santa tells Molly he cancelling Christmas because people reject climate change theory and are generally skeptical of there being 92 genders.
Molly is quite sad and discouraged and starts home. But Xix is snatched by one of the three remaing polar bear cubs who is hungry because comnercial fishing has taken so many fish the remaining ones are hiding in the middle of the ocean. Molly pleads for Xix's life and offers the last bag of organic gluten free Christmas cookies she has in echange for Xix and also promises the polar bear cub she will somehow get Santa to change his mind, and also fix everything. (this is getting out of hand)
Molly and Xix return home where Molly is grounded for running off with the bicycle. Xix, as a gender neutral doll, is unburdened with thoughts of living up to outdated oppressive patriarchal concepts, is able to use his\her admittedly limited brain power to research and discover all the fake news, and sketchy statistics regarding the oil industry, trans facts, and commercial fishing misinformation can be tied to three sources: Mr. Bigbucks, oil baron, Dr. Xi, gender studies author, and Lady Killfish, owner of several thousand commercial fishing vessels and tuna canneries.
Molly and Xix furiously take notes, print out obscure studies, as well as proof of financial holdings.
By happenstance, the theee people who bear the brunt of respinsibility for the lack of Christmas cheer, will be attending a strategy summit at the South Pole exactly twelve days before Christmas. Molly has to make a big decision: should she defy her parents, borrow the solar bike again and travel to the South Pole?
(To be continued)

Come on out here to Cali and pitch it. I have a few contacts in Hollywood that I can set you up with too.


Come on out here to Cali and pitch it. I have a few contacts in Hollywood that I can set you up with too.

I dont know if this plotline would work in the adult xxx movie category?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Sir ,,,,Super Last Sir !!!...:icon_salut:

I dont know if this plotline would work in the adult xxx movie category?[emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

Well Vivid Entertainment headquarters is literally across the street from Universal Studios, so if one doesn’t bite we can go to the other.


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