Pretty Please Dowse my Map

Hello Joy, Take a stiff metal rod with you next time you go out and probe the area first with the rod to see if there is a difference in the compactness of the soil. Dig the softer areas of course. A friend of mine had a grandfather that told him some money was buried in the back yard, but not exactly where. Well the man died. My friend and another dug for weeks here and there-nothing. Then they probed the ground and bingo they found it. 40,000 dollars. Not too bad. I'm not sure how long they probed, but they found it, Three feet down. Good luck. Jimmygoat

Hey Joy…I only received one hit for Silver Coins..Behind that Cacti (ouch) I don’t know how far..I only Dowsed # 1- #6….Art


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db1guy said:
just did that and got a reading near the top center of the map approximately one half inch below the road in the top central part of your photo db

db1guy, I'll check that area also. I call that the fish fin as the whole area when seen in full looks like the shape of a fish.
I'll let ya know. :thumbsup:

okiedowser said:
Joy.....let me know what number when my spot come up ,and i'll see if you close enought to got in the picture,and i'll mark it on the picture. that way you can find it better. hang in there dirtdigger..... :thumbsup: okiedowser
okiedowser, I will for sure get a picture of your area. I like to keep my camera with me as you never know what one might see. Its not that far from where Art did the block with the catus. It also looks like there is an open space there. There are amazingly alot of open spaces even with all the brush thats around. Its good that the cows have all them trails in there as it makes it easier to get around. ;D

Red_desert said:
I hadn't really marked anything for metal detecting...was looking for placer gold deposits. There is a kind of geology, found some places like the state of Virginia, gold occurs places along with iron pyrite.

I was intending to do another dowsing for just treasure, but somehow got busy and never got to it.

You are probably tired of excavating by now...
Circles are places to metal detect, you shouldn't have to excavate...most of them.
Xs are treasure (coins) down deep, 2 1/2, 3, 4 1/2 feet. I was going to number them on depth, but ran out of time.

Hi Red,
I get tired but never get tired of thinking about it. :D
I am also using my dower rods that I have had for a long time. The first time I used them was to find water for our well when we first moved out here. I found it and yep we hit water.
That was exciting. Also used my rods to find an old water line we had so we wouldn't dig it up by mistake. I was 2 feet off as the water was in front of me instead of at my heal like it was supose to be, but now that I read about it on Arts subject about it. I can try out the distance and the depth.

I will check all your places also. :D We have 100% rain coming in so I am hoping we get alot and that will soften the ground for digging.
(2 1/2, 3, 4 1/2 feet) That 4.50 feet looks like I might need a back hoe for that one. Hahahaha

jimmygoat said:
Hello Joy, Take a stiff metal rod with you next time you go out and probe the area first with the rod to see if there is a difference in the compactness of the soil. Dig the softer areas of course. A friend of mine had a grandfather that told him some money was buried in the back yard, but not exactly where. Well the man died. My friend and another dug for weeks here and there-nothing. Then they probed the ground and bingo they found it. 40,000 dollars. Not too bad. I'm not sure how long they probed, but they found it, Three feet down. Good luck. Jimmygoat
Jimmygoat, Oh my what a great idea! Thanks!!!! :thumbsup: I would have never though of doing that.
Nice ending to your story also about the money burried in the back yard.
My grand mother (God rest her sole) use to take jars of loose change and when filled she use to bury them in her back yard. What was with these folks and burring money? Anyways my dad use to tell us when we were kids that she burried them. When she died at the old age of 97 the property was sold. I often think of all them jars that are in that back yard and the new owners haven't a clue that its there. Such a waist...... :(
Thanks for the good tip on the rod.

aarthrj3811 said:
Hey Joy…I only received one hit for Silver Coins..Behind that Cacti (ouch) I don’t know how far..I only Dowsed # 1- #6….Art

Thanks Art... I am sure they are there someplace. Yes indeed (OUCH) Got to watch for them Cacti as you don't want to back into one of them They will reach out and nail you really good. I had a thorn in the back of my calf one time from backing up and didn't notic the cacti and thought I would die before I could get home to get it out. It wa in deep and broke right at skin level.

I will for sure let you and everyone know when I find something. This is really exciting to me.
You folks never cease to amaze me on the areas to hunt. I wish I was as good as yawl!
Happy hunting.

Yes they bite..I was riding a dirt bike in the desert and one of those Joshua Trees jumped right out in front of me..

Hey Joy…Put a silver coin on the ground. Put another one in your hand with the rod. Walk toward the one on the ground. When the rod swings across your body stop..Note your arm position and where the coin is..That should tell you where to dig when in the field..Art

Boomdeyada said:
Red_desert said:
I hadn't really marked anything for metal detecting...was looking for placer gold deposits. There is a kind of geology, found some places like the state of Virginia, gold occurs places along with iron pyrite.

I was intending to do another dowsing for just treasure, but somehow got busy and never got to it.

You are probably tired of excavating by now...
Circles are places to metal detect, you shouldn't have to excavate...most of them.
Xs are treasure (coins) down deep, 2 1/2, 3, 4 1/2 feet. I was going to number them on depth, but ran out of time.

Hi Red,
I get tired but never get tired of thinking about it. :D
I am also using my dower rods that I have had for a long time. The first time I used them was to find water for our well when we first moved out here. I found it and yep we hit water.
That was exciting. Also used my rods to find an old water line we had so we wouldn't dig it up by mistake. I was 2 feet off as the water was in front of me instead of at my heal like it was supose to be, but now that I read about it on Arts subject about it. I can try out the distance and the depth.

I will check all your places also. :D We have 100% rain coming in so I am hoping we get alot and that will soften the ground for digging.
(2 1/2, 3, 4 1/2 feet) That 4.50 feet looks like I might need a back hoe for that one. Hahahaha

Joy, since the dowsing on my last photo wasn't finished, replaced it in the other post above.
R is for relic, but much old junk can be considered a relic, to many treaure hunters. One is even labeled junk.
J is for junk, but some things might be interesting old junk.

I found one more cache, might be the same cache Okiedowser found...shallow less than 2 feet deep.
Xs are now numbered.
1--4 1/2 feet
2. 3 feet
3. 2 1/2 feet
4. 3 1/2 feet
5. 5 1/2 feet
6. 1 1/2 feet

Thanks Red,
For sure I will check each and every area.
We had some good rain and so now everything is super wet and muddy and a bit on the nippy side out there today. We have a 3 day cold spell coming in also so most likely will not get to do any dowsing untill the end of the week when it warms up and dries up a bit.

Quote from: aarthrj3811: Hey Joy…Put a silver coin on the ground. Put another one in your hand with the rod. Walk toward the one on the ground. When the rod swings across your body stop..Note your arm position and where the coin is..That should tell you where to dig when in the field..Art

Thanks Art. I will try that. Such a good helpful hint! :thumbsup:

Thanks all, I'll let ya know what I fine in the coming days. :D
Happy hunting

Fools-gold,occurs,naturally,with,regular,gold,doll!! :icon_thumleft:
D'em-saddle-bags,will,finance,the,search,for,a,gold,vein. :sign13:

I dont want to sound like an ass but...How in the world is dowsing on
a piece of paper going to tell you if there are caches of gold coins
coins buried?! I mean cmon. I feel like im watching a cheap live tarrot
reading or something. Where is the scientific evidence to support these
claims? Just cant wrap my head around this.

Sorry its been a long time. My hubby retired then got sick and now he if fine we've been in one heck of a drought and way to hot! Dogs got bit by a rattler right here in the yard, so that was not good, Dogs are fine, now after 4 days at the Vets on IV.
However not the best of times to be venturing out in the woods, on any account. So waiting for cool weather an lack of snakes.

morbiusandneo, you are so right... About researching the area in that spot. Although when I leave an area, or hold there is nothing left in that hole.
There is only one hole and it was abig hole tat I was glad to leave alone as I was doing the pendemlin and it started to jump up and down over that hole on my map ofcourse. There was a big ..not huge sheet of old barn type tin and I could find an end to did around. I was going to go get the tractor and try to work it out with the bucket but then when that pendilum started to jump up and down, I thought best to saty clear of it as my first thought was that there could be a snake den under it.
So it still sits half open. I have never closed it up. Maybe this winter I won't get such a bad sign from it.

SouthJerseyJim, some things are just not ment for some people to wrap ther heads around. Thats alright, I am sure you will be happier someplace else, that you can understand. Not everyone beleives in ghost, However Dowsing is more believable and proven fact.

Anyway folks, I will let you know what I have found or not found. So far there are alot of iron, wire, baysalt (spelled wrong)
But I'll let ya know.

Not everything that gets marked as a cache, is a cache. Sometimes it is just mineral deposits. Since you dowse, try checking some dirt removed from a hole. If you start getting responses from dirt removed and the hole, chances are it may be some type of mineral. Then a quartz vein containing traces of gold or silver, also can have the same results.

Because of the history though and location of your property, you should expect it to contain some treasure and artifacts.

Thank you Red Desert for the helpful hints. I will try that.
Yes you are right when I was checking out some of your marks on my map, it was barbed wire, ols soda can and alot of trash. However ther was something there just noting of value. So you were right on on the locations.

I still have a lot of locations to check out. Cooler weather will be better and I can get it all done and see what is what.
I am really excited and looking forward to getting back out there and seeing what there! :thumbsup:
Thanks to all of you for being such good friends.

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